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Show MED AS 1ST 1 Theodore Roosevelt Most Highly Honored in Europe. EXCITING INCIDENT IN ROME Former President Delivered Scholarly Lectures in Paris, Berlin and Oxford Repreaented His Country at King Edwards Funeral. Tomato pest. where he wee given voyal w. . come. Paris was next on bis Itinerary, fed there on April 13 he lectured In Sorbonne before a great audience savants and students. The munlclgti. Ity and Its omclals, the president f France and various learned societies vied with each other In doing honor the visitor, and for amusement he w taken to the field of aviation, whtre be saw some exciting aeroplas 4 nights leissomewhat Traveling northward urely, by way of Brussels, Amsterdtn and Copenhagen, Mr. Roosevelt tr. rived at Chilstlana and delivered tn address on International peace befj the Nobel prize commission, which hid awarded to him the Nobel peace prln for his successful efforts to end tfc Kussian-Japaneswar. Emperor William had made gri e than bunting trip In Africa, and at times almost as exilting, were (he adventures of Col 1 heodore Koosivelt in There he desired to tie treated as a man of letters and science, rather than as a sportsman, and his desire was gratified lint In addition, Kurnpe itisisti d on receiving him as of dfi rrn'Tt ri tltij. .1 !. I he 'lie, ini in. i while to- - went Klll-h- i I d oil ll ill Jel, , Wile Mm ,. L ,i 'nl all manner i. i iih i i intln ..I lee il.iy greeted him, l in d him mi I i.i.isid him, and the pmpie In all the lands t hat he waited tin md out in vast tin um;s to see him Scarcely teas interesting Chicken Vegetable his Yuu-iKu- and tier him In Ihirls, Christiania, Merlin and Ox "ord Mr Roosevelt delivered scholarly public addresses and the literary and scientific circles opened to let him in of hi and tnarreied trt dhe wtde-wop- Ask your grocer for Libby's Soaps Iibby,, McNeill Gucago ABOUT WORRY - Ii y.t'ffi' : r&.ii'&W.::' ' yi or I co re More of LTveaXost as FOXY RIP. Re-eu- lt WHO, HAVE Unusual v Accident in Canadian Newspaper Building. of MOTHERS - Cm Between twen Montreal, Canada and thirty persona lost their lives tn Monday when the supports of the tprlnkier system tank on the roof of ihe Herald building' gave way and the treat mass of metal and water, weigh Ing thirty-fivtons, went crashing to the basement Fire broke out immediately Firemen displayed splendid heroism In rscuing scores of people, front perilous positions within the tottering walls, some of which had to come down before tne work of recovering the bodies could be safety attempted. All those who escaped agree that the first warning of the impending disaster passed almost unnoticed There was a slight creaking; but rt was not until the celling plaster be gan to faI that a iqsh fur the stair way began Several sun Ivors, tell ot falling one and two floors and crawling through the dust to a place of safety. The majority sought safety by rushing to the front of the building, facing on Victoria square. AH the floors held for about thirty feet back from the front wall, and to this is due the fact that the death list did not runintc the hundreds, for there were nearly 300 persons in the building at the time. E very member of the editorial staff escaped unharmed, their quarters be ing in the front of the building. Fred Maloney, a linotype operator, worked on a machine atj, a point farthest from the Victoria Square window. He rose from his chair on the alarm, and as he did so the machine jm which he had been working disappeared through the floor. DAUGHTERS J Find Help in Lydia E. Pink hams Vegetable e Compound If mothers realized Hudson, Ohlo the good your remedies would do delicate glrla I believe there would be fewer weak and ailing women. Irregular and painful and such periods troubles would be Why did Rip Van Winkle sleep 20 relieved at once in years? many cases. Lydia 1 don't know, unless he wanted to E. lTnkhams Vege-tabl- e taxes. his dodge Compound is fine for ailing girls SAVED 0LDTLADY$HAIR n and run-dow- delicate organs need a tonic jsfiand the Compound humor on her head which the doctors new ambition and life from the gives I called an eczema, and fpr it had two It rst dose. Mrs. G eorge Stbickleb, Her head was very Hudson, Ohio, R. No. 5, Box 32. different doctor sore