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Show mines' and" mining At ihe regular dlrectois meeting ol of the tilde S.1111 t'onsoll.lati'd com ' -. puny h.-ld in Sail Lake (in, a dll- I,. ip lid of c.-til a share, or 110,000, '' ' was deelalcl ; The Visible copper supply of Ru '. . r,.,,. 1 nitits lu L' lH.M'J .en pound, -' uud lidded to the liilted rllal. s sup. .1 ' ply gives grand total of :1'.i'.i..'m2.21I I l , IHiunds Hie hu g, st ever reported ' An estimate of Ihe Flail CoppM ' ' company's production for May glvi .... the outpnl of copper lis approximate) ly H.r.un.u'tu poiinds. at u est of I , lenls 11 pound, with net ..itnlugs fol .'' ' .lie m.'i, Hi ol Hi ".''" v:' : The Cm hoiiule Milling p iny ol the ll'ii CotlonwisBl section ol I'.ah I ' h ptoiluc.'.l III Hie lle,ghh,uh,l-,ll " j ',,' )l .uimiiii 1111,1 dividends to III" e L ' lent of $:miii. hive been paid frwtJ 7 ' opetllllollH between IsTJI. Three f.-e. of ore averaging I VI I r- N ton In gold mid silver have 1 11 brofc en Into by Htrulk. y br.ubeiB. I.aslni ff ' on Ihe Wild Cut claim of Hie Fly Cal- ". iim.i Copp.-r eompaii) . 11, fording U advices rotii Fly. Nevada The owneis of the Miller Haflorty , . group of chilms In I'.er Unlge dl- ' It-lit, ll.-a Hllltellne. liall. W.'I" hull Week on lb Sail Lai," lll.llkel wllh live tons of sorted which run ul.ont 1 ...vii ounces lu silver amf i',ud and soii III l-o!d lo the loll Handling llv- tons of r. k day, the I'mnlllne ml company, from It lulu.- nnd work In I 'airy Fol k cuu-yon. cuu-yon. near Mill Folk, I'tab. Is prodm ing dally about 11 1.", gallons of oil ol it iiuallly which brings on the innrkel 7. cents mid II a gallon Halt Lake Interes's who r nil entered the Kern lllver. California, oil Held, running th" Magnolia Houtli-ern Houtli-ern Oil company to develop n trar.l of ground li.k.-n over, are griUHIed b news .hat Hie portion of the field they .-in. 'led Is proving 10 be a new c-ntul of act iv II . With twenty feet of qiiurU In th Ihlrd hole drilled In Ihe properly ol Hie Fn.ie Joe Mining ronipiiny, neat Unshed, uud with every fciiiure of lh formation so like Hint of the Colorado vein that 110 expert can distinguish material difference, llm owner are. feeling highly cllll.'d The first annual teport of the In-lerniillonal In-lerniillonal Htu.ltiiiK II, dining company com-pany covering op, 'ration tor lha iw.lve ii.on.li ended Ix. Ill, Lint, bun lie. il Ibsik-.I The toll.l Income Is 2.f,Mi.r,i:i; total expense. ILKii.,-sin; ILKii.,-sin; net Income, l.::ir,.7ll; dividend, $1011. nun; surplus, '.i:i!i,7.ll. Development so fur accomplished Id I Ihe Hun .limit lUlithl oil Held assure beyond ipicstlon the cxlatetire I her of ull In volutin' beyond computation, 1 acrorit.ng 10 h twtene of. C 1 Woodman, civil engineer, of IVnvet? who ha been employed the Inst seven week milking uiyey or cluliti. A decision has been retulend In f ihe (unions I'oioal mining rn-'.' In . 1 N.-vudii, m,d the Mtihiuey br.ilber ' have gained from Ihe court com-phi com-phi ' viiioiy over ihe Intercuts cl-i.tn-Ing Hie ground. The pro.erty ha ; i ecu under bond and lease for annul Iliu" lo ensierti uud western partle. WI1I.I11 Ihe Hex. few day the llos-Ion llos-Ion Hunshlne company of .he Mercur dlBtiiet will be climed down p-sr.iias n. nlly (Ine of the official of .he or-gunlxutlnn or-gunlxutlnn says the tho search for or) has resulled In failure, and the lulu and mill will bo Idle a oou a tho clean up lu the plant now taking plnca Is completed. Dining Mil) , u. cording lo figures given 01.1 by Ihe Darby Nevada Ho-duiiloii Ho-duiiloii company. Iho Florence l.-use al Steven Trough produced :l"5 ton of ore whirl, wu treated al the mill, beside eleven ton or high groda silver ore which waa shipped to Iho tneller. Tho ore average between 7i. und In. a lo... California I not experiencing th slightest depression from the light-.less light-.less of money In the east. Cnllfnr nlii, lu fuel, I booming all on count of il oil In.crosl. Within Hiatus! Hia-tus! Il days, II Is said, from flii.ouu,-nun flii.ouu,-nun to $ir,.uun,uiHi of F.iigllsh capital has h.i'ii Invested lu producing oil properties In ('ullfniula. The camp of Chiirlcstnn In tho Mn, Iris mining district, Klko county, liny miles north or Dii-th, Is niltucl-Ing niltucl-Ing the ut I .-ill 1. 111 of mining ...en iitoiighiiu. Nevuilt.. Charleuton I fifteen tulles south and cost of .lar-blillge. .lar-blillge. the foi million being lime, gi-aulle, poi-pbv-ry and dlorlte. whllo thai or .luibrldi-e is principally rhyo. Ilte mid nuaii.lte. About Iwent-flve men are .Aiw om- ' ' t ployed dally In grading and excavat- lug about an acre and a bulf of laud 'y upon which the Uike Copper company 1"'' Intends shortly to erect a new hoist, - - holler house and ulr rAittipreusor. t llelween the l.r.uii mid Limn level or ; '. tho llldge and Valley property nt Tin- t ' tic. liuh. Botne very tlnu result tra hclug had, mid ciinslil. -ruble on. I bo- . h lug hi't'ien d iw'ii for thu market In y Ihe regular course of development. e'j The ore will uveruge close to thirty , mice silver and '.'.'. per renl lend. r.t"' All boom sp'rlt at .larhldge, Ihe new ' N'evadii gold camp, ha died down and Ihe crowd of excllcd gold seeker : , who rushed Into (hut region iolliiwiiiK 1 ,'. the first Htrlkn now I planning nnty on getting tiwiiv, uccoi'dlug to a party of diiilen men wim hav.i Jus. ret m tied ' ftotn that district. On.- of the richest oil strikes ever inado In Wyoming Is report. -d liotii iprmg Valley, Just east of Kvilllstoll, where the Hiiiudni'd It. -servo (111 ."111- 11 . In v-lrcli tii.Mi- tigib-n tin 11 are iiiciesied. has uncovered a mourner iuibui al a depth of 7.',u feel. |