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Show Punishment of "The Woman In the Case." Cincinnati. liulu itiieni against Mrs Jeaneite Stewart Ford, "(he woman In ihe case" of I'harle U Wnrrlner, now In Hie Ohio penitentiary peniten-tiary foi' the ein'ic..lcniont of $i',i:l.-(leu $i',i:l.-(leu from Hie llig Four railroad, will not nunc 10 retrial. Shrieking that she waa la-lug hounded. Mr. Ford, who In. been a pain nl al 11 local hn pit nl. eacaped ciiny Thilida. and It required co op, rut loll of ihe police tie-parttnetit. tie-parttnetit. aever.il peii,mil if . ltd and her co.in.-el to ol.i.i 11 lo r 1 1 nn. It Is uuil.-i -'.'od hli ill I. - nil-ted nil-ted to a p'.lvulc I11-UI111 Inn linn her two clilldi.'ii will be a.l.'i'ted by a Cincinnati lauilly. |