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Show j UTAH STATE NEWS A fjreat d.-til of first-crop alfalfa baa ben harvested In the vicinity '. el llrlKham diirlnK the. past wn-k I The home of II V. Marriott, l Marriott, Weber county, wss d"'rvcd F fire nn June 7. the If Ihmiik I :.""! The Weber club. i den s chief tun enerclnl organization, Is K'iIiik to build handsome hcmir In th" heart of tin elty Jim 7 was old folks' il.iv In tin j 'rh atuko, abiiiii son nu n mid wo mm between the mc'-x if M nd 7'i , brink entertained nt Umiin i Thmiijth Iniln service on t ti Hun tVrtro. l-os Anai-lcs Ik Hull Ijikn mil road between Hull laika and Issi An . gelee waa resumed on June 11. Ilol, nations from every rump of United Hiwiilstt War Veteran of , Utah art- eipectod lo (lull linden for th annual encampment June Th rlty council of I'rovo linn an lanrlied tha advemslna for bids nn 10.000 of ten and twenty year t pel cent waterworks bond recently voted Thn dry farina In I'arudisii district. Cache valley, aa well a In thi- cmlre northern part of the state, an' Buffering Buf-fering hcnvy lose for the lark ol enolBturc. The report cornea fntm 1'a.indlsc In the southern part of Cache ui.lcy. that imich damage ha le-cn done rhere in the berry crop by early und lain frtatta. Ilyriim llryan of jia. Wayne conn-If, conn-If, while try Inn to catch a sheep with a hook, tiiinlili'd and fell, the hook enclriitlii: hla ahilomcn, can. ins; In lurles which resulted In hi death oD (una The postufflrn at Morion was roh ked on June 7. about 1 175 In pnstiiKi' lamp belli- stolen The thieve did anl touch Home fl.'o In checks which were In the Maine drawer with the stamps lir Ktcd Clarke if lin la aura-In; aura-In; a Revere friiriiire to hi rlKht nn caused by tin' sudden whlrlluit of Hie handle of the crank of Ma an tonioMle wln.ii he alienilel lo rnuik tha machine. A. Y. Harris, a Hoiithern racltlc krakrinan, la at the Oitd.n ai neral hospital ufterniK from Ihe loaa ol bis 'eft arm, an a result of an mil lent al Montello, when he Inst hi footlna and fell umler the cur While working- In a sIoh of Ihe Bomh Coliiinlnia mine at Alia. Joseph Hhaw, (4 yeara old, ouo of ihe pioneer pio-neer realdenta of Sandy, wna Instant-ly Instant-ly killed, when' lariee lioulder rolled , .an uimw kiuk. aruaUtuK la Kk akull. Work ha beun on the new perenl "actory at Trenion. Thla enlerprUe helnic financed by Trenton, (laden ind Halt l.ke capital. The plant h nn put In will have a dully cuiuiclty il Mill caca, and will roet about ' 1100,000. The clllien of American Fork have leclded to have a rnualim celehrnllon in the Kounh of July, coiiIiIiik of a jl alreei piirnde and iriKruiiiuie III ha forenoon, and hore race, hlcyle bcIiik, banehull and oiher i'ort In the afternoon. The V'1" county cmunilxioncra, on petition of u deli'Kttloll of vltlti'll fmtn the aouihern farm of the county, coun-ty, voted a hoimiv of to cent on each aiiulrrcl killed between June ( and July C It aa claimed that the aqulrrvla are o nuimroua that they are ileatroyltm (he rrop. Hhot throimh ihe center of the heart, after he had done letllile elocution elo-cution with a r.uor on Ihe face of J. H. Hick, a nci;m Joe Suillh, a nearo tuMti black, 2'i ear of aci. fell diuil. The tragedy ocruried In a in'Kro club In Halt l ake ( liy and waa lln reaull of Jealouy ot a woman "A (lltmp f riah" I the title of a faHcliinlluit booklet Jut IhiiiI hy Ihe iNUM'iiner depattment of the llln liruiole railroad Krult iiiowIiik. mock and ml grow Ink, diklrylnii and Hie m'tierala anil mlnliiK Industry of Clah are luti'nt liiKly tlecrlbed The bulllehlilp 1'lah allver nervier-.'ommlttcc nervier-.'ommlttcc expect to he able to rale a fiiud of about IIB.Oiio for the allver 4crvit'c. ainl ilio:'i, who are behind the inovi iin nl favor a plan whereby the 'und hall be raleil by popular uh-icrlptlon uh-icrlptlon In ainall nniouut. nioMly liven by the nrhool children Workmen who are Ncuieliiuit for ' . Ihe reninlu i f the men Killed al the explo-u.n at Devil rillde hut I ( wMk. were Biurtb-U when a Iiuko ' illde of rock came down the moun- lain and burled the Hteaiu aliovel .1 VlKllauce nnd uclltlly prevetile.l a : J lumber of the men from helnn killed . Home eml,.irrauienl luia been In- ' ' 1 rurred al Salt Nike by the pri umluri' linoiiiiceiin nl of Hie iMipulutlon of - V lhal cltv which his been given out nl ,3 l.iAI. It l clamii-.l I ti.it tin- Infor- '' , ' null, mi mis Klven out In Ihe Herald .', " llipubllcui I'V u celiHUH eti-phuee, which led lo Ihe ilUi h.il -ue of one of I i Hi" Ilea la of Ihe di'p.it 1 uient , 4 . Albert lirlfllth. nitiMl 4T.. wa found , . illtliiK ulih hl back aualnii a l"illdliiit . " ) 'B Hall Uike Cliv. appan-iulv nleet roit In reality dead. ImWtiK be.-n dead ' veral hour w hen dlsc.ivi'ivd I hatll ( a a due to ekeea.lva line of Intoal- ' "' ' Nephl Amlermin. a cntl enitlneei ' J a hone hiene la In Mr:iliain City w.ix ' ' rii"vne,l hi Louiin river. l,-;.tn can fell. u th" ir.rht of Mnv I There aere no wiiin.f,e to ihe trnuetly, Imt ! 1 U -.ii'Mi! tli.if in Hie daitiniei- le a:,'. 1 ft Mi. ,! ,.'way Intti the river |