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Show C the line of resistance -- JJ Tan are relieved af all responsibility aa ta Quality at matarial and workmanship whan yaw buy anything al us. X Taur paraanal laata yau muat aatiafy yauraaif. Our guarantees ara absolute. Lions and Other Animals Shot in t Large AIT LARK CIIX. ft UTAH am YEAR Wounding the Kings Engl sh. One of Washington's wealthiest women is another Mrs. Malaprop, aud her acquaintances tell many a weird story of her manipulation of i lie King's English. Once a friend said to her: Mrs. Blank.. how well and strong your daughter looks." "Yes," was the answer, "Mar) is so well; in fact, I think she is the most Indelicate girl in Washington Another time some one said in reference to Marys return from abroad, Whtie is htafy now The mother Malaprop answered, She is at Paris and she would spend all her time he Is the greatthere, if she could. est Parasite I have ever known. She also informed some one that her husband's costume at a masked ball was very effective, that he went in the garbage of a monk. Another thne her daughter's hand was praised for its beauty and she said: "Yes, Daisy has a beautiful hand, and the next time we gt to Italy we intend having a bust made of Daisy's hand." . lumbers. ON DARK CONTINENT Naturalists Collected Hundreds of Specimens for the Smithsonian Institution Kermit Photographer of the Party. Theodore Roosevelt's hunting tripin Africa, oftklall) known as the Smithsonian African expedition, lasted nearly eleven months and was most successful tn every way The colonel's deblre to hunt big game was not all that was batk of the trip, for the Smithsonian Institution wanted specimens of th,e fauna and flora of the Dark Continent and commissioned the eX president to obtain them. For this reason, a part of the expenses were borne by the institution, but Mr. Roosevelt paid all the expenses of himself and his son Kermit, presumably earning much of them by his articles In a magazine for which he received a price Not wasting much time after leaving the White House, Colonel Roosevelt sailed' from New York on the steamship Hamburg, headed for Naand ples. With him were Kermit the Returning Compliment. Senator Theodore E. Burton of three naturalists. Major Mearns, EdOhio, who ia a bachelor and has never mund Heller and J. Alden Loring, and been ensnared by the wiles of women, stowed in the hold was most of their tells a story of a young lady and the animals of F.ast Africa judge of his acquaintance. The for-- 1 graphing mer was a witness in the latters J and for preserving the specimens descourt. The prosecuting attorney had tined for the Smithsonian Institution. Kermit had trained himself to be the repeatedly put to her questions which she persistently evaded under the plea that she did not comprehend his meaning Whereupon his honor undertook to bnng out the proper responses. leaning over, he said in a kindly and fatherly manner, Young woman, why is it that you Insist in refusing to understand the questions of counsel? You are a person of charm, grace, beauty and more than average Intelligence, and Thank you, your honor, interrupted the young woman, if it were not for the fact, judge, that I am utid oath I would return the complimen' record-breakin- game came fast and cheetahs, giraffe rhinoceroses and more Hons wer added to the list, in all 14 varieties cl Meanwhile animals being- - secured. Kermit was busy with hit cameras and the, naturalists prepared the specimens. George McMillan, an American, wa the next host of the hunters, and eev-- . eral weeks were spent on his fine JU Ja ranch and in the surrounding country. There the game was very plentiful and many Ode specimens were1 Members of the party m'ade' bagged several extensive jtrips of exploration, notably on and around Mount Kenla. The expedition left East Africa Dec cember 19. crossed Uganda and went down (be White Nile, getting back to comparative civilization at Gondokoro There they went aboard a steamer put at their disposal by the sirdar, and journeyed to Khartum, where Mrs Roosevelt met her husband, and accompanied him In a leisuiely trip to Cairo During his stay in Egypt Colonel Roosevelt was the recipient of honors and made several many My motto is 'The truth, the whole speeches One ot them, in which he buth and nothing but the truth.' " of the the administration praised Yes; but youd rather have tsouie-tad- y Biitlsh. gave considerable offense to else tell It." the native Nationalists. At the end of March the Roosevelts sailed for Italy. AT A CRITICAL PERIOD In a pieilminary report to the Smithsonian Institution Mr Roosevelt Of Peculiar Interest to Women. summailzed the material results of the expedition as follows: Mrs, Mary-J- . Remington, Eigleberry On the trip Mr. Heller has pre- It., Gilroy, Cal., says; "I suffered so pared 1,020 specimens of mamm&la, from pain and soreness over verely the majority of large size; Mr. Loring e kidneys that It was a taskJor mo I has prepared 8,163, and Doctor Mearns to turn over In bed. Of 714 a total of 4,897 mammals. My kidneys acted birds. Doctor Mearns has prepared very frequently, but nearly 3,100. Mr Loring 899, and Mr. the secretions were Heller about fitty a total of about retarded and the pas- 4,000 birds. sages scalded. 