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Show Refo.-mt In the Congo. King Albert uf Height. Iiiih utirivd the reforms proposed liy hi ministry In tho admliilBlrmlnn uf Itin llulglmt Congo. Tli niinit Impmtuhl Ik tho alinllllon uf Uio system uf collecting tax.- through forced liihiir, under which frightful cniullli'H Iiiivo ln.n pcrpcirnicd In tin- punt. Hereafter tiix.'K aiu 10 bp paid In money, not by lulmr. ninl arc ti bo reduced In mount; native nfllcluM are to be sub Htliut.'.l for white; ninl nhllgiti.iry labor la-bor 011 Hi.' part of inltiltH In In be rn-Hirtclcd rn-Hirtclcd to Up' work designed for iliu 1 Improvement of their own enndllon. |