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Show I f ityjr pee$t?al HOME VjFflfrrfTH NEWS Siet diamity G emergent. ytlTrtrTilzttffiWcttft NOTICE TO WATER USERS The Coalville Tims Stst. f Ste'diett, tinu-o-, r. Halt Luke 'T X.J-- . Commissioners George Smith, Ilenry Hale and J. O. Pack. H'-- vh r. Summit fount. Clerk ,1. M. Hixson. 1 ! receive bids up to lu:i a. m. June Recorder J. E. Carrulh. ' V lam. for t In encMon of atji'lnsd ItuildliiK Assessor Geo. W. Young, 111411 nnU tiorm cun found at the Treasurer Frank Pingree. oftU-4- f WatktnHAKtrcli.rciiUccis. Itoolcy Attorney Peter Clark. HUh Ic .salt Iswkc(,lt aisoftt t he r4HincD Sheriff John Coffey. utltioimu Ktchlius, Hcpcfcr, llnh V Surveyor J. Don Bireh. wttH a rth ti) must be accompaiii Road Commissioner a rtlM d i bck of (lw pe r nt tin amount J. T. Lambert. m a irimrtintte that he arc ptnd seTToois O. V. Wtlkins. S'tpt. bl'tiir-a ill cnicr into contract arrtnvHn after the nporokcd Und within ie We do ottlv t' wd pi.u ittg. Caa il'l work tiwarded otherwise thrninounl we do youis? trices are right. to In- - forf?'ltid t iihi Nt rlct. City., T ! Published every frltUy, . that TbllIull whose oftlce aihire.s Is TisilRe, pot FETKKSOX. EJUar In a. cord- vttle, Utah, lias mude f atuLManager, Slice milk the requirement of the) emptied ell phone, No. 30. I. Q, lJdt A Iaws of ttah. iu amemVd by the He- - 'Kis5issoesta6t'l ' - uppU.-atlo- , or prosecution) may follow. Parents' la the guest uf her aunt, Mr. N. J. are particularly requested to wan. ' their children to "'A Peterson, piojierty of any kind alone. Terms of Suliscriptiou (in tdvisce) l it re ie some talk of celebrating .40 ParTiie v the Fourth f J ul at Ipton. Maggie Tout concert given at Ttiree Mouths .75 tiie tabernacle last Saturday night Six Months ticulars next week. was one of tiie best. from a musical One Year ,..1.50 e'amlpoit. ever heard in this city, tint ae a financial success, Wax a Hat Husiness communications gftnuld failure. Every number m a gem tie addressed to The Ccah'llle County Attorney 1eter Clark was ol tiie first order, and tliere"'is no Ttmea." oalrlle, Ilali. j in t lie county seat on official tu-i- - douhl hut that M i Tout is one Id 1 be nttjepay-aid- e shout Tiie 'the wothi. greatest hinders nas the fore parr of the week. to The Coalville Tuhgd lack of Interest taken by the pei pie Mr. and Mrs. ieurge ClutT return-ein the fact that all1 liis generally '1 ' home Sunday wvre looking forward to Home J Very High. week. ant whore they were married Co ing Day" and ill! were having! Mrs Madge ays that wb her The board f county cnmmieioii-er- a their mom y for this laughter Is married she event. gf- 0a m were in session tiie fore pait of 'wedding tour." J Hood gracloua! They told 'the handicap vviedling tiout he- ahe the week 4a a hoard of eijmtli.attoii. tween tin- w el ter Weight was niarrylng in high life, but lldnt Mike Yokel, tlimk It was ao high as alt tl Tiie Misses Hue and l.ou Huheu-thachampion of the world, rum halt of Ogden, were the guest rd hake, and In N 'Danger.' , Jjich 'Hat berlom. d Ug-- f Miss Nell Khoailes during Wife Will your dJsanuamq meetden, the undefeated middle. weight week. ehampion of I tali, pulled off at the ing finish late? Husband Yea, about midnlgft j at Opera House hi- -t Monday niglil,, Fthaml kiuhu licenses for sale t Hut don't-bnervous. shall hour's one Yokel after officeand foolish he go - Don't this have my revolver. Bon Vlv t ie losing-tito Inatcii. a kokelagreml license a may without you flailing throw Harherisoii twice in an Imur. get caught, Probate and Gnardlanshfp Ks:ies. He failed to get tils man's shoulders Mrs. W. H. Kimhall returned to the mat even for om full, alt ho I'OIINIllt ounty Clerk or Bpeeti flKner for further loformition i Wednesday from Sail I.nke where lie made ilespel ate elTolts to do so she attended tiie Kimball, reunion during the last half of the hoiirV notice to Crc&ito'te on Tuesday. For several minutes Yokel toyed of JohuPInrk, et al nili; Ill dltoorwill present claim Wi! vouch The game of hall at JVoa 7istT"Tth Tfarliert'oe to feel him out.