1 was "Of reptiles and batrachlans, Messrs. weak and run down. Mearns, taring and "Heller' collected After taking other about 2,ki0 remedies without hen-- 1 "Of fishes, about 500 were collected. . eflt, I began using "Doctor Mearns collected marine fishes Doans Kidney Bills , near Mombasa, and apth water fishes Ud was I was cured. permanently elsewhere in British East Africa, and fifing through the critical period of a Soman's life at that time and after Bing Doans Kidney pills there was a niracuious change for the better in my Well?" lagreed with her.- - kealth. Remember the name Doan's. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milhur- n Co., Buffalo, N. Y. It Was His Turn. Two weary travelers were compelled to seek lodging In a country hotel In looks at that was unpromising least. Upon conferring wltb the own-e- r the prospects brightened. , "Certainly, gentlemen, he said, 1 bate one spare bed that the two of fou may have a large feather one. This way, please. They followed and were loath to intlcipate much ease, but accepted the only thing and retired. One waa won snoring long and loudly, the Xher could not sleep. At about two In the morning the wakeful one nudged $ls companion; Here, get upPTiraes up, he s&ld. pal; f other; we are not' on duty. No, but its my turn to sleep on the feather, was the reply. 1 Tent of Washington. NotNarcotic sou DtSAMinrrara ot isyniiii Seed Sem s4lx AWMU Seftt Seed e An hyemiW 15 them Seed WW Hi mkrffetm $ A f'&tnr perfect Remedy forConstipa-tio, n Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms Convulsions .Feverish, ness and LOSS OF SLEEP fac V Simile Signature of The Centaur Company, NEW YORK. onthvwld guaranteed under the Foodsnj) Exact Copy of Wrapped no longer need wear youO w w If III You self out with the weakening; eat of an hot kitch- an r- 1 1 1 U trf I L en. VU PwFrt 1 intensely Here ii a stove that gives XIO Outside heat. All its heat4 is concentrated at the burners. An intense blue flame (hotter than either white or red) is thrown upwards but not around. AH the heat is utilized in cooking none in outside heating. Pcrect ion. Oil Cook-stov-e entirely removes the discomfort of cooking. Apply a match and immediately the stove is ready. Instantly an intense heat is projected upwards against the pot, pan, kettle or boiler; and yet there is no surrounding heat no smell no smoke. Why? Because The New Perfection Oil Cook-Stois scientifically and perfect You cannot usa " ' practically too much wick If la automatically controlled. Yon get the maximum heat no smoke. The burner la almpIiTOne cloth cleans it coase- wipe with quently there la no amelt The New Perfection Oil Cook-Stov- e ia wonderful for year-rouuse, but especially tn summer. Its beat operates upward to pan, pot, or kettle, bat not beyond or around. It ia uselcsa for beating room. It has a Cabinet Tep with shell, for keeping plates and food hot enamel' It baa long turquoise-blu- e chimneys, Tha nickel finish, with tha bright blue of the chimneys, makes the etove ornamental and attractive." .Mde with 1, and 9 burners; the T stoves can be bad with-Oand without Cabinet.' ve 1 & ii Try This, XMs Bummer. The very next time youre hot tired r thirsty, step up to a Boda fountain nd get a glass of Coca-ColIt will cool you off, relieve your bodily and mental fatigue and quench your thirst At soda fountains or delightfully. Carbonated in bottles 5c everywhere. Delicious, refreshing and wholesome. Send to the Coca-Col- a Co., Atlanta, Caetlsaary IMt: Ba sa G,a., for their free booklet "The Truth this atava--a a a Coca-ColAbout Coca-Colwhat Tells that fdthe wrtt Every tie Uet everywhere! If tint fti Perfection." near oiUi New for locrtpUv Orealar reads ia nd why it is so delicious, re-- , And freshing and Oil send 2c stamp for the Coca-ColBase(luciwporated) it&ta tFftOffrpfc, copyright, by Underwood ball Record Book for 1910 contains Untevood.il. T the famous poem Casey At The Bat" IN AFRICAN THE JUNGLE records, schedules for , both leagues chief photographer of the expedition, be and Cuntnghame collected fishes and other valuable baseball information compiled by authorities. but he also turned out to be consider- in the White Nile. "This makes. In al, of vertebrates: able of a hunter. 