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Show It Wae Hie Turn. Two weary traveler were compelled lo s.. k bnlgliiK In a coinilry hoiel dial wna iiiipromlslUK in look at least. I pon conferrlni! with the owner own-er ihe proapecta brigbieneil. , "rertalllly, Kelltlelnell," lie Hltld, "I bine one Hpure bed that lliu twn of fmi may hnvi" u large feather ono. Thla way, plenae " They followed and were loath to ntlclpnln much eaae, hut accepted Urn only thlim and retired, (inn wa loon anorlna; bum and loudly, the It her could not eleep. At about two In thn niiirnliiK the wakeful one uudKod It conipanloti.' ' "Here, net up! Time' up," he aald. "What' the matter?" asked the other; "we are not on duty." "No, but It my turn lo aleep on the feather," wn the reply. |