-H1 the went to work with a vim Mt his re- la ice In Saturday between leoa and Wan-- ! Conlvllle City ItHh. on or befortt the SKt'; a hold from seven trying of every score the lu resulted ahip . son to a toe hold without results. to live iir favor of Wanship. Yokel was 011 tii agr. ssive all the (,r,ttn of the estate and gtu Su'.hlp On account of ao many visitors lime hut could do nothing with ins of johm'inrk.et l. , Unto 4r first It la Impossible to even try t aiurdy opponent w!m whs awarded May in, iuin. niontion all- There was at least the mutch. The of funs Kaiitir Kmiii. Attorn?, visitors from outside tiie county. about half enough to attctiUed, notice to CrcDltob - The business houses have uone a mak tin purse worth while. I'M lit e Of Ward K. Pack, deeeasi. fine business the past week or so. wilt present claim, w4houeh- NOTICE TO WATER USERS Trade Is reported exceptionally good at his In I.reetnet. Summit Comitysl'tiih.on during tiie fore part of the week. Htqtc KuhIhhtS ufflcc. Mill ijikt rit !lbifor.- the roh day of A. It. If the person who insist oh stealI'tfth, May 7n, t h. 1,0 JXMJtS O. IAl.K, 111 w Notice d n that the town ('onUlllc hereby imen pay ' ing c hlekens a rott Ml(is K lvi-g- , ATalt r Vttrk fTfnd fixv-'r- ' txm ed AiTuifuIntrafoTs pnnyrj one more Jvisit where ofThe etttMJfKvr,i kT T. J IdUUmtuut pur oltU Jek, bvand Monday night- - Coalville wiUliave. U t oitl lil tah lia nt.Dl apblha-lioHale of first 17; last. hi accoMlnncc w tth t he r tiil ineiit .f another funeral. hi, UK). Jul. the (oiiXfilta! I.uw of Tiah, itmj, mm mb d H V. Neeley Attjr., Oowlvlllw, UnhMiss Nell Hhoiles returned from by to itpptotf Ilflli, locatello, Idaho, Sunday, w lure she priate three and lhlrt-Ihhumhmtiihj i iP5' t wr mmmhh) of wnter fiom utr spent two Weeks visiting relatives, Hollow rteth IjwN Utah, or uinnilU'ountjt, that place, Miasjd Woffington Hald water will ta dhcrtl at a point wldrh returned with Iter. bears south 7 decree Ui mtuules went Mias Pearl Kiigin-c- I'Uli. Msrt. ism blotter t hrreliy f Oj b-- ) p- - . d I i W . J I gn-a- ! t - j f l, I - uodor-igue- il is I wri-hllm- t ln umlcr-bruo- d half-Nel- -l I imliM.-ntlon- usual-Minc- - ( 1iu-k- . -e I they-visit- - I riiJdli-atlooTJu- r- I - - of llsnefer Trusts, of f'tah, iton to appropriate four Ait culwlfit'1 per ateortd f watr from Iew I (reek. Simnnjt (oimty, Itah. SaM water will diverted at a olnt t rr k' benr mhich sou1! dhtant from the oulh'Wewt or.er of the umilh-eaquarter of Htthin 7. Tow nditp t and north. Hnntre .'j at. salt l.ttk- meridian, fi oin w in i It will In c n eed by r 7 ii" t mean of a canal for u dMuin Th Truvtccw th rltfht to reject ad there the pi i finin ptil tiu uiuj all bitla. to'Autfint 1, In :tid TTemh tur to Iri : t iMr e of lar.d mhtu d In rtvilou 7 U order of ilanl of Ti TlloMV Ku'HIN's Towiuhip uoith. iCanire 5 usl. halt I.nke' 1 T ltd H1NN ha and un i liii.t't. Thl- - apptlcailon is de4lifiiHled In lln S I'.itcd at Hem fcr. June , luio Knulmcr's ol!ue as ruon 1 .'ofi i llxt-n-- ltf 1 I k 1 diO-ia- rcrt tf 1 v , ' No. Notice to Advertisers Changes of advs. must be in not later than Wednesday mornings of each week. Change your advs.' often, but early. get them in j t , All protects irintu f said 'fillt.ii l!i n leoii t her for Nppibntlon, mint lie iamb b aifkd,tlt in dupibnte and flhd lo t hU olta i er, So tlaks Udit after the compethni f the pi MicaUon this notice Cu.Mi TiMR. istate Knineer Hate of fir! puhttcatio Ma 7. l.d', of publli lit km J urn 7, jfivst IMational JGanh i ( Kbtiiblislieil May-lot- h, 1906.) n Capital, $23,000 Surplus $5,000 i e COUNTT DIEECT0B7. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Picture matting loc for large at Time oillcc. In the Third Jmilchtl Btotcof rtiih. tiutmult , Kllen t Vi I, T riot I tourt in ttml for th j-e- t We pay 4 per cent interest on Time We solicit your patronage. Deposits. JAMES PINGREE. PwESiDNtT. B. G. BLACKMAN. VlCE-PftE- of the of Imtntj ALFRED BLONQUIST FRANK PINGREE Hff fc j I, phiiutifT, o. WIIttani H Hlu low, HarHwint Kthet Klmlra Hrum- A Knn-Hit- Kiiiiha itiick, Hertha Hlanche Wattersou. Abne lortt Wiieroi, FrancN rhurlen AVtiU on, Wjaup VtntKrMun 71nim Smith Meacham, Kphriam V. Wear ham Charles H Meta ham, Warren P MeHcham. Ptatiklin N, MenchiimMai ton N. Meacham I IsOuU AHwrt Meachum, Tin mu Kt Meacham ami falwl Menelmm r- Jen-eu- defendant, SU MMONS The State of Ilah to the d . huKlimt'-Yo- AS GOOD AS NATURE GROWS. are her by Minimum d to appear within twenty dnj nfier of this' summo.i upon nou, if r(i within the county In which thl action N bnmkrht; otherwise within thlrtj dns afttr and defend the alnive entitled jtcthm;aml in case of your failure to do, judkinent will lie tendered UhOtlnM yon m'eordimr to the demand of the complaint, which has, hewn Med with the clerk of miKI court. ThU action U bromrhf to'qulet the title to-- . r" the property tlewerliHal'IirtliconijnaiiiTr NM !4 8SM ora, Attorneys for Plaintiff. ErO- Addres, 4h) Judy:1 Kutldlnq. Milt 2tWi7-i- i Lake City, Utah. erh, , (J Spices as the foundation of flavors are worthy of ihe most serious consideration. The standard upon which-w- e conduct For this reason we now carry the our business is Quality. Maltese Cross Brand of Pure Food Spices in Oc handsomely lacquered tins and invites your patronage. 1 JOHN BOYDEN & SON. - e ruble-fee- held here today. Other reunion wera conteinplated At thU lima bqi owing to alckntmii, wera poatunuj. 4 All the reiHuti. Hu refor, It tn Uiiplteute unit till'd tn till, olthv wit liln It), i.iui ila Hfter the eiimpli'tlmi of pulillen'lon of th' notice, Tl'MK, The Annaul Kneantpinent of the Department of Dah, rniterl Sjianlh im!nv limit,. t,y (in. State VAU!VwtorjuAjUUjeXifclijLiiJt.Xlit. baU trf,ffx?tbhrs City Council Chamber of the City Hall, Ogilen, ttali, at 10 a. m., Friday, June 31, lillO. 1 Ci)lmer. tja ofeiimpletton of putilleiittou June fi, Itun. Slide Kittrlneer' inti.-,-- . Suit- t.nkf I'hy, t'tiih. Mny ax lulu Ni'lt.-ei- . herehy stven tlml Jnine. Verimn Bint Joep!i itihiii, hn.e pod otttce hiI- - ill , The flsliing season opened Wedy nesday with the at reams In this Uf.etl from one end to the other with dewiplea of Isaac Walton. Ills reported that flald.ig is fairly good. Not many monstcrous stories have Jrraohed th.'a office up to preis time, vici-uit- tiowover. 1. ftlH'h pot t . Ittlll. t,u., 111,4.1., ,plt (at Ion lu Iiceonlnii.-- with the in,.ii, of the Coinplted Iuiim of I'lnh, lsrr, mitemted ly Die He..ton tjm. of t'tnli. Ituti, .it to HpproprlHte ( f pM), per .eronil of snrer from u .prtns In summit County, TlMt. Snlil .tirtnir I. ,tunti.l t pol'd Itli-- t.ur. south f,3 ileree i minute e. i:l7u feet from the north-en.- t corner of S.vtlon.V, Town. hip wmtli, Huntre 3 ..(. jke l.i.e uiul merlitlitn. The water will he ittvertid hi the pltum wliere It l.th'S from ntil .ptlit sml l,y luean of B pipe line for b 11.tnin-- of l.T.a, feet Bttil there ilurlus the period from jBiumry to December 31, lui'lu.lve..ir eio-l- t , for domestic Btitl luimlctpnl purit.es. This BppltcuHou liTTIeslKuHteit In the Mate K.ilueer office B. No. aits. All protest, attain. t the srnnllns of nld applteatloB. statins the reasons therefor, mu-- t he ntade by affidavit In duplicate and tiled to thl. 