4 Up In the Air. A great throng of friends and ad- Mammals 4 ) I have been at the top of Pikes (about mirers bade the colonel farewell, and Birds ' 2 Reptiles and batrachlans (about) 8(0 Peak, which Is more than 14,000 feet he sailed away, but could not entirely Fishes (about) ibove sea level. What was the greatseparate himself from the world, for ll.W est Total height you ever reached? practically all the way across the AtThe invertebrates were collected 7,000.00 MONEYVALUE PRIZES I dont know Just what the altitude lantic wireless communication with chiefly some with Doctor Mearns, by much been must but vaa, have it And to advertise tb the Hamburg was maintained. More- assistance from , Messrs. Cunlnghame Consisting of fcnalne, hand madw. greater than that which you mention. over, at the Azores, and again at and Kermit Roosevelt. sweet toned I I had after made ascent of Checks the officials and Purchase shortly Gibraltar, he found the A few marine shells were collected Segerstrom Piano- bumon a with my bare feet people insisted on doing him honor, near Mombasa, and land and fresh- stepped to odvertU our4 Md to ble bees nest. $25" $150" a Flaa and when he reached Naples on April water shells the regions of throughout aeUing pUbOoa, aul MeriL to 5 the entire populace turned out to According , tha (Trowing visited, as well aa crabs, beetles, When Rubbers Become Necessary monvfacttirlnr greet him with flowers and cheers. plio and other Invertebrates. 4nd your shoes pinch, shake Into your otialheM ta tbo ITuitoi ALSO. Adthe German steamship the antiseptic Boarding Allens tHatra, Several thousand plants were col hues iwder for the feet. Cures tired, aching Watch MRS. IDEAL U playmiral for Mombasa, Mr. Roosevelt lected visited leet and takes the sting out of Corns and One Ladys 'the throughout regions ing (be accompaniment found in his cabin a quantity of flowBunions. for her two hula rttW Always use It for Breaking In One Gentleman's by Doctor Mearns, who employed and ew shoes and for dancin parties Sold pinging. find Tar: ers and a letter from Emperor William trained for the work a ' Watch Mnynmnezl Werywhere 25c. Sample mailed KREBr TWO LIITTLK OlRXsr At Mes-ln-a named V. N. Le tbclroutllnoeara-falljr 8. Boy, wishing him "good hunting. Allen Mark Olmsted, who soon learned tddress, One Ladys Din with pea or pencil a stop was made to1 view the how to Makangarrl, make very good specimens, t As soon aa we divorce love from the on thin or a aeparat mond Ring beet of paper. earthquake ruins, and there, at King and turned out an excellent man in kccupationa of life, we find that labor For Answering this Victor Emmanuels request, Mr. RooseLOOKS EAST. every way. drudgery.-r-Whlppllegcneratea into velt and Kermit visited the Italian BUT IS 1T2 were materials REBUAnthropological Smonarch on board the battleship Rex A ( I RTAIN MFTIIOO . with some Jw gathered by' Doctor Mearns, cnrtn cm tu pa (Darrin and dyt nirv lhy amnf Inclose sett oddresseA Umberto. The party arrived at Mom- assistance from 1 hi ) TRY AT ONCE. Voor ch.nee Is Just M OOOD MWnjr on. Perm nipdirine a collection ruinktUrr 41 n0 Um reputation for over 70 ymr 25c and Me. envelop, to guard sk.lnst .newer being ntldlre-ted- . basa April 21 and was received by was contributed others; an by Major Ross, ADDRESS DEPT. B, SEGERSTROM PIANO MFG. CO. had American Acting Governor Jackson, who in the government service f A grass widow can give reference OMAHA. NEBRASKA. STREET FARNUM 1812 British the Instructed govern,.een by but she hardly ever does at Nairobi ment to do all In hjs power to further E. WEBSTER me, SACHrmRruni I AVI? O It work., you DM U. 1U LW V D'S the plans of the expedition. Unusual (e gFECIALTY (Xk, lkHkja To a Remove Stain. Paint BHUSItp were granted privileges Dft T oremovethe unsightly staip oTT slid Mr. Roosevelt and Kermit were r Morphia HoMtTrtatKf. trai. Um when csthcr . j Is the hot el .ell . mdicincit curn of, Ijg,, are, rrlu.ve was is the At Mombasa the party disorder and weaknesses peculiar to women. It joined following plan: Make a strong . 