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Show "Home-Coming Day" i a Grand Success i 4 I IT WAS A (illASli SI ITKSS. "llmnr I'tiiiilnir Uny" will long lie rtmctnlicrpil 11 tlm irrt'tiffat I'.'lt'ltra-' I'.'lt'ltra-' tlmi fvi-r livlil iii Unit city, mill con-nliliTiilili' con-nliliTiilili' irniau Ih tine t lie vnrlitu cotntiill t.-.-n fur llii'lr illllKitiii'e in innkin i-Vfrytlilnn .iiiaiiiit, na nut vnr llitl'll whh nor WfM tlll.t nny iti'ililt'iita, nnil Ilia wi-ntlicr wm moat lli-nl for a auiwaaful i-fltt-brnticm. Tlio dfCDraliuii ootmiill ! did h)I.Mlillil work on I ln mrnclH uml hIo m tlm Rtnku tttliiTiiHi'lt, mud oilier pulillc biiililinpi. Jtrsit 14th. Tlm Coiil villf llrnaa llnml was at the ili'iot to imwt tli' triiln rrom the wi-at, niul plnytMl vi-rnt niiro. priiitf Hira. Tlii'ii at two o'clock a imlillo rovi'ptloii wit lit'ltl nt tlm Htitko tiilii-rnnclo nt w lilcli Hid following fol-lowing proKrnm whh eiirrli'tl out: M iihiv liy tlio Coalvllla Hrnas llnnil. Ailtlreaa of wolcoinn Mnyor T. J. J'wIk Tlm followlnii l a synopsis of Mnyor Lewis' nililrfga: I.Hclli'H niul Knl Iwiimii We grunt you UN Iioiiim coiiiith, rnKlili'iiin, citl. in) niul visitor from tlm surround- lug country to wlioiu I In- pin (.f Conlville ili'nlm to eitprcaa tlii'lr do-Unlit do-Unlit nt lutvliiK you oiicn more In tlii'lr tnlilHt ami to annum you that evury opportunity will lit) tiikfii ail-vnutiiKH ail-vnutiiKH of In iniiku your may utii'ititf thi'in linth pliiiKiml anil Htrri'i'iilil". A Iioiik' KiilhiTiUK of thin naturu ciilla to iniiiil lln) pontic Hum: 'lty tlm tlreHiilu mill, llm Unlit Is hIiIiiIiik. Tin' I'MUIri'ii'n iinna ruiiiul tin' par-1 rn'i twining; j Knilil Invi' no am-i-t, () wiiultl you roam? Hit It rver no liutuliln, 'lluiiin In Hume.' " Some alinlliur tlioiiKht must linvp I n in tlm inlnil of Mr. Frank Kvnua wlit'll, ai.tni' tntiiitlia Bun, In' mailn the atiKKfatlitii Hint It wolilil j h in the lint- of kooiI ft-llownlilp f' r , (.,'onlvllln to linvt. a "Home 1'onii nr , liny" ami Hint nil former n-anlonta , be Invite. I to meet here In tlieinoiith i of June, when Nature wan at her bent, anil have a Jolly home comliiK celebration, at which the people I coulil Mel to)Cther ami talk over old time evenln, renew nhl frienilithipa anil have a ki.oiI time rfeiieriilly. When tlila happy thought liefnme known It wan the talk of the town anil the renillt wax that the people with onn acconl comn to the determination deter-mination to brluir the event about and then pel to work at once to de-vine de-vine way and mean for that pur- pilMO. A mt'etliiK waa culled ami com-lull com-lull (.' were appointed to attend to the detiilln of iirrniik-t'Uii'ilta. Invi-Intl. Invi-Intl. ins wi'ltt aunt out to nil thone whone naiiiea were romembered; all the prepiirntloim were mmle ami completed; and we are iirntlthid and pleaned thai our elTorta have aiic-ceeiled aiic-ceeiled In hrlUKititf tot'ther thla aplnudld aaaetnbly of hoiiie-coinera, cltlzt'ii and vlallora. frotu the aur-rouiiditiK aur-rouiiditiK country. It la a well known fuel Hint thla little city I uit produced and ai-nltiut inore tnleiited and akillful men nml women tlinn my other city of ita aim. in the In atnte; for In the lend-in lend-in ranka of the leitlalntora. lawyer teni'bera, mlnera, iiiualciiina. vn.