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Show KEEP YOUR FEET STRAIGHT. How many 1.1. 11 know how to wulk? Most men turn ihelr ii - in or out. a writer In the New York I'r, sa Hiiys. 'lii,' toes should not be turned either way. Tii.-y .uuiit to point straight itltci-d, so iliu. Hie fool at III, nil of each sli p can give Ihe hoilv that 11p.m. d. foi-.vi.rd impetus Hint results In what Is calle.i n sprlni-y walk. This dnc-n not men., that 11 in.ii, -hoiild wilt exiluslvely on his In,-. The whole foot ii 'isl I'" used In proper walking. Thu goose step of Hie Oriuuii army Is as absurd as Hi boy's piniik of walling 011 his heels. When 11 man walk lu the right way speaking literally--lb'' b''k ol llm heel strike the gioniul prst Then the rest of the heal come down, after which the oilier edge of the foot tnke ulv milk of the burden until tho forward move nt shlfi th weight to the bull of the toot nnd llnully to t,tt toes. The Ideal step Is n slightly rocking motion At no time should the enure, foot he preHi.od ugiillist the ground. Heel to tot. Is Hie movement Try II and kee how much tunliur und unit-,- easil yuu tun wulk. It's Hie ludluu's wuy, mid vvhui 1'oor Lo doeeti't knovv ulnitil foulwork can 10 intu thu discoid- |