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Show SUGAR TRUST OFFICER I LTLTY Haika Convicted of Conaplrao, t Do-fraud Do-fraud tho Govarnmant of :av tomt Outioa on 6ugar New York - Charlea ft. IM a the while haired aeeretury of tht uuerl n Himar ll.-llnlnx com put waa convlcied Krlday nlnht on on fount of nn Indictment churKlitK rn ilrucy 10 il.-fru.nl Ihe icoverniucni of t uitiius . little on aui;ar. Drneal W. lierbracht, form.i lupcr intend, -tit of the WllllauiahurK Brook lyni reiltiery, wna convicted a. all -,11 count For Jatnea K. lender tuiKel. former caahler of Ihe n-flnery. lie jury aloud aeven to five for ac 'initial lie will be tried niD Thl end tne Koveruniem'a rond utetnpt lo I in ,rl ami the group of men e.pnnalhlc for Ihe vnat Ull.ltrw elKll .nil fraud lo which Hie o railed truat vlriiiiilly Iiim conreaHcd hy tin. n Hiu Hon of more than f-'.nno.imil m duty llelke I the hlhet nfflclnl ot Ihe -oiiipnny upon whom blame lm been tiled, and he now face a tnaallile lenience nl two year In the federal penitential r and a flna of 110410 lie ia Hi year old and broken It health lid aplrlta. Ilia rontiael In ajnutilnK up de.-lured repeatedly that 1 prtCon term meant nothing leaa thai death Convicted on all alx roiinal ller-bracht ller-bracht can be aenleuced loTtwelve yeara In prlaon, wllh a niaxInJtn fine of I IO.11DO. lie la 63 yeata oi |