Show OGDEN COPS Inn IN IX nd t Sa c c a Smiths Smith's Money to Co Ills Ii In In- In 4 A stranger who gave his name lIam as ns Frank Fran Smith was vas lal taken n In tow bythe bythe by the he o early yesterday morning and end rescued from a gang Gang- of or grafters who vho swarmed around moun him H His is pockets pock ets CU ls contained considerable mon money tn when lal taken n in Smith had a a. bu buggy full of tho the stuff that cheers As A s search alch through h his pockets resulted ii in I of 11 in fn gold goli old and ancI silver sJ After fter ho lie ha had spent several hours houm's at athe atlie atthe he the station and hn had become sober ho lie hovas was vas vet 3 Indignant nant at what whal ho la ear d the butting In of the cops H Tie tie de- mantled hl his monc money but this was re refused reused re- re fused used until he could appear in a i. ilaI laI tIre responsible condition |