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Show FAVORS EARLY ADJOURNMENT. Praildent Urge Member to Adjourn Congreaa aa Quickly a Ponlble. Waahlngton I'realdenl Tafl ha aake.l the leader of Ihe aenate und houae of re prcKcnintlvo to have con-gre:. con-gre:. uiljourn by July I, If there I any puaalble way of doing thl. I'rel-dent I'rel-dent Tall want coiigte lo adjourn a ipilckly ii puaalble now So emphatic em-phatic wua the prealdetit plea for nn early adjournment lhal the leader have le-gun a vlgoroua camtmlgn. Kepreaentatlve John Dwlghl of New York, Republican whip, hu charge of Ihe early ii.lluiiiment commlllee In the houae. Vice Proaldont Sherman ha been campaigning for celerity In the senate. A a weeping lnvetlgatlon of A hi kan iiffnlra will be atrongly urged before be-fore Ihe aeaalon end and thl. It I" feared, will emliiHly 01 f the mailer mai-ler which will mi-etch Ihe elon beyond be-yond the point where President Tafl wiitil It to uiljourn. |