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Show 1 a T-A SyfiUY ELUOTT rllfCIiELL j sl. X S (t U in feverlr-h bust aj ' . mLI I imn I n.- activity re mmmml A y i V,WU''7 workshop.. K M W ?A?r . VfSS'.'- VW1 ". n Application I ?-"-.A I V 1 7 ' W ,A,,M,aof,he I J--;,fU$ 1,7 lf :r: S old saw that nil I ?'ti' . A I .Afi''' 4 '- 'i'K! iZvPg'- io'elil'iM the 'pi,it"..f' th"p.-..ple f.xvy''t Av'f ( 7 yi ' - 'ji if'Ss 'yJ- .'f ' f.ir hiB project to purchBBe Mat-ka Wf ,jA vVV-'-o'1 J..r T" ' i ? " ' vim'1 ' 'tVt'F"v - A- f the s,ewl.t e.thetlc llfau- lh.tlti 1 ' I ' ' 'ZK niei.ik hr wlil.-h he soitdht to nam 11.. .''i '.')' uf ( )''"''f?. !' i A ' ' S tJrtKL li'iT'- advocate a, that thl Kreal ni-rth- Ijj ', :'V 'j ' jU'-V &-W' f " rn tcrrltof,- should be ae- lfc.f ?f iV L.lr. f 1..';..r' ... A, , .K. .....red If for ,,o.l,l else than that IK i' t i' .' C- t . I - Vl'VA- II womI.I afTnr.l a uwifniltlc.-nt sum tie r plavuroniid for the American liatl. 11 AI.-.Bka'B purcl.iiBe Is ilt.iiht-B ilt.iiht-B Ju-iit'.cd on litis score alone, and. while lis varied toponraphy at-fords at-fords In truth a wond-rful field to the lorrM. there lire tllltrll more l 'ullly n ccHBlhle "pliiyMfimnds" w.l'lill the l ulled Stales Imi. ed. so'.ie lie til our very doors. nltlioiiKh 1. 11 link . f trnni-pnrtntlon fa.ll Itles they limy he more dini.-iill of a. .'.". Him. far dlstnnt imlnts The nation .,, . hi 11.,-lf. to the i, ople of the prcn-tit day, 1,1,1 en-n more to ihoB.- nf a future con .-.-ht.-.l -.'),ilnll,,i t cte.-ite Into tin. tlounl twtlts the inasnlllcctil r.-Mlons of 1'ie Rocky IIIOIIIItltlllM 11 11 d Hi.- lllch Sicira. which have little. If any, ecotioiiilc 1 111 p if i otiie. nnd thus preserve til ways their unit-ml. unit-ml. wholesome lieiiutles Transportation Trans-portation methods meth-ods will niii.Hly follow mid thus new '-piny Kr-iuiids" bi-coni i-resslble. A ml tonal pltiyKlollllils hs- s 11 c 1 11 . I o 11 lor pr.iwn iipB. oiKuti. I"d o 11 s o 111 such basis as thin of the HI-eriu HI-eriu club nf Cull, fonilti. but will, the I nltrd Htutcs for Its Held or activities, would find important work lo lie done and would enlist en-list ninny ardent mmmmmmm .:.-:':f'l5S4-;: fi i r"" i ' ' I'lty ,''-4?m4, -stir A' 'A aupportera. N'umerniia iintlnlinl parka have al-r.-ndy been established by the Kin eminent, aotne becutise or their rccumilrcd atundlni tt nutural wondi rlniidf . such as Yellowstone, and others through liiklslent ehnmplnnshlp or enthiislnsta. The youitKest .neniber or thu playxround family, fam-ily, now knocking: at the door for national protection. protec-tion. Is the proposed (Under National park In lor. h.-rn Montana. There are ao.ni people It. the east who do not even know that there are la-clera la-clera In the t'nlled Hti.tcs today, but think of the.n as extinct monsters IicIoiikUik to past nco. Ionic era. To audi the very name, (Hauler patk. la un education. There fire no l.uiKsr. It la true, vast continental glaclcra; even the (treat frnitei. r.-ulom or Alaska are email lu entent compared will, the ancient ulucler. but the re.unanta or the I niie tline universal Ice sheets, such aa can be ! seen In Glacier park, are so majesllr and ntinier- oils aa to awaken In the mind or the traveler sen-I sen-I tlme.ita or unbounded awe and wondor at Nature's Na-ture's mal.lil.-ks handiwork. "(ilvo mouth at least to this precious re. serve," says lohn Mulr. some ten year aso. In apeakliio: or the dellKhl of this region. "The time will not be taken from the sum of your life. Instead of shortening It will Indefinitely lotmthcn It and make you truly Immortal," Nor are the uttractlnn of the Cinder pnrk reKlnii confined to the scenic. Here lies, for Instance, In-stance, (he niaj.-stlc Lake McDnnnld, full of brisk trout, na described by Mr. Mulr, In the heart or the splendid Flathead forests nf giant pine, spruce mid cedar, while ten miles nhovo la Avalanche Ava-lanche lake, khlmiueriiiK nt .he foot of a group of fc-laclt-r-ln.len mniiutuinB. Fnr up the white penks one run hardly fall In meet the white Rout or American chnmols, while In other retreats dwell dc-r. elk and ln-tir, and tunny smaller, sleek furred animals enJoyliiK Ihelr beautiful lives In company with tii'in.