and her hair nearly all fell out Hundreds of such letters from In spite of what they both did. One mothers expressing their gratitude what Lydia E. linkhams Vegetaday her niece came in ancFthey were for ble has accomplished for speaking of bow her hair was falling themCompound have been received by the Lydia out and the doctors did It no good. E. lTnkham Medicine Company, Lynn, She says, Aunt, why dont you try Mass. My mother used to have a very bad , Soap and Cutlcura OintYoung Girls, Heed This. Mother did and they helped who are troubled with painful Girls six the months' time her. In Itching, or irregular periods, backache, headburning and seating of her head was ache, dragging-dow- n sensations, faint-in- g knowledge over and her hair began growing Toor indigestion, should take Bpells w It h Mr vent connected The day she feels much In debtto Cutl- immediate action to ward off the serithat Roosevelts Kuropeuu. tour cura Soap and Ointment for the fine ous consequences and be restored to aroused the most Interest and exiito-men- t head of hair she has for an old lady health by Lydia E. Finkhams Vege-tabl- e occurred immedlatily after his Compound. Thousands have been of Beventy-four- . restored to health by its use.-I- f atrtval in Italy earl) In Apiil Refute case own an was eczema in My my he left Aft lea his disire to pay Ins you would like special advice feet. As soon as the cold weather about your case write a confidenrespects to the pope had been concame feet Itch would burn and and my tial letter to Mrs. Pinkbam, at veyed to tho Vatkan Htid the holy then they would crack open and bleed. Lynn, Mass. Her advice in free, father had Intlmatwl (tint lie would be 1 1 Then would flee to my and always helpful. thought Taking ths Air in Austria. DOLLIVER DEFENDS INSURGENTS glad to see the distinguished Arnett-tamothers friends, Cutlcura Soap and About the same time former plans for the entertainment of the ex Cutlcura Ointment. I did for four or Bottle By Mail was tn president In Berlin, but the death of Denies Emphatically Full hanks Vice President That He l five winters, and now my feet are as Rome and had arranged for an- audl King Edward mused the curtailment Against the Republican Party. smooth as any ones. Ellsworth Dunence at the Vat ban which was can- of thu program to a considerable ex anSenator Dolliver Washington. ham, Hiram. Me., Sept 30, 1909. FairInstead of being the kaisers tent celled by the pope bei atise Mr. swered the critics of the insurgents" banks first addressed the Methodist guest In the palace, Mr. Roosevelt on Children. Monday in a speech delivered In In I dftslou When Colonel stopped at the American embassy, Rome Listen to this opinion from David the senate the discussion of during Roosevelt reached the Eternal City he and though Wlllljin received him and the provision of the sundry civil aH Starr Jordan? yoa suffer from Epilepsy. Fits, railing Sickness, "There Is nothing in all the world If proprlation bill providing $230,000 to Spasms, or have children that do so, toy New so will relieve them, and all yon are aaVed to important as children, nothing so enable the president to gather infordo la to tend fur a Free 1 rial Si Bottls of Dr. Mays mation bearing upon the operation of Interesting if you ever wish to go In "r-i- l the new tariff law. Beginning with for some philanthropy, if you ever It has cored thonaands where evsrhlng else -the declaration that the tariff discus- wish to be of any real use in the tiled. Guaranteed by Hay Medical La'eiratory If I for children. r udi Food Pure do and June Bulb. 1904 world, Act, V something Drugs ,vNf, sion had been revived because of the No. 1S97L Please writ for Special Frat f , gjp ZJ Guaranty be to ever wise, study truly yearn 2 holli and fire AG K aad complete address tariff law, Mr. Dolliver declared there you .We can dress the sore, DR. W. H. MAT, 548 Pearl Street, New Tort was do longer any freedom of con- children. science or of opinion, such as had bandage the wounded. Imprison the Plata Bastion this papwt. Unsststs fill order. once made the Republican party criminal, heal the sick and bury the but there ts always a chance A Practical Discourse. strong. Referring briefly to Speaker dead, If the great Cannons declaration, "that the Insur- that weof can save a child. ever