-iil-lata, iiiei'liiiulca, and mum i.'lier fill forma of activity, are to be found the amnt and dmwhl' r" ('mlrillt'. Mich pt'iiple c.'Ui.l not have decenil' d from any nn.iavi-ceatrnl nn.iavi-ceatrnl atnek, but lunar bate lind prnnetiltora who were poaai.'i of atroiiir pbyaicnl, meninl nnil I'lot il lltire. ami were of tlint aturil.t nn't who pioneered the way, cleared the hind, iniiile the (mitral i-'ii t.inulN, aiihiliicil both anii;e n.Ju,. n..: aiiviiu.i man nud, in (lie face nt ul-tnuat ul-tnuat liiaiirmoiinlnblit oliatuilta. through aiiiinuer'a bent and wlntnr'a cold, and want nud Imrc'-hlp, inii'lr a Kardeti Kpnt out of w hut una once a deaert and a wilderiieaa. Manrof thoan brave old aoula I'H'c -.i d awuy, ami now He In I.e. no . I,.i'.. but tlit lr K'linl worl a bv . i j i and Will ever nerve, to k ! f ell memory itreen anuuitf iih. 'I ' p i . . - oi them who have autviveil i.i.a ,n. here Willi Ita now wi I .1. .' '. apeelally ill-lllinnli.li aa (i.i' a "I llolltir, ill toiil'll of li e OI' il l, .' fectlon and hi nil regard In tvll.'b they are held by II. la li I . . n-1 n-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y . Audit will be tin. m j.. mi lack of effort tut ti t- !':i" f who havo been im-i i iinn ni ,1 u, lirlnif liii; iilin it tliia "llnine mi" j Day," if both they ami the r .1 tlnuuUI.eJ biioceiiditnla iir n. ' n.ii to feel, both by word uml ."cl In i.'i Inceriiy and truth, Him "i of Conlville eKiend to Un .n 1 . )oyoiia iireetliiKii and a hearty. "; IIIJI welcome In. me. Tlio W"laoine may net m j : . . ". homely, hut you will find linn It la aiuceru and from the lie.ui mm ini a formal, hollow mockery. And iii. nbaeiice inakea the heart (trow fond. er, tlila reunion will aerve to uemum the lunula of friendahip and amity that alionlil nlwnya exlal alnon .ton. Many of you Hint hnve been a ..i from here nny lenirth of tune, uu not fail to mile that tin re liatt I i aeveral iinproveiiienia inatln xliicn ndd to the appearance of Hot city Unite a few auhatniiliul atone ami lirick hiilldliiK have been erecied; the city own Ita eleclric Unlilln. ayaleui; commit aide walk trio been coinpleteil in from nt lllllliv o. the hualtieaa hoiiaea ami nnvaf ! j altleiita; and tint tun n h li n m; , take on n more modern air. I Such aa It la, I now olllclully, on I behalf of the City tif Coalville ami Ita people, extend to you Hie fi I doiii of the city. There nr i ell.t j keya to hiind over to vim, but, In-ateud. In-ateud. you will I. ml the laich i.iiiij. j InuiK'InK out lit every In mi l a I hearty welcoiuo whore ever ymi ma A program of uuie.l eerei iia- been prepared for your eiitei iain iliieul, ami couimilleea have been detailed de-tailed to look after your welfare. After the exerciaea an completed wo will havu and old time reception and Immpiet on the lawn, where you urn all invited to meet and ireet one nmitl er and cut, drink and be merry, and enjoy yourselvea lo your heart' content. In concliialnn wh extend to eueli ! out- ami nil of you a thouanud hear: felt welcolllea "Homo." Annddreaaby