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Show Docile Cheeae. Andrew farni'iilo. while ealliiK wllh aip.-tlte mid i-oiiriiKe lust uioiiiU the illshi-s i-ouki'd hy llu- yimliK lilrls nf the Miu'i'.aii'l Moi'i'lsoii si'htiol In I'lttsburK. said: "I have no tear liefore these expert ni. nnil tllslu s lie who has t-nion in t i-iint-e l.-uriiB to cut liohlly. "Think of Hie Prent-h I'lieesea alone! "Why, out- iiri.-noioii In a reslnii rain In Hi" Itntil.-viu .1 il-s llall.'iis. I beard ll Km st sh.,111 miKi lly: "Walter. Inuk here, tills i-heosv Is wulklllk- nil over the lahl".' "'Ah. hitv" un four. iiiuiisl..tir. It won l imup".' Hie waiter replied. 'II tl bim-s loti far. just i llll ".llll, -b, .lilies!" II iilii ays answers to li h nain.' " |