'office within tlility llildax after the completion of publication of thl notice. C41.1.B TxshKs. Ntate Kiuttiu'er. Date of tint publication May f?. lull) date of completion of publication. June S7. Ittlu, om-te- 1 hI Sheriff John C. Coffey, of Park City was iu the county seat the fore part of the week and Incldently enjoyed himself with the large crowd that was here to celebrate Home Coming Day.' Mr. Coffey left Wednesday to attend the sheriffs convention in Salt Lake. 1 Word reached this office just as we are about to go to press that J. H. Staple of Cfuff was dead. Mr. Staples was down in his field Irrigating, when he was taken with an epileptic fit, falling foremost with hts face in the nuh! and water. The alove facts was all that could i i t v (is (ts (ts VI (h v vv Vi a hearty we '.come to all Home visitors to visit store SuTICK t nl ted Iske I'tty, ftah. State. May t Imn.l Office. Salt To whom tt (ts ay as ay ay ay as ay ay ay nevery cour- - ; j stopped !Rcgt,ter Vi Vi v vi V! vi vi VI vi & vi n m ay (,ts Vf ay ay Vf vi , Vf Vf ay V! ay vi as Vf Sp l j v Vf tctanU must Vi Vf as as v Vi IV ay h11 Vf vi vi ay iv vi vi IV ay ay ltmi. I. hereby given that thy State of Utah ha. filed In thU office ltU 4 lauC. aWeeUat by the njdd tate, under S.Hthm 6 of the Act of I hub re.., approved be learned. July IS, PSM.B Indemnity SStimil land, viz: rye Meet Imre, Ticrtchlp mirth; Uranvills Denting, Jr. of Pine Kange end, K. I M , Serial No. ism Iit S. R W S H W K K t N was 8 4, View, E'., S.as brought home from Malad Uon a tad a Section 1. Town. hip 4 north Haoga very severe ease of rheumatics. Mr. Cople of ald ll.tti.ao far a they relate to was out with the sheep aid tract by Denting auNltvt.looa have when he taken down, and had to be been consplouou.ly p.Mted In this office for hy any perron Intere.ted and by re'moyed from the sheep ramp on a In.pectlon the public generally. During the period of We are io state stretcher, pleased tmbllratton of till notice, or time there that he Is much better at thepresent after, and before dual approvalany'ami oertltl t cation, under departmental rngulattons of writing. April St,tTr, prntc.t. or rente. t against Htateto any of the tract S. M. Sexton litIloblnson City or hcrelnt.-furile.crltd. on forms us that children visiting the the.uhdivt.tons roufid g that the mine ). more valuable In are the habit of inter- for mineral thau for agricultural purpoM-- , cemetery will be received and noted for report to the fering with the hose used In sprink- Ueneral Cffilce at Wa.hlngton, D. p. ling, ami tying the same in knots, Failure Igvnd o to protect or coute.t, wtthiuthe and other mischievous acts. Also tluiespccltted. will be considered wuffldent people with teams, on Sunday, leave evidence of tbe character of the gates open, and tocf(make a j th the .election thereof,- - helngi rr bt? oHjecjton, win b ap-graying place of our silent city,, proved to. the Mate. K It. Tn.iwc.,, The above otfeuses be IV ay auAtyUaM-Scriah-HVf- I vt vt (ts & Mr v (Us NOTICE TO WATER USERS Carruth have the ' contract to build at once vii SuinhVit atreet, three flva room modem cottages, one for Seth Thomas of Aloiy Hohtn-'- ' thn prhertwo for MrrS.-Rvanaton eon, of Coalville, Utah. ia aa Ideal place for a home. Press J VI ( )le,!imt. ,l tn. tliJ Mate n. o :JrJi prte.i aanhi.t the ainiitlng of .ntd imi.t t flV -- ppllefUuwH, eor-reclio- ti. . BergHtrom mu.ofminie,vuiiittiuipip(limf la error. He purchiueul the William hotel. Wo g nil y make this -- KIV tor s ili.tance of approxImntHy uWaa feet and there u.ed (turlns U,e pertinl from January t to iytnler 31. tnclu tve, of rorh jesr, for (IohumII,' slut liiuiiti ml purpioev. Till, Uua wv saultliat Mr. John ODmooIl hail jurehaKtl the n Cottage hotel at KHMe.Xhi I tv jkX VVvV''vv w feet dUtaiit from th north-ciu- t corner of the bonlli-ea-- l mwrter of Section 7 Town- M t north, Ronnoh hnM-lvt 1 fcnj nicridlmi, from hi-- r It VIII I eonvt-y- . ;o! the WUde reunion which Udadu V. ft ' k vvww7'v;vv'v'v w O |