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Show PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS CARDS SEVENTIES MISSIONARY APPOINT-M- June ROCKPOST. couwryNEWs - rnt". - H Ye-- f, YV. li. YVil- -j ho ii. Kulit. Mi'Mwiiri1, Lyman L'rit- Ui 'Bill of Sale E NTS. 1 sals at this -- Clean dee in book form 25 for 25 office. cent. newspapers forsiUe cent per hundred. for t thiC 15 ItOCKFORT, June 11 Our want conference CITY DIRECTORY. waaleld herelast Sund.tgr of tHe Coufityin Brief June 2ti K A. Julie. (iee. P. ' Fillers George Young end Walton, r June 1. If. Xeelej, J. It. or Coalville, and KMer Smith tf: Stayer T. J. Lewis. t KKKK N. J. Peterses. Recorder at.k he. Jllllt Park City, were- in attendance a Teacher o( Voice Placement and Malm, J llh ( arruth,Plllglei Treasurer J, S. Calderwood. T. h I!, aid WANSH1P NEWS. 'I lit ohf officers off the conference RlJeiie- - J JlHie.i Ceuuedmen Frsok Deming, W. Csld- Tone Production. Halvev end. 1 ho ward wvrt voted lor and J. W. Ball, J. IL Wilde and J. jibe V NS H ESSTKR, J unc II The Viiuhis tamed by those present. Mr. Alma P, June H Mr. Albert Clark. M J uik l't C M.ilin. Herla r- t- iihhon and Mi Vndfttf Judd llrnefrr itallion. valued at three (iibbons was chosen superintendent' H. ritti ndrii, J. H Million, ere married on t In hi li in talt Iaike thoutsnftwo hundred dollar, wa of Kockairt Sunday sehool wltii litsl H. .ml. Tenide. Their many friends wish take sullenly sick and died few two assistant superintendent. T II Utah J (i lie Jn - Y II (aim'll Kamas, hi rdti.v given ttiat the Notice 1.1 n J . A II altmi. jny and luippim through life. They days Sgk i.. lYsrk Mrs. Uaviaof was Mary City w Frilast amersigned business house of t ION (jmr then eddmg danee Y'lip$e and Young, Raveling for visiting Mia FtU SiAloway last i foaUdie vv ill cha-their place of which in M CalV Hoehport, i mill .1. day evening Juiii lt the St nt ard Real Co., yent w1i business Good 'll aSummit 11 t a crow d d with tlieir friends. end ll Oil night at 7 Satutday Yu Cant He A several bj s here thi week. I Tlie'w edd.tig dance of Yfr. Alla rt clock, the s.vr.ie to take effect after and farmer Without Th i llMI. .) line '.li Mr, aid Mrs. Win. Brewer, re- (iihhonsvvas gm n heie last Friday tfaturilaj. Jut e 4th. r tin lied fimji Salt i it 'i mien 4 toi a visit in lb turn this Tviimig (Jl.ite a large crowd at- biminit Fur, A Mer. Co. Heal d Week , d tend (Nalville IS- W. &M.l. C. w In on held I" $ DR. C. F. WHERR1TT the At ie 111 Meeting Jti llih Mr. l'ranl 1L1 is i.vtiii) of Salt Lake is Hanuntf Meat Company. nt P . a commttee was appomtnl u- 'lira IT'il to r. M r. J .. A . i'ws ti Lis R. Salmon Inn. .'(f C len. 4th of July ci Miration. Dentist I.. Hut II n H McMn Mi. Boli rt Ntddowav and soijN Mudebaker Bros. Mrs. Tillie Hixson and little one Tlmwevit has made it apj, Roiiiil and Me Worrtiv llibbou YV. 4y. Jolinstsii.. aie Nlting in Salt Lake While she to he lucerne here, U ta weiijii. fuss 2" III a hunk Nntfw in UtMk ii tn att Lake 121 business. M. E. Rhode. M K. Hixson aw Hazi and UTAH ay than vvhee n w KAMAS, At lit '1 line is at - c - i book spots outhify Mi- - LlMr Larson ha teen on the are helping houw for tWe bishop. well Wered, the quest iou no i Roys Will b Boy. ck list '(,t s,il lie nine past. s' Y John oung and A nice Me Michael whatfhll we do toiret rid of u. YOU NEVfR CAN TELL Miss i,lla Halishusy, who ha anvd are always get! mg scratches, Office over Kings Store spun last week m Provo visiting Mini Florean Beard peut two been ms Pfriends. to anil a. working In TooeWthe past win-- - out, sprains, bruise, bumps, burna 5 in. Hours.: 9 week Jsiting iirKvanstou, atwi reexactlv the cause of jour Jl.ter is home again. r scald. Dont neglect nucli thing a 121 Satur-dh. turned ji Sunday the I,j le llixson left here last liutvou know j on hae it. they may rewplt seriou if you do. for Nevada where he expect to YVe late at least three citieu Baitord's Hnowt Liniment acDojoii k nmvMtrat Ballard s Snow Apply l.iimnu nt will cine it? relieve thi go to wink. who sat Haley's comet seventy-liv- e cording to dmectiona right aw ay and rrrrrrrr.e-"'Klders 'Iaggart, Reen and Wilde years o. Tliey are: Thomas Harris it will relieve the pain and heat the pam i educes the swelling and trouble. Price 25c, Rkt and $11)0 is the joints and muscles so visited our Sabbath school last sr., Chiloito Paskett aud Jain a Butter wrappers printedwrlnnb. aw active and well Yerv n Iso very illy WBatln 'Sntd but be and ill diatvou Atack! The