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Show Russia and Japan Getting Together. St. I'etetlnirg - The nucsiion of Itiiaao-Japaneae relations, which has lately given rise to aetiaatlonal report inllie toieign and In the llii-i,in pre:,, tuny lie liiiclly slated as follows: III. Ill coilllilles have realized Hie expediency ex-pediency of a rl.K.r undeiMiullni, fill View has been d.rtuti'd I')' po'lll- till and economic roic.ideiatl.ins. The attitude of the other powera--!n aniin-cai-ea friendly, but In others ndverae--to the respective tnterest of Kilsla and Japan ha only aiieiigthened tt.e tendency on Ihe part of St I'eturs huig and Tokio lo conic together |