-roua bird species. It Is hoped that the present session of con-press con-press will preserve for the mil Ion this latest plays-round and constitute It another of our national na-tional parks. It will then be our second liu-.-est park, surpassed only by the Yellowstone. The sixtieth co.iKreMs .nude a favorable report re-port on n (ilucler park bill, which had also the stioiif support of the sccretnrles of tho Interior mid ntfrlcultiire. This report was bused largely upon H topographic survey made four years ngti by a I nlt.-d Htaies geological survey party, and upon a lut.-r compilation by llole-rt II. Chapuimi, nue of the party, einbracltig a total area of about 1. mi". lino acres lying Just south of the Canadian line .mil between Flathead river am the lllack-f, lllack-f, ,-t Indian reservation. This area tnhtaltis mi or more true glaciers, ranging In slx from small Itla.-i.'is of a lew ncr.-s each lo those cTtverlng live Bitiai-c miles. It ah... contains over 2r.O gln.-tal lake-, from a few hundred fed to ten ir.'.les In urea. The Hi, iky motiiitiiln sys.eiu In the l iilti.-d Btiit.-s iiliouiids lu regions of wild and iiiagiilllccnt scenery, hut it Is doubtful If any of them surpasses sur-passes in grandeur and Interest that of (ilacler nark. From its urea water Hows to Hudson bay, (he Culf of Mexico and the Taclllc oc. un. Mount i'lcveland. Its highest p.-ak. reaches un elevit-tlou elevit-tlou of 10.4:11 feel, und there are many o'her rug-pi-d mouutains rangltiK Irom li.nno to 1'i.Onu f.-et kliove seu level. Tills area of 1 l,c northern Id. ky mountains, kays Mr Clinpiunii, which lies to Hie north of the (ir.at Northern railway and to the south of the Cnnuillnn boundary, Is one of the IMi.-d hi-iutif'il mountain regions in the world. Approa. lung the divide from Hie plclua itin lo .ii- ci . :! i.iouul.ilnB present to the traveler a rock wall or great steepness extending northwest by southeast for unbroken miles ex rept where cut by deep I'-shaped canyon. These hnve been large ly formed by the great glncier which once slowly llowed from the mighty iiow-covere I peak and ridge form Ing the divide between th drutnnge of the Al-luntlc Al-luntlc and the I'ac-lllc - hol.is and the whit" goat, will s,.n become prt'etleally extinct I Th. i- nf- n.iuier L : ,e,.H.-s thtoiii'h .he I, 1,-h.r range. Aei"- II. se the gam.- .rails 1 I. . ,1 f.om valley ... v alley Follow II g ! Hi.' 1 mip 1 .111 e .he Indians; the hunt I er 1.1 d th- (tapper. I.N.I,..ig lor a-y I ., ,,f ir'ni, -I. loilowed the Indians; li, " ."'Hie the government e.il'lile.-rs exp',01111 ami map.iliig. mid llnaiy the 1 , 11, her of the tolillsls mid lo.cis of II. in ie Most of lh. se pusses lite eh, . d for .iiiiuy monihs of each year h,v tiie snow; some of them are avail-utile avail-utile only nM.-r Ihe use of the nx to live I00IH14 on Ihe liur.l Ice of nil. li. lt. IvItlK close tit the Conllll. Illal dl'. Id.', bat across one or Iwo ol Ihen. w.'i n toads inn v be built by which p.'.-cns until. ed for the sir. minus el-foi el-foi . i now re.iulr. d to reach the higher coiit'tty may have opportunliy lo view I. il dice lunge None of the pusses lli il .lie soiill. of the Clllillillall limit) d.tiv will ever be used for a railway r.e t" 'Here Is Interest In Ciimidn which I,.,,' . vvlth fi.vor upon the creation of II , propoKi d .Under park, mid at suine future day the locomotive tuny cioi,s tiom the linmlnton lo the wa-1, wa-1, 1 1 of the Flalh.nd rlv.-r and wend soutiiwar.l 1.1 the towns mid fanning vii'.! vs iidjaceiit to Cotumhtn falls uud K ill, pell, tunning link between the ocean- the northern continental divide. Deep In the canyons are rourltig streams, coin ln from tho melting he and snow and (lowing Into placid mountain lake below. Hetweeu the ranyona the long finger like rldgea rise lo consld eialile heights, the tlinhercnvercd slope ascend Ing teeply until a region of brush-grown broken rock la renrhed. which In turn leads to the base of precipitous cliffs. The ranyona at the head usually terminate In great amphitheaters, rising rllfr over cliff In stairway of tremendous proportion. pro-portion. Many of the slip or