ainety by Jolm Boy den Affon. yuimgest being be charged for at this office al as on . er weie. Pi ice 2"c. 5"e and Sunday.' ruin w 0 jld tie a ei y go."i vl. good tlu ninety-livoldest and Master tirant Anderson has been oil Sold liv John Ho den k (son. tiling for the farmers crops. the following rate: on the nick list for the ast three Livestock For 500 $1.25. Mrehloncst d Brlnvlfllsr. weeks and at the present writing he "iii I ivivb. Tilt per jear. t'anU inuli-- ttii heading at lest notorious of all pelsoaer For 1000 $2.00. doisnt seem to he improving very Tbscomet rate jer year. A nard 1. and was ted by birth Btarnags much. Ancient Iceland. protecrion to yoim intereret atid with sBie of the noblest f sail lie of Do You Have Iceland was founded A D Sit, by the r eovety of oae critter will pay .Mrs. Kdna Judd attei ded the con- France. She was beautiful and men from Norwnv It was such a for tt space for at Leant three year. in and ference on the 4th and 5th in Salt passed as wholesale coioulrathin of picked aien Every rancher aud ca tUman in a mode of nil that was exemplary and Summit county should be representLake. Wad not been set n since amtient as ed Term of advertising kind, parried In 1651 to the Marquis Mrs. Louis J udd and Mrs. Emina de Briivillters, she waa through him Greek times, and was not to be seen protjptly givers on application to Abstracter. James have gone to Salt Lake on Introdired to one Saint Croix, who again uetil Wlnthrop sallod into tills pajier. bay nut long was tbt cause of all her troubles. Un business and pleasure. i der tbt spell of this infamous char- before tfie population of Iceland was EDHOLM & AKIN Mr. Peter Ranek spent a few days acter the became one of the and ,nUUe flourblackest 50,000. ThHr sheep H LNGk; HILLIARD SLAT AMI CPUEft. were ished. week here this ksy crops heavy, a lively visiting relatives. crimlntig and. was finally sentenced LA t'HAI'LLLK CUtKK. Abstractir of Titles for Summit trade with! fish, oil, butter and skins, to court of $10,OU0.UO Hund dead) the by Paris, Under Is home July Mr. Anderson John branded with wither of the Cattle County. again in with meal and was malt exchange 16j16'dvwbicFjsentence was dully kept-foi a short time; biarids; billowing w Ith ReaT Estate, Insurance, Farm Loans p and carried out, her body after ard beth Isles British Political freedom 111'1. on side an rlftht sida left ing burned and her asbta scattered, to waa Olliee at Refill, nee. t'oulv unimpaired, Justice was fairly wild a There la the of accourk gotid Vtuh. 'Plume No. GRASS CREEK NEWS on both on left the tefible marebienesa in Macluys wefl administered, naval superiority Uon sides. TAKE ONE shoulder Delusions." also In For- lcy.it all foes at a distance, and unde Popultr OF THESE such conditions the growth ot the new OKASS CltKKK. June 14 Last syth's. History ot Lawyers." Bultaide reward leading to recovSurgeon LITTLE Mr. as Physician community in wealth and culture waa ery of e strays. Address Euiiolh a about 6:50, ' evening TABLETS Fday ; urprislngly rapid. Jeha Flske, AND THE Akin, Evanston, Wyoming. William Stones and daughter Lydia Siab4rtbe for Tk Timk. Only PAIN to Coalville, were on their way IS GONE. & Crisp pf year, leyable In aalvauce. where 6he was going to take her My first experience with n.iudo lenon. the axle of the CURES C.URES VpxTgtmn- - card pTinbfd.VM tn which they were riding, broke in and Surgeons was a sample package handed Physicians for 75 cents at ioa' of out the Stones envelopes Mr. Rheumatism, Bruises, Burns, tw'O, throwing me. They relieved the pain did not fare THE TIMES office. little but Stiff Joints, Lydia cart, Neuralgia, Ear, on never so promptly that I have Eye, Special work done foot became fastleft Her well. so Lame Back, Cuts, Sores, been without) them since. I Nose aud Throat. ened in the bottom of the cart from The Big Head Wounds. have given them to many Srrains. Etc,, which she could not extricate it. fritnds when they had headGlasses Fitted and The hoise beanie frightened Is of two kinds conceit and the big ache and they never failed to Coalville ran about two miles down the can- hetd that coines fmm a sick headOffice in Summit Block, relieve them. I have suffered yon before it was overtaken by Mr. ache. Does your head ever feel like with neuralgia in my head, D. C. Cornia on horseback. "When m. 8 7 to p. a gourd and your brain feel loose and the first one I took reOffice Hours, from 2 to 4, Price she was leleaiied from what seemed and sore? You can