One stormy day the children wers exterphilanthropists gents should be hanged, he declared army minate sin and pestilence, ever work church. Now, Florence, said Theohs would not treat that remark out our race's salvation, it will be bedore, Ill be the minister and tell you Hereafter, said Mr. Dolliver, cause a little child has led them. what you must do, and youll be tbe Was evident that men entering Nautilus. congress mhst become either under-studie- s people, and you must listen and do what I tell you. or Ishmaelites. Climbing up on Why Jones Wat Sad. I reject the terms and shall conJones rich grandmother died and a chair, he began his sermon. "Flortend for lrvdeiiendence within the Jones seemed unnaturally depressed ence, you must be a very good girl party, 1 do not fight to destroy the and sad. His friends tried to cheer and do whatever your brother wants you to. If he wants your playthings, him. party, but to upbuild it, he said. She left a last will and testament, you must let him have them, and if Teamster Shoots Physician said Jenkins, careleksly. I suppose, you want any of his, you just let em " Christian Herald. St. Ixtitls. Dr. John M. Grant, one ;Oh, yes, said Jones, raising his alone of the best known phycisians of this head at last, she left a will and tesSomething Lacking. shot twice and perhaps fa- tament. -Its roDisappointed In Venice, v.h, chimed tir Brown, you were mantic tnm Hiimwp,wyrtht,by Underwood d Underwood. B. T. tally wounded by A YV. Ray tie. a canals? and lagoons teamster, on Monday. The physician always a friend of hersi Of course IN VENICE COL ROOSEVELT Well, there wasnt any place to was alighting front his automobile In your name was mentioned. the- - chutes. ehomt answered 'Jones, 'bursting Ye8, received,' through the American minis dined him and showed him the Gee front of his office when attacked ter, a message from Cardinal Merry man army in maneuvers, the more Rayne was arrested A stenographer into Hoods of tears, my name was Itn. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. rednwwln- I I am to have rorctuldred t Thins del Val, papal secretary of state, to spectacular and public features were at Dr. Grant's office said the shooting mentioned, boys. m.u.ui nTpi.curwUMluUg. Juc boUA. the effect that the pope would grant omitted On May 12 Mr Roosevelt de followed Dr. Grants orders to the dri They hung expectant, while more Homest politicians are as plentiful anadtPBcetoMr. Roosevelt if he ttvered at tbe Chiversity-o- f Bertin an efIo move his wagon from the sobs choked hack bis words. did not repeat the mistake made by address on "I, he declared at last, "am to have In some places as white blackbirds. which curb. the Testament!" Scraps. Mr. Fairbanks, 'The colonel promptly was highly praised for Its scholarly Aviator Breaks Another Record called It all off.' staling that as an In- qualities. Docile Cheese. V New York. Charles K. Hamilton dependent Amerlcdn citizen he could Having been appointed special amwhile eating with Andrew Carnegie, The restrictions such to submit not bassador of the United States to at- rose In his aeroplane front Governors ppeTlte and courage last month the tend the funeral of King Edward, Col Island Monday morning and sped dishes cooked by the young glrla of miles to the onel Roosevelt- - next crossed the rhatr without a break eighly-elgh- t Margaret Morrison school in nel to England, and when the body el Philadelphia in a remarkable crosssaid: the dead monarch was carried to tke country fight under, the auspices of Pittsburg, I have no fear before these experitomb I. was one of the remarkablcTthe New York Times and the Phlla- - mental dishes lie who has eaten in erowd of rojal personages and dlstto delphip. Public Ledger. France learns to eat boldly. He made the trip in 1 hotirluid 51 gulshed men that followed the gsn Think of the French cheeses alone? carriage on which Edward's coffin wts minutes, leaving Governors Island at one afternoon In a restauborne After the funeral he wag fe. 7:35 and landing at Philadelphia at rantWhy, in the Boulevard des Itallens, I cetved by King George and Quen 9:26. heard a guest shout angrily: Mary and by the widowed quen Forced to Leave Town. Waiter, look here, this cheese Is Jap In and a mother, quiet way made neall over the table. walking 100 