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Show A DOCTOR'S EXPERIENCE Medicine Not Needed In This Case. It la hard to convince soma people. i that coffee does them an Injury! They lay their bad feelltiKS to almost every , cause hut thu true and unsuspected ; one. Hut the doctor knows. Ills wldo ox- perlence has proven to him that to some systems, coffee Is nn Itul.llous poison thai undermines thu health. Ai 1 the doctor If coffee is the cans of constipation, stoninih nnd netvoua trouble. "I have been a c lee drinker nil my life. I am now z year old and ' when taken sick two y.-.i mo with h -rvuua pioMrntlon, the , in. tor said that my nervous ty.t, n uim broken down nnd that I would li.m- -o lv up coffee. "I lint so weak and thnl.y I enuirl tint work, nnd rcadlnrr your iniv, -1110-lllillt of PllHllllll, I iixkcd tuy 1; oeer It I h" h::d utiy of II. lie nai l: Yes,' nnd that ho iihrd ll In hla fi nilly, and It was 11M It claim, d lo I e. I "So I quit rorfee und eommenceil to use I'nitniu steadily and (i- .nl lu '. nLimt two weeks' time I mil'.,; 1 'eep ! sonudly nt nlclit und k.-i up in tho niornltiR fcellnj! fresh. In iil .ntt two molilli I b.-c.in to gain llesh. I welKhed only llti pounds when 1 commenced com-menced on l'ottim, nnd now 1 weigh 167 and feel better than 1 did nt 20 years of line. "I am workitiK every day and sleep well nt nhtht. My two children were Krent coffee drinkers, but they havo not ilrimk nny since l'ostum cunio Into the house, mid are fur more healthy than they were before." Head The lload lo WHIvlllo," found I In pin;. "Tin-re's n reason." . l-:er res.1 Hie nlii.ve leilrrf A -ve a nne n.e.-i.r from lime to lleie. 'I hr. nre neiinli.e( I'ue, ainl full uf liuii.na lalrrral. |