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Show VulvtrsUiTf GOA DEVOTED TO THE INTERES THE PEOPLES ADVERTISER. VOIm COALVILLE. UTAH. P XVII. Home-Comin- IF SUMMIT COUNTY IAU JUNE 17. 1010. ty Mr. J. A. Fisher, ht, Robert (Jaklerwooil. Geo. Ruff, Pres M. ind E. II. Rload. were Fran Day a Grand Success g Bilev W.T REAL ESTATE ns on -- home-comer- s, and Shirt Waists 5pecasHats, - alrnon Good Ready the line you when you need anything salted pork, go. SUMMIT MEAT CO., Bagnell& Ball, Pro . Maafaiai Coalville, Utah. Finest Trains and Smoothest Track I a attd t Insure a comfortable trip .over the line of the nature that was appreci- TThe bail at the Boy den jjie evening was also well son . hall tit a1 tend! I UNION BASK BALL, : The ime between Coalville and II T was won by the forinei tlio t & Mug 21 to 8. The h mi team jU din good form and held their of I ents Uow n pretty close while isiting team did the bext ' but were handicapped they co ou utwiv of not having but hall ol men their pilchei their and cf' .er wore In Ogden line ,fon a case. However. Heoefi4 vys ic will be different uext tfcr they meet, which will probably next Wednesday The bp cho busting was good to say LL itsst. Too game started vut tv if tame, hut before it wna all over is large crowd was It was estimated ftctljr sac least 4000 people that the; 1 after-a- t a. ,Ls l J levs! half of them need. wit nj.s uy riding OnTl$ day afternoon Coalville anti Wi id i;. crossed bat a, the nome tv l winning by one run. .x'.vi'le hoys played the baslrtf the fans that used to d i tet t on U hut they soon vineec. u, J that they bad 4or-tee, ssary poinu to gotten Jl It was fun though. the f I th ' , eveniitg the home i diil.i' ;rd;d rtr HttTir ii ArkJEU I p. teemed better thAn 7 nis ery per the t raveling troupe. A tail bouse greeted them, and appluse w gmeimi. It is us for. to give secia impswJw mention to any oue character, for they were all good. .The ball in the evening at tk BoydeQ hall concluded the tiir days of the Home Coming c bration, and was a grand slice. - Gates from 3 ft. wide and up j 3 We 3 also have the 1 celebrated Brown Fence for Horses and Cattle, from 18c per rod up. Can be built over hills' and hollows. We ship from the factory by the carload only and can sell you at factory prices plus the freight We have the goods. Call by phone today, or write HOYTSVILLE CASH STORE Chas. H. West, Prop., Hoytsville, Utah. New steel passenger equipment-elect- ric block signals-dini- ng car meals and service Best in the World. For information, rate, etc., call on or address. a-- L E. i t PACIFIC The Safe Road -- , LOMAX, G. P. A., Union Pacific R. R. Co Omaha, Neb. per-3e- if 4 wsm ' r'm'jmtuu.uaaiwaakixJhwjKumw ft Come and see my assortment of Misses and Childrens trimmed hats from y $1.50 to $3.00. Wonderful valued n & con-!cew- .V ea MRS. M. w--- e,t le J o nev erh eld n Ab i s city. hope it will not be the last. 11 -- Mur'ecfthe BALLARDS HOREHOUND SYRUP COMPOUND. shells to your ear and th ey is 'he ld-- en a?lhe"mu3ic ofTi"" m h Colds. Da- - a aiefwwe Wnk, .iW.ii - 4 1 n . M nU, w. tin. . wt Blnd KonhonS Imp 1 bOWv. BtilwS'.HwWwiMkl -- M-u- ( Terry .i.1. !1 m i Coal... W) iv f iN ! V ns W via w '1 4 M W t t vf f Weber Coal spells economy. Try a ton. It will do a tons work. Do not take J t any chances this season in the matter of fuel. Coal that produces the greatest amount of heat; coal that bums to the last ounce; coal that is all coal ,Tand theash of" which is IV ! ! $ evidence of its heat energy thats the kind of coal we sell IV IV IV IV v '- JEx-Presid- 5 Sum. At Sub. ti tot. ' BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO ST. LOUIS, Mf .1: 3Salc3 and Reoomm.nded bvtCT S Sold bv John Boydee 4 Boa. iv d Corih, Uurtcn. s. I fcooctrt bool, mewitnlehtrselddr. CnpoundMdaombtwS Syrup CompoaaS will tan saw mmttLuQnppu. Rafu Price ZSe, 80e snd $1X9 -I A program of varied exercise lias your body been prepared for your entertain ment, and committees have been de- BOBBYS MIND NOT ON BIBLE tailed to look after your welfare. After the exercises are completed Young.terVQuestion During BibMcsl we will have and old time Must Have Jomewhj. reception te'ng stsnfshed Aunt' and banquet tm the lawn, where you are all invited to meet and greet one another and eat, drink and be mother was eitm. hiprt's nn Saturday evening and