lli.se giant's lalrwaya retain Ice masse which slowly flow across 1 1,1 111, earl, fed from a large Ice mass above until a region nf hug snow bank I reached. The main Hocky mounluln mass la actually made up of two principal parallel ridge, the Lewis nnd the Livingston ranges, which run up-proximately up-proximately through tho center or the proposed park. These ranges are the remnnnt of what W11.1 once n much wider plateau-like. region of rock, which, however, has been mKhllly carved nnd shattered by the forces of erosion, principally princi-pally ilifse of the great ancient glaciers. Ilentlng upon ti ls jireni mass .ire the higher peaks, huge pyramids and I1I.1, lis, wllh cliff, n, preH,,!,.,., of hundred I sometimes thousand of feet plunging nway down to the rnnring trenms of the rimyiiii or ending In the great crevasse at the bend of Rome glacier. To the west aid tho mountain, break pre-' pre-' cipltoiisly, and from the foot uf the steep, lodg, llinliiT-eoiered ridges reach out Inward the valley of the Fliilliend river, lietweo, lht., rMt.n nI extending up the canyon of tin ,Ki,r mine are many miles of Ink.-, joined by rushing streams similar to those on the eastern side The whole park Is Inhubltcl by wild animals and birds and the stream almond In many kinds of fish In the higher barren r.s-k areas the white gnat Is found lu gnat numbers, ii., on the slightly lower ridges, where rome protection Is afforded by sliiuied tlmb.-r Kttiwih and brush nnd jiiKged sloiies, the Kocky iiountnin sheep, or "bighorn,", has his haunts. In 'be valleys and on the lower spur ure ninny whit, til mid blui k-tnll deer and moose; lu places liny elk are found, and over the whole urea, from tiKti glacier and snow-Held to huckleberry bush region of valley and rial, roams the giant grizzly hear. All the game milmulrt use the higher mountain moun-tain districts for summer range only, us the urea Is too high mid the siiowiull too heuvy to permit of winter use. Aa In the cuse of the other national nation-al purks, these game tiultuala. p.ute.i.-.l by luw from Interference, will Increase to u. h an extent a to furnish In the nverllo from the park tempting supply to sportsmen for ull time; on th oilier bund, without such protection of a breeding ground, 111 11 n y of the animal, ttpe.iully lb hl-- 111 sis minim " is 11 111 1 1 1111 1 CuiiuiIIuii I'licllh and the (ir.-nt Northern railroads A loiite 011 Hi" west side of .be Fliiihead river, suys Mr (iiaini'iiii. Is very available for the Una lion of 11 riiilroud truck. In older to open up thl region of superb and ' unl'iue scenery tor the public, few main road ways will be rnpilred along the stream, logethei with horse trulls lo point of especial Interest Lake Mclinnuld. it I pointed nut In the scants report, lying near (be southwestern boundary ul the proposed patk, Is a sheet of water of un matched beauty, surrounded by scenery of such signal grandeur us lo make roadway along III eastern slime ir.remcly desirable, but this. II Ii staled. Is a 1 I' r for the future consld. -nit Ion ol cungrcss. The region combines all Ihe elements of an Ideul "playground" as It stunds. It needs only uihclul ilcalgniitloii lo Insure Its protection mid p. rpe.ully as such lo siliioiliit" the es.iihllshineiit of I fans portuilon fa.illtl. s. making it more readily avail-able avail-able to viMlols Wiille of Interest geologically. It Is of little. If inn. ecoiiomlc Importance The con illtions nr.- pafii, -ilarly adapted to the study of th atiiictuie and lii.tory of mountain building, us the nncieni foie. s of tuiiure were most uctlwi uml a I tremendous folding ui.d wurpliig of the oncu horizontally hori-zontally he.ld.-.l lie lis is III Inilliy plll. es lipplirelll At one time pro.i l et irs lor copper flocked to Un region, hut no Hie! were made Indicative of any economic deposit'., an, I tl e same limy he snld us lo nil. I'iotti Ihe i.'eonuiiis.ance made by (he gets logical survey II I- not hdleved Unit Milder p.irk contains any 11. In-1 al bearing formation,. ,,f com-n-erclal linporiiiii, However, If such urn discovered discov-ered following II. cr.iiiliui of Iliu park there will be nothing to hlni'-r their development. |