4H V. tS4 .. fUvYatfc. Dr. ft ft.O0BTttU.Mlo by regularly gradu Cunlnghame, a veteran Afri- tlon of potash and wet the stan veil . only preparation of its kind by ated physician en experienced and skilled specialist in can hunter and explorer, and Leslie J. with this, keeping' It wet until th tha disease of women. Tarleton, and these two managed the paint becomes aofL In a short tlm It It -will able may looae and most In a maimer. rah It I aafe medicine In eny condition of th ayatean. readily expedition THE ONE REMEDY which contain no alcohol Taking train to Kapkll plains, the then be washed off with soap and g party beesme the guests of Sir Alfred water. If any color has penetrated th fwl no injurious drugs end which wood keep the spot well Pease on bis ranch. An immense fibers no craving for such stimulant. creates Poor hundred thousand people?? caravan of 2G0 persons was organized wet with the solution, and It wID THE ONE RF.MFDY so good that its maker take a CASCARET every night" Paint which has and on April 25 Colonel Roosevelt shortly disappear. re not afraid ta print its every ingredient on and rise up in the morning and call had his first African hunt . On thls been left on for gome time will yield outside bottle wrapper and attest o the each to this treatment them blessed. If yon dont belong to occasion be bagged two wildebeest' truthfulness ot tha same under oath. this great crowd of CASCARET and a Thompsons gazelle. April 30 Well Supplied. was a notable day In the camp on the takers yon are missing the greatest It I sold by medicine dealer everywhere, and nny dealer who hasnt it t Benevolent Lady (to showgirl)- substitute oi unknown composition lor this medicine or tu get it Dont taka asset of your life. Athi, for on that day the first lions Known composition. No counterfeit is as good as the genuine and the druggist fell victims to the marksmanship of And, dear child, have you no hornet CASCARETS see a boa for a wrrt's who ssya something else is just as good as Dr. Pierce's is either mistaken the Roosevelts. Theodore shot two Showgirl Yea, Indeed. My father treatment, ell druyists. BirgeM teller or is trying to deceive you for his own selfish benefit. Such man is not to be Its the world. Mtilma boxes a month. and Kermit one, and there waa great and mother have both married agalB health-m- ay with most is possession your He priceless your trusted. trifling rejoicing among the natives who maae and I am welcome at either place what ask that for. Set life itself. W. tet N. Uy Salt Lake City, No. be your ym ym up the caravan. After that the big Life. fa nama-plat- Continental thirst-quenchin- a His Hit. my life. did you accomplish that? Company FREE! FREE! go. Many Have Asked. Mummy, do foxes have newspa pers? No, dear; why? "Then how do they know where Tatler. the hounds meet? Kaetory-to-Hom- mllll-peds- A Mere Assertion. Foot-Eas- H. Fly is the name of a New York publisher. It Is said that one of the novels which he has recently brought out is a good book for an idle hour on a screened-ln-porc- Tit for I Tat i . You can cook in comfort.. -- Every one 'who attended the banquet last night says 1 made (.he hit of didnt Signature Promotes Digestion, Cheerfulness and Rest Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Mineral ' Why She Didnt. - 1 have always thought I should like so much to be a sfoldlers wife. , ."So have J, aud I, was proposed lo once by a first lieutenant. "Why didnt you marry him? I did Intend to until 1 found out that he was in the infantry. It seemed tfoo suggestive of babies. FTow KFAVTOtHILlKEN a. a. 1 Bears the similaling the Food and Regulating the Stomachs and Bowels of j - Miss Mary Curtis Lee, daughter ot General Robert E. Lee, who Inherited the tent under which Washington le said to have Blept during the revolutionary war, recently sold It to the Valley Forge museum of Pennsyl-van'The money received from the sale, $5,000, Miss Lee donated to the Home for Needy Confederate Ww.nen In Richmond, Va. Always Bought J Why They Quareled. thought I overheard you and your wife quarreling a little while ago. What was the trouble? She brought 1ome a new hat and, after putting It on, she turned to me and said she didnt believe It was - The Kind You Have j I - For Infants and Children. . e. "Youre so oonce.ted, Connie, that believe when you get into heaven the first question youll ask will be Are my wings on straight? Connie Ye. dear, and I shall be sorry that yout wont be there to tell me. Illustrated Bits. Pierces Favorite Prescription- Hut-hunt- ers, He,Knew.Bightf Mil- .- Ilai&ULlPMj 10K JaJjfT w rtf- What Is that word for people ing). who come after us? Hardup "Bill collectors, my dear Boston Transcript !'. I .X-rJ- -- Why Start Trouble. If we should discover , that our marriage had not been leg Al. would you marry me again? Say, whats the use trying to start arow when we might enjoy a peace-ful evening, as well as not?" Pessimist' c Baby. What is the baby crying for- - my child? "I dunno; es alwys crying. I never came acrawst anyone wot looks upon the dark aide of things as e does. Punch. -- . habit-formin- of-th- e hA bft OPIUHi Assoto ; " 25-19- 10. |