A Wash. of mob Darrlngton. cessary b) the mourning of the nation It have no fear, monsieur. Ah. men on Monday oidered all the much attention was shown him. Ttlg white wont escape. the waiter .replied. If In tbe laborers employed In culminated. London, by a reception Japanese It goes too far. just call Jules, Jules? In the Guild Hall, at which the free- plant of the Untied States Lumber If , It alw ays answers to its name. Y dom of the city tn a gold casket was company to leave town, and after giv to time the foreigners get together Beware of Ointments for Catarrh Ing iV presented to him. SI.OOforYou Sl.OOforUs He was the guest, thereafter, of their effects, accompanied them to t Contain Mercury, that saV them board station and An Easy Way to Earn Pin Money the several prominent. Englishmen, tad i f tie sen ot nHI flAtid any la1y m circular or how your Homple of the u iwrrury will surely destroy The exodus Seattle. for train whoi the Mitem 7 he derate delivered the Romanes on'June and nearly everyone ortlerM one or more-pamd V w a cuch It through tbe mucous mrUree. s you 2U cent, you tci)d tui 10 cent. Each little dis- eutprtncomplete? lecture at Oxford, which had boon Japanese was made with were "' ehouid rarer be used vpt on preemparticle ten em tion from reputable phytkdan. aa tbe draee they mten Mold I $1,00 for you aud U' eahy to wil order. Thirty Japanese the tbe of demise the day bccituiir RovPvy Pvwder Taper Ih OVnostponed by kitg. In the mills there r will do I tea fold to tbe good you can pnmibly dei Tlieold ployed imiv. HamiHrr puiT manufactured T tjle k. r A Hall Catarrh k Cure, rive from them. V This was the most pretentious of til f ,, F 1 K vvbf hatnoi-rc KKS our t) Tokflo. O . contain no merF. J i henpy A C impnrtuc, by ik pniYcr. con ted with pdre )Ycrfmnel powder sk-bis European addresses and the boot Custodian Is Punished. f it v taken Internally, acting directly upon cury and ) Um blood and mucoui surface of the mstcra In KUMO iJ oil, felane, etc., Ieitir? a cool, His subject was "Biological Analogies Joan buvlnc Hall Catarrh Cure be wire you gut the clear complexion NogaVs, Arix. Lieutenant Sample book, (trt one tn Totato only S) cirrulara and explanhtion. OVLY In History. It taken internally and made tree. Hermossllio, who was in charge of genuine Tmtunnobils OttKF. by F f Cheney aV-gand. explanation feL cirtnifagft fr, r ,r pey bottle. i rt t y:, The University ot Cambridge Vijj, v,. . C J' wr ccs&rttpatstm. l.AVrrrTirmn I SYYtrwiiiI.in V CO., Dept.W ..I oalvllle.Ky. ' A fa prlcgnharrk-e- r and - land irfinsrrT eggu&w wiprgpwiaMDMiij ri on him the degree of doctor of Utr l Invariably. made his sensational escape from j and the occasion sekvedt todesn the. Mexican" prison across th , bor"W hen looked over my mail, satd MUSIC LESSONS rtrate bis popularity with all clanejt der. Thursday, had been thrown Into one young author, there was nothing IN TOI R OWN HOME Leaving the Sorbonne, Paris. In order to wake oar home itudy course known tn As ML Roosevelt accepted hi J manuor bills In it a to rejected excepting long punishment a begin h dungeon Unrtilijr we will give tyu absolutely free l'hon fur olber Piano, Orgun. V lolm. t.uliar, Banio, tried to plofua from the hands of Vice-CMhead of the Methodist misf-lofor having allowed the American to scripts." whither you ire ft li Riiittcrw ort,4rnt r- or n advanc make religious capital out I this, and ceilor Mason, the students whaersvd get away. Its beginner T know." replied the or her; pupil tbe h'snon w be to are marvel of anitable need made They your Mr. Roosevelt thereupon canceled the ed the galleries shouted "Tey either something due or aimplxiiy. Drop poaial card ftl onoe for our (BBS always Safe Cracker. buuAlrt. down and a which to let a for Teddy! large reception general plans Ttjjj nothing doing.. hrtwntital luhtalt ot Butte, tt FttlU,, bit 12S JlnTtrk Criy Denver, CoTo. Postofflce Inspectors the Methodists had been Invited. bear from the ceiling. .The hl E Red. Styes Itrhlax elld. N, For to CnU, Palmerlee, Thus. with his usual luck and facility audience cheered and tbe colonel as hate been ordered and All Evea That for coming out on tep.he had the he passed --out. smilingly patted the M to take c harge of probably the Falling Trial Fixe 25e. Ask Your Drug-o- of tbe woolen