cure It In no Try it y cured have these me. lieved observe They her found was that it death All who can should a the Get trap, 50c 2Sc, on time liver with by your me of neuralgia. I would not hours as near as possible. lett leg wa broken about three BKllardBacting Genuine. and worth Herblne. it Isnt them.!! $1.00 be without iwhe above the ankle aud had btts: for ttirabsolntrNamtwTtain Refuse all Per- MISS LILLIE B. COLLINS w ounds upon the head trying several tained Law. relief youll get, Sold by John Bov-d- en A Imitations. R. F. D. No. L Salem, Va. Bottle. we are-gland Attorney s-and body,-a- nd Sol by drupglvt everywhere, who k Son, of flrzt luckishe fco return BALLARD SNOW UNIMENT CO, ST. LOUIS, MO. price ore authorized to thankful that escaped tf they fell to benefit. KltLES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhert. Ind. ly. She is resting as eatdly as can - The xnaxr. maker, Sold and by, CT-i.- i. he expected at tlris yHtlng. ' misses a good many splendid Sold Sy John Boyden k 80a YVard conrgnce was held here chances to learn something. last 8'C1idayr Pre.- - T. -- L. --Allen, ATTORNEY-AT-LAelders John E. Petitt and William Carruth held two fine meeting. W. II. Wilde and family made a Coalville, Utah business trip to the county seat Mon- Abednego W. Williams tenden News 1 J 1 I 1 - uhlel-Richm- ! VV sus-jenro- od, nni 1 1 1 ja , I 1 I I e ( ie - vv .1 . I H H I . ( 11 Hu-i- Co-op- Iff vv 1 -- ar-an- li 1 it- -- I M - - llieli-inaU'li- -l ' i. 1 vv v e. 1 Directory r rea-sinia- aot-lct- Headache . Massai-husett- s Edward H. Rhead as I Norwrty,-ik-Biiis- rk m K-- and Drs. French $1-- 50 crt -- ff C!r To-da- at -- ad P.H.NEELEY who.-nev- er iwi-tak- 503 es Rcommodd W U. S. BEDELL Bsrber Shop. 'Phone 41 For the man Red t man who cares J - day night. Mrs. James Stones was up frmil 4 Secret Society. East Side Main St., v?alville. Coalville Lodge No. 28, I. 001(118117 G, R. JONES, iNotaryEuh!ic, Agent-Fire- bright., Jiac -- Fund mans . LH.. , r orders Send th them for you faithfully used win banish-Rheumatis- Constipation, Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Disorders. Be sure you eeeure genuine Bliss Native Herbs in a yellow box bearing the portrait of th Mary Ann B Clark (at the Shoemakers.' is the Agent for Summit County for Bliss Native Herbs strikes at the root of disease by purifying the blood. next morning feeling Insurance Company , of San Francisco Coamlle, best best family It restores wasted tissues; strengthen every organ. tablet at night; Notary Public. Resident 'B' la for BLISS. Bliss stands for medicine. W.G.JSTOLIEMAN.N.Q JOHN GUSS.VJ3 J. H. COUCH, Recy. WM. WELSH. Treasurer. Alonso O. Blisa. 200 tablets Money back satisfied. Ask the agent. BLOCk if not Bliss FOR SALE EY I can dll JCJtah OGDEN Pordand Gement - M Invited. of Saw-le- 0. 0. F. Meets every Wednesday Evening in Jones Hall. Visiting Brothers Coalville to day to see her granddaughter, Lydia. Also Mr. and Mrs. John YVrigllt Isitlng their neice last Sunday Mr. John Stone and Mis Florence were married in the Salt Laa- Temple on YVednesday, June rih, returning Sunday with his bride All wish vhem both a happy and prosperous journey through life. -- Mr. Harry Young Js sporting a new buggy. Mis Minnie Braithwaitehas gone to Evanston, Wyo., to work. , YVe are pleased to see Mr. Derbyshire able to be around again after a lingering illness. Born To the wife of Ernest Pringle, on the 4th, a fine baby girl. This make the second girl. Mother and abeTLre'flotBnltrely xirdTErot-wllooa,beeve: We Have Received a Carload , Henry Seamons, ROCKPORT, UTAH L w asnt aboy. Ed. Clark, of Coalville, has 1 ; j ' A good concrete, alway uniform, a western product backed by fifteen years of cement manufacturing. , ' e 4 Any 0H6 l desireous of. getting about cement, call at our & feW Facts Office and re ceive pamphlet k . ..WeLjcarryonbandaL!iiimeaJuL plete lineof'building material. ' ' ac- cepted position with "the Union Fuel Company. The workmen of the Union Fuel Company were made happy on Monday on account of it being payday. The Union Fuel Company IsTnak-In- g some improvements on their ventilating fab at their mines. James Richards, who baa beenoff work the past two weeks on account of sickness, ha resumed his woik. Quite a number from here will attend the Home Coming Day celebration at the county seat during the week It will pay you ing way, to get prices etc. before send- - V We try to live up to our Motto We Keep The Best And Always Have ataJlie It op, bl |