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Show SUCCESSFUL IN SHEEP RAISING Barlnnr Should Study Car, fully th MathaMl aaud Praac-tlua Praac-tlua nf Man Who Hatv afroaTltaMl by atprlatc. titr r. n. nrsttiNO.) When you alart with nheep or prepare pre-pare to alart you ran approach torn aheepmen with aiirb quenlluna aa you dealro Information upon There are lot of good nheepmcn in the country. They nro willing to tell you If you aak them what are the "rorka" you would wreck upon. Then 1a It not good Judgment 10 conault audi men? The flint qui-allun about environment and condition will he largely Bellied Bel-lied by the clrcuiiittnncea, llnnnclal and otherwise, of the beginner. We auppoae ha la an avcragu flintier flinti-er with perhnpa 70 or tu) ncrea of bind and wiahen lo keep aheep amall flock In addition to hln other atock. He baa very little knowledge of aheep and mnacnucntly know a little about breeda und haa llltlv Idea or what lie ' would like beat. Would It be wine lor III in In be templed to foollably aelerl aomo l.r I that hla nclghborn. who nro making a aucccaa of nlicep, do not have, or perhnpa per-hnpa kliuw nulliliig abnut, und fur thai tole ream. 11 " We are tale In lollotting the prnc-tlae prnc-tlae of men who have iiimlu a aucceaa of the huaiiieaa, with alight i-liaiig.-a aa cotidllliina would deiiialid I abould buy from one of thn nelghhora It hla thct'p were bealiliy und nulled me. If I had very Utile money I would buy few nt flrat. A beginner nine bought live ewct und rulla nt that paying I0. They hnd been bred to a pur bred ram. II put them In Held adjacent to a boi atull where he fed them aome onta during dur-ing tho winter. Tliey brought eight lamba. Th beat lamb he aold to a neighbor for fly dot-lara. dot-lara. half th coat of in flock. Four buck lamba aold tu the butcher fur 111. The tbre rwo lamba wer kept to In-creaa In-creaa th flock. The next teanon th eight ewe with 13 lamba following wer aold Iminedl-alely Iminedl-alely after ahearlnn for Vii. A deal prollt of courae, ooutitlng wool and inaniiro lo balance keep of tho flock. Thu great aecret uf thla tucceaa waa care. Thla la only nne of lb many eg. Hlliplea of Juat aiuh kind of blialneaa Hint enn be dun when tho man la determined de-termined to do Iho bualneaa. |