Show GIU GREAT lUT Nr SOURCE OF OP GRAFT Pl Director North Says It I Is In Iii 1 pal Bookkeeping I Yn Washington Feb 13 There vas tas a a. good representation at from front I today's tOllas meeting of officials many cities cilles called in lit conference to toa I a agree ree upon a uniform classification ot or municipal accounts Director North I of or tho ho census department said lId The rhe most prolific source of or municipal municipal mu mu- graft its securest hiding place lace Its most effective instrument in lii seekIng seeking seek seek- ing Imm immunity is the chaos which exists cx- cx in the tho classification of municipal pal accounts and the absence of or uniformity uni uni- In lit municipal bookkeeping Ho said neither graft nor waste is possible under a standardization of municipal bookkeeping bool and a proper classification of municipal accounts What hat an object les Jest on It would ho bo boin hoIn in tho the consideration of ot tho the impending question lIon of oC municipal ownership if ir it wore were possible for the lie census officers to put a n complete statement Q of the lie relative sums which private corporations corporations corpora corpora- timis have havo paid and und are paying for COl forthe tho the use and amid monopoly of oC the public streets In Iii tho the different cities of oC tho lie laud land |