l-'rank Kvana followed fol-lowed in which many lucidenta of -early foalvllln hlalory of a humor-oua humor-oua aa well iw a aerloua nature were ,'lven. It la our hileiiiliiu to aecure from Mr. Kvana a written uccounl of theae biatorlcal remlniai-encea, and to print an itn-tallnii tit of the aaine each week. Tlila will form a account of the early hiainry of Co it vllle of which Ihur.i la m. fm ... written record. Kx-I'ri aldet W. V. tllllif . !,! I In brief nine of the cmU ' i of Coalvilln and Ita aetllenien . Mr. 'I lintuaa Dobaoii, ot Salt l.al.c, and one of the early aeltlera ol Conlville, ulao apoke on the early aettlemeut of thla valley. After the lurvlcea in the taber-m.uht, taber-m.uht, refreahuienta were nerved on the lawn, while Itiahop Wm. '.. , Terry anted a toaatmaater. Toiwta were trn J,y Mr. J. A. l-i-ln r. Kraut1" Ulit, Ktberl CtiMi rKuod. ltlleif' tr, tl It llt. I'rea M. V. Tt)'l' and K. II. Itl.-u I. Tli'tu"t'l featival at the tale r-naclc'ln r-naclc'ln jia evening wn cnrrleil nut at':rtlecl except In 1 1 - rn.,. (if Mr xllle Kehl Kvitli., It he. ll.H lltfi 41)1" for her to be lo t i acennat 'oli. death of her lin'lher. ami at ' tlit"t by J. M. Thonina I'lie ll4aa cborua wna line. a Waa nl t the other lllllllbera. T1i.m tlnic Hall" at Hie . pera lioiiaeffl'iiii adny eeniii.' win at letnlei " j'titly by the married penpl'l,''l waa "Hie lieat ev, r." The tilf juiclnir by 'l linlna. Hob-miti Hob-miti w t feature that waa ..r. rial. ri-al. ii 1 1 1 The hall at I he Hoyden hall tilt -tile ev. ulna waa alao well a leiiilsf. (2 IIAaK IIAI.I.. T',.e t name between Coalville and list' r waa won by the tor t lint ii b"lti 'Jl to X. The h ml team $ l In Kood form and hei.l their ofl1 tenia iioviii pretiy cloae. whllo !' mltliiK leiim did the h.-.l limy c' but w. fe hiiiiilicnpi"l u.i .J ol not linvluir Inn hnii ol tlielr I, liar men their pilchel and I'-'1 or were In Oixdeii a wltnuaun a cnae. Iloweter. Ifciii'M I' will he ill Herein uxt lit' tt.ey ii which will probahl) a next Vedneaday The lift elm huailiiK waa Hood to .j tin Ml. I'm. Kilille alalt.il in Hit oniie, but before It wna -ll overjt ii lame crowd waa per I'lCtly M) -.I'll. It waa ealimnteil iat. Hi. t ii ,u i.-iiat to. l peopl, a. .I.e t iV V-ilnea,l iv afiet-mm afiet-mm tl. r 'tit. lei-n I. air of ll.em wltn.-.k o flibnu. On Tli t tv ati. rneon Coalville mm VVi ' I croai.-d hat, the lioine t i Wimiiiiik hy one run. ti.'ji . .i l -lloya playeu the "I.Uii bee' '--tlie laiia thai ua.-d to oi.vr.nit nil-hut they anon con-tinced con-tinced H, m"u mat they had lot- .(.'Hell I'l Irei' aaary point In tlia naiiiel It waa fun thnuiih. I'hnni 'it nenliiH the home l.a.lni'ty. ' "' " llla oi h "m y a i -' t nie.i heller Hian 'II 'l" "l e.',- t'ie iravehliH tr.nipia- A lull Innia k reeled them, in I tpplliae wile k- ii. mil.. It la iinpiiwr'le 'or u. to iiiti' aHcla meatiuii to any one cl uincter, Jo (le y were all iiood. T'lu ball ill the evenlnu at It' Itnyd.-o bull con.-linled il.e tl.r. 'lavaolllie "Hoine CoiiiIiih" c I biatlon, and w aa a Kraml aucc a in.ttiii: until tin. wee auia' houia. And ii.ii. oiled the le at mailon rver held in thla cuv. w. l,oie it Kill not he the laat. |