Show A bulletin from toni rum James A. A Pollock now In In New ew York ways says a n hl big advance nel fa is hound bound to bo experienced h by all topper copper stocks since the settlement of or orthe the he war Some of oC the Borax nora Smith lune surveyors olg were In town Sunday anti and they r report port wert admirable progress being made on the thc route rout Th rhO iii line lne has been run lun over the thu thelow low Mum above ranch and amid lo 1 I the reft reut of at the 0 way tiny to tn the foothills on will be cinch this side of or Goldfish wi i a Th TIme corps will not not tarry army long In GoldfIeld Goldfield Gold Gold- 1 field h ld and will I run tho ho lino iino Ino into Tono- Tono as n pc speedily dIY tI an a possible Will Wi 1 they thay fah stop stol there Bullfrog Miner I |