OCR Text |
Show OOLLIVER DEFENDS INSURGENTS Oenie Emphatically That He la, Againat tha Republican Party. WntthliiKion. S.-nn'or Itolllvor 1111- awrn-tl ihr crlHi a of tl Iiihuihiuiih" on Miiiulay In 11 np.-.i-h ,l,-livi-r,,, in ihn a.-niilo during Iho dim-int-tlun of tho iiriivlMlon t.r Iho Hiimlry civil up-pniprla' up-pniprla' on hill pniv l.lnm .--,n nmi 1,, i-nulilo th luo-tld.-iit in Kathnr lnr.tr-niiillon lnr.tr-niiillon In-nrlim niton th. op.-ratl.ui of Hit. n-w tnrirr law. n.-):lniilnir wlih the d.flarall.'il ihnl Hi" larlrf dim 1111-Hlnn 1111-Hlnn hllil h.-.-ll r.-v lv. it Ih-i-uiiki- of Iho larlff law, Mr. Dolllvor ili-t-liiri'tl Ihi-rn wna no IniiR-or liny fit'i iloiii of t-on-Ht-lt-nre or of 1111I11I011, aiti-h an had onrii nunlo tho Iti-piihlli-an parly alron. U.-f.-rrliiK hrl.-lly tn Hp.-ak.'r t'linnon'M ilffliirtiiloii, "thnt tint liiaurv is.-nia ahoiiltl hn Iiiiiiki-iI." ho tit rlnri-d hn would not trout Unit r.-iiuuk hit-loiaaly. hit-loiaaly. Ilortiifn-r. wild Mr. Iitlllvor. It ua I'vldiiii Hi. 1 1 in. -n I'lil.'iliii; roimrnNa lumtl ht-t-oiiu- i-lthor tind.-r-nliiilii-H or lsliiiuo'llt"n. "I n-Jft-l iho t.-riiH mid ahull i-on-Ifinl fur liitli-p.iidi-iit-o within Din purly. I do not Unlit to iI.-hii-ov iho urty, hut to upl'iillil II," ho Bald. |