trust- - Import your own froodft best of the matter all arownd and his Teddy bear. Later that day $ir. youngest safe cracker In criminal his tie TubesYVrlte Murine Eye Remedy Povt. Toe recent treaty with "by parcel conduct was generally commended all Roosevelt addressed 790 graduates, OB tory. The prisoner, who has confessAreat Brman allow the duty on foreign good all kinds of topics. of the Palmerlee the collected be to over the world. own Post Office. Bull at to ed robbery Circumstances are beyond the con- length, fine black oryur blue aerge. direct from the Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt amUKernilt Mexican On Juno 11 the traveler, togtfcet postofflce. Is a in mifls England, ft 0U. Pontage prepaid. Is In his woolen were received by the king and queen with Mrs. Roosevelt. Kermlt and kiss lad. He broke open tbe safe like an trol of man, but his conduct ALBION IMPORTING COMPANY of Italy and spent some days In that Ethel, sailed on the Kalserin Autte experienced "yeggman,. took what own power. Beaumont. U. S. A A(ncf Bex 14? Placenrillfi, CaL n iaei countryr The colonel and his wife vis- Victoria on their wSy"To New Yor) money it contained, but left stamps Dr the'. F!ent Pellet Tmlt -efl Sneu-ut-l u .m.rh, lieer RELIABLE mle ited Venice and traveled once again and tbe rousing welcome that hektewr and other government papers for fear Bar i PROMPT a not erln. Id, 7. bold and Htlver, $1 00; the R. viera route that they passed over was awaiting him from his f3ow they wmtjd incriminate him Accordsilver and Conir. H.SQ. Does a cow become landed property Gxjid and dTer refined and bought nte on their honeymoon, and next Mr. countrymen free mailing pirka ing to the boy8tory. he was careful-traine- d when turned into a field? ARtl.CO-fr" Vienna and Buda- HENRI F'ORDTvfc, 166 tniri Dtua, DaavWi toioratla, by a gang of Mexicans. - V, J Cutlcura ment?' Trial & Libby TO pr.VSwV- , Libhy's Soup are ready for immediate use by adding SO equal portion of hot water NOTHING I I and ten other kinds. Delightful natural flavor and made from the very best materials, with the care of experienced chefs, in the great White Enameled Kitchens, IEWSPJIFER OFFICE WRECKED Free lis-ev- 7 Complacent Bmoksr Had No Use for ths Bands, Bo What Was ths ' Difference. There wars four of them on the rear platform of a car, thrown to gather, so to speak, by a rough track. All were smoking. An odor, not of cigars, detracted somewhat from In. terest In the general conversation. The odor became pronounced; One ot the quartette cast about for a reason. - He saw one of tils companions complacently smoking a cigar that had burned down past the flaring red band that girdled 1L There remained no question of the source of the odor. Excuse me, the discoverer said to the complacent one, your cigar band rta horning." That's all right, old iuHn," the one replied, I ni not saving them. com-place- The Rude, Visiter. ..There.! a story about the secretary or a goir club who eras a man of diminutive stature. It was summer time, and the grass had been allowed to grow rattierbmg - The secretary wee playing in front of a visitor who was a very long driver, aad kept dropping bis ball In the neighborhood of the At last secretary!! the the liUe man could stand It no longer and walked back and remonstrated with the. visitor on hla conduct, but way-rou- -- nd. the only reply be got was. "If you would cut the grass, one might be able to see you" Ths Vocabulary. Webster was compiling the dictionary. Getting together a few words to use' in a telegram," he explained. Herew ith blessed the called public him Crude, But Comforting. are having a lot of fun with ffbat kite of yours," said the neighbor Yes," replied Ben Frankln, "theres a great deal of satisfaction In getting a little long distance electricity with out being told that the lines busy. You -- A Happy M: v Eplloptlolde Oure fv w. p ;ir ser-loiwl- modern-civilizatio- DOD ' L fR)Q0 .f 'V y Day ki!' Follows a breakfast that is pleasing and healthful. - SfA I I V iisiii FREE Toasties Man-dol- in n 11 Twelvfi-Year-Ol- Are pleasingand healthful, and bring snulea of satisfaction to the whole family.- - d BEU1DEPEHDEE1T es r The Memory Lingers i Popular Pkg. 10c. FamSy Six a 15c. Postura Cereal Co., Ltd. N Battla Creek, Mich. J fi1 N vl.-tle- e. ' |