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Show MODERN COW-BARN TO SHELTER NINETY ANIMALS Dctnlls of Compliti Strucltir nnd So Deslgnatd Thai lit) Capacity May iUi Increased or Decrcn itd at WI1L t JTT; ri Tit -g Floor Plan for Larga Dairy Barn. I A plnn la ntumn herewith nf a mod rn dairy burn, with raparlty fur I ninety una An will be aeen by Hie flour plan, then, nr.. alalia fur eighty milk cow a. ten alalia for dry cow a ur 0!iii atuck. two bull nulla, and a large calf pen n ,,,. ,,g ,,f II, pro- I' I earn, an) a a wrlier In Karniera' Uevlew. The oppualt wing lint l ight nlngle alalia, and four llollhlu alalia fur I lip hnraen. Oipualto tho burae alalia ur atahle la a large feed runiu; ulao a large room fur the wagunn. Th two nllon me each 1S.U feet In thai clenr, mid will hold ISO (una of allag" iiih. air Biiltlrlent fur feeding Inn cowa The barn In ?ery complete, mid ao tlealgtied that Ita cnpaHly may bo Increnned or decrenned. without affecting affect-ing tho general arrangement or th exterior architectural appenrnnro uf Hi bnrn. Th two wlngn may bo built later If denlred. I'linalhly every dairyman dairy-man would not want th horan bnrn Il lerilon Willi the dairy barn. Th main barn ran bo built larger or amnll-er. amnll-er. an reipilred. Tho bnrn na ilealgned lint a ganihrel naif, or nn noma call It, iluul.lv or hip ronf. The walla nro twelvo feet to the a-Aven, und the lower atory eight feet In 'hi. clear. The alalia am built of gi.a pipe, and the pipe aiipport the celling Th enwa aland back tn hack, but ihla may be reveraed If denlred. The entire floor, gutlera nnd iiuingem ar funned uf cement. The walla tnd cellliiKn receive two conta of I'urllnnd c -tit, l.ntli eiterlnr and Interior. The miiiigi rt are arnuiged to be flood, ed when watering the ntuck and th flour hnn drain Irapn at rutiveiileiit puluta fur ilralnliig away the waall water with nn ordlnnry nne Inch lima. The entire barn, Including the wnlla mid celling, may lie wnthed dnw-n lu ft nhort time. The gullem have fnur-Inch fnur-Inch drain HI leading to ninnurn pita. The illoa are of cement, na In Hi fuiitiilnllun. Tho roof la covered with iniiniirartured ronllug, and all enpuaed wiaiilwurk recelvea two or three cut la of heat paint. r'c. d nnd litter carrier arm Inntnlled mid rench nil pnrta of the bnrn. Th nl Ih have vinllliilllig din-la or aliafll between the atuddlng nt proper ilia titti.'ca. lending tn vent aim ka In th runt. The ntiulilliign are 2ifl Inch, and the venillntnra are built between name The ntiirco, or cement flnlah fur Hie cxterlur wnlln. rnmpnrea favor-ably favor-ably with th wood conntruiilon, where nnnd la nut too eipennlve, and It reipilrea no paint, nn repalrn, I wnrm In winter and cnul In aumtner. It will Inat print Ically furvvcr. ' |