Ho1' merry, and enjoy yourselves to your party eu rtuted to attend He was cert..n hearts content. that he knew how to play euchre, amt In conclusion we extend to each he could not understand why be one ana all of you a thousand heart sent to bed at eight o'clock when there was company feltrwelcumesHorne. downstairs The fact An address by Frank Evans fal- that Robert, age was but nine years lowed in which many incidents of die not seem to him a sufficient rea.on Ills being sent to bed. early Coalville history of atiumor-ou- s for very little, but be wept dl as well as a serious nature were our Tufentionloecu re JTveh. bad seemingly forgotten the sad from Mr. Evans a written account bo) J- ine nt, and it was not mentioned of these historical reminiscences, Tint a'temoonr being- - Sutiday n'e j and to print an installment of the .amt ho had been s guest' at tbe same each week, This will form h. md i uty, volunteered to read to account of the early history or Coal'She got out a book of sterje. ville of which there is so far m s i read to him about David -- ml -. uiucl and ether beroe. and lor a . written record. : i the boy was still, evidently gtlme ! W. W. Gluif Lio;tcd on the tales be was bearing v in brief' home of the early Ittn a quiet voice spoke. of Coalville and its settlemeir. Aunt Alice. Please, dear Aunt - Mr. Tfaomaa Dobsou, of Salt Lake, Alice, will you tell m and one of the early settler, of Certainly, dear," his aupt respond Coalville, also spoke on tbe early ed, glad that he bad been so Interested sod anxious to answer his boyaettlementofthis valley. After the services in tbe taber-- 1 ish questions as to Bible History. Please, Aunt Alice, will you tell nacle, refreshments were served on Robert repeated does the right me, Wm. Z. the lawn, while Bishop acted as toastmaster. Toasts bwer take the JokerT" mriom chitia, Sore Throat, Hoaraencaa, Eteu, It la mod for young Favorlt, Rwmwdy la an NsaM. Has a SoatMag aatf HMlIag tffaet a all Caagfia aad W. Cwwhi which turn., lot. i hat Is rraliy the sound of yr ir h,'i.xt as it circulates echoed in the empty shell You can bear it someMmes hen your head is on a pillow, but It does not sound so musical then Try the shell at any time and you will And that your blood is always flowing. Stick your thumb In your ear and listen. That ia natures way of constantly carrying the nourishment from food to every part of CoIda, Th and old. Soul. IV ! v7 l Vl W VM SJ VI I ' nil pURES Cough, l! r RHOADES, Miliner, A Household Necessity, Have you ever beard your bioue Have yoa ever put one of t' osr lai-a e E ft?? f I r 4 -- THONE 41 BLACK, . - la'tmgnntiij,he wee sniaJiours. And tiius ended the best ,, A -- inr Ornamental and Plain INSURANCE be-h- ie is eiti-se- LOANS cal 1 -- i i NO. 24 E. L. BENSON festival at the taber-1,- 1 evening a as carried rtlsed except in the case of Mr v ttie Reid Evans, it for her to he here ou ing ii the death of tier mother, accou e duet by J. M. Thomas and a The if na chorus a as fine, as was a ii the other numbers. The time Ball at tne opera house f1 uesday evening aa at tende ostly by the married l was the best evtr. people The si ? toeing by Thomas Dob--' .Th nacle out a; It is a well known fact that this The cMldrens arms round the parIT WAS A GRAND SUCCESS. little ents will city lias produced and sent out Home Coming Day twining; long O would you more talented and skillful men and rsmembered as the jfreateat celebra- From love so swv-e- t, women than rny other city of roam? tion ever held In thin city, and considerable praise is due the various Be it ever so humble," Home is size in the in stater for in the leadHome. committees for their diligence in ing ranks of the legislators, lawyers vocalSome 6tmiliar thought must have teacher, miners, musicians, making everything pleasant, as not one hitch was had, nor were there been in the mind of Mr. Frank ists, mechanics, and tuanv other any accidents, and the weather was Evans when, some months ago, he useful forms of activity, are tors be of most ideal for a successful cele- made the suggestion that it would found the sons and daugbt could not bration. The decoration committee be in the line of good fellowship for Coalville. Such people y nu.vuan did splendid work on the streets Coalville to have a Home Coming have decended from-anha had must cestral but stock, also