Show S S ALL TOGETHER S Mayor Thompson did 1 himself credit credi 1 Monda Monday night in that portion porton of or hi hio lu s S council counci report which announced tn C SS splendid growth of or Salt Sai Lake Cit ef City S and urged a a uni unity of or purpose and ani I IS r S effort between the coor co ordinate S i. i r branches of or the municipality t to th the tho I r r end md that all al might work with Ji snI sn- sn 5 cero and patriotic motives for Cor the thc advancement ad- ad of or tho the city of ties tics and a n Greater Salt Sai Lake La e. 4 5 In the tho same spirit of or a general desire 5 to help the cl city his ma may be bc extended beyond the confines of or muS municipal mu mU- S olce offices I It will 1 be the part o of nil all al good citizens without regard to J name ne of or party or preference of or perI per per- I ton ton to lay aside Invective the tho sin that doth duth roost moat mOtt eM easIly cosily I beset U us and unite unie as a one man for tor the advancement of oC the city People abroad will viii wi naturally naturally nat nat- url residents here lucre know best about local conditions and If IC Salt Lakers concede that a periling proportion proportion tion ton of or tho the citizenry Is bad bail d de dira- dira Ira Ira- ble be persons at a distance will not have hav S 5 h. h I the bad had i lasto to to contradict It H. One of oC tho ho best civil civi engineers o of the thc city stil yesterday to Tho Time Republican lican can that tho population of Salt Sai Lake Lako will wi be bo limited only b by the water sup sup- p ply Ho lie assumes that the tho people here will vill wi not themselves stand In the wa way vay of the city growth Surel Surely It will wi be a n pleasure for every el maui man nH l with wih interests here her to Join all nl others In a campaign of or sincere and patriotic patri patri- otic otle otc motives that snail establish everywhere ev ev- tho the wisdom wisdom of a residence and the profit of or an investment In this the richest t region that men en may fluid find |