and at the stake tabernacle, Day and that all former residents . ci of who wre posses-progenitors and other public buildings. month to be invited meet here in the JUNK 14th. of June, when Nature was at her strong physical, mental and not al The Coalville Brass Band was at best, and have a jolly hopie coming fibre, and were of that sturdy tace the depot to meet the train from celebration, at which the people who pioneered thejva, cleared the the west, and played several appro- could get together and talk over old land, made the irragaiiu (.aniils, both saage Hulun. ami priate airs. Then at two oclock time events, renew old friendships subduedman and, in the face of alsavage a public reception was held at the and have a good time generally. most insurmountable folobstacles, Stake tabernacle at which the When this happy thought became summer's heat and winters through out: was carried program known it was the talk of the town -lowing Music by the Coalville Brass Band. and the result was that the people cold, and want and hardship, made Address of welcome Mayor T. J. with one accord come to the deter- a garden spot out of what a as once Lewis The following is a synopsis mination to bring the event about a desert and a wilderness. Many of of Mayor Lewis address: and then set to work at once to de- those brave old souls hae pas'i'd now lie in Lonui. d Ladies and gentlemen We greet vise ways and means for that pur- away, and but works liv if, t1 on their good pose you as home comers, residents, ever and to kyq their serve will A meeting was called and comand visitors from the surround- -' us. Thus. of memory green among to Ing country to whom the people of mittees were appointed to attend who have survived ai.d tit them deInviof to details their the Coalville desire express arrangements. here with us now we haw soug to light at having you once more In tations were Bent out to all those distinguish as Ouws of specially were remembered ; all their midst and to assure you that whose names Honor, in token of the en eiu. admadowere and be will taken the every opportunity preparations and high regard-i- n which vantage of to make your stay among completed; and we are gratified and are i 'imheld this whit they by sucefforts have our them both pleasant and agreeable. pleased that A home gathering of this nature ceeded in bringing together this munity. And it will be througu no lack of effort on the part of f ;,mv calls to mind the poetic lines: splendid assembly of who have been instrumental in surfrom visitors the citizens and the light is By the fireside still, about this Home Cuiuirg bringing country. rounding shining. if both they and their die, Day, tinguished descendants arc not mat e to feel, both by word and deed i o all sincerity and truth, that flu j, of Coalville extern to ibuoi joyous greetings and a hearty, tvu ing welcome uorae. The welcome may setm pi, tin an I homely, but you will find iliac it is sincere and from the hem t and not BEGINNING FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 10th a formal, hollow mockery. And a. x absence makes the heart grow fondDresses, Skirts er, this reunion will serve to cement the bonds of friendship and will be sold at big reduction. A great number will be that should always exist amongamity jou. CLOSED OUT AT COST FOR CASH. Many of you that have been aw a from here any length of time, wn not fail to- note that there haw hetm several improvements made a iiicli add to the 'appearance of the ciTy Quite a few substantial stone and brick buildings have been erected; the city owns its '"electric lighting system; cement sidewalks have been completed in front ol many m in the business houses and private re for Bidents; and the town is begming t take on a more modern air. of fresh or meat beef, mutton, Such as it is, I now officially, m behalf of the City bf Coalville and its people, extend to you the freeham or bacon. dom of the city. There are no city keys to hand over to vou but, inWe know what wc are buying; therefore know what we are selling-kn- ow stead, you will find the latch string how to cut it up, too, and we would like to have more hanging out at every" home ami a of your trade. Youll benefit by it, as well as we. hearty welcome where ever you ma JOB WORK NEATLY DONE 1 WEB Mines at J ii m COALVILLE, UTAH. sV IV IV J nv tv IV t IV |