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Show I 5 MODERN COW-BAR- N TO SHELTER NINETY ANIMALS $r JlODtUT Detatls of Complete Structure and So Designed That Its Capacity May Be Increased or Decreased at Will. n)0 , AftBS BEJMBT -v- 1-- nwmwoifjBYW miraa C. slonal boggy trained away At the foot, about the swollen pool, Tt. story opsni with thr'' shipwreck of K atrariirr on whhk Mini hmvldse wa a wide stretch of rubbish and an 111- Amiln htirn, !ord mud. He worked hla way around the mi Kngllthnittn. And Turn UUkt thmjMw were amcer edge, and came out on the plain, Th thr upon an urilrmttb Hr where the sandy soil was all the firm Itril iaiond and wort tho only onta not 4ron iifd litkc. ihimiim on the boat, r for Its drenching He swung away of tits rnuKhttoaa, bo sine a hero at a lively clip. The air was fresh The of the htlpless pair tflishrnwn w nuing for the hand of and pure after the storm, and a alight last fist Ulnlhn.j wasted his breexe tempered the on a for whlrh he was tnairti ilsarette, 'ored b niake All ttirea ronstrurted He kept on along the cliff until he son bats to shield themselvea from the turned the point. It wag not altoThev then fsasted on rm'oariuts, the only Miss showed a priMurshle food gether advisable to bathe at this time Dklnff for Hiske hut detested his fourh-p- s of day; but he had been caught out by led b HUke, (toy establish d a kono In lifts Itleke fH4 a frean the cj clone In a corner of tjie swamp, Floor Plan for Large Dairy Bam. water ftprlng Miss laehe fared an mt across the river, where the soli was pleasant situation Blake re ov.red hi A plan Is shown herewith of a moduri or rriaanlfvlnis fcless thus frmur of clay celling. The cows stand back to back, Only his anxiety for Miss Inf fire H started a jungle hr, killing ern dairy barn, with capacity for but this may be reversed If desired. him Leslie had his enabled to fight and ncxial smothering sr(eIn loopard WUh ft e leopard a tavrn they bull way out of the all but Impassable ninety cows As will be seen by the The entire Doors, gutters and mangers small home They esiitd the lifts by morass the which . had floor plan, there are stalls for eighty are formed of cemenL The walls and storm f it it deluge until tree s of totton tirnlny The trio snred of the half dry swamp. made At milk cows, ten stalls for dry cows or ceilings receive two coats of Portland Synlnt tie heights llffa Mtse lestie's whit fron fh Wsk cement. both exterior and Interior. dawn he had reaehed the river, and young was derided upon as A signal Mias stock, two bull stalls, and a The fkirt made n dreas from the loopard crocoswam mangers are arranged to be flood of reckless the across, belarge calf pen In one wing of the pro- ed when kin overhearing a conversation diles. The tut bid water of the watering the stock and the tween Blake And Wliilhrnpe, Mias libalis a writer In Farmers' floor has drain Ireiame frightened Wlnthrope be ins Btream had rid him of only part of his posed barn, says traps at convenient 1)1 with fever noiaoned by A Hhiks w Review. The opposite wing has eight points for -- draining away the wash now So ooze. slime accumulated and 0eh and Almost died JaWsts attacked hose.' the tamp that night, hut acre driven off be washed out his tattered garments single stalls, and four double stalls water with an ordinary anifor the horses. Opposite the horse The entire barn, Including the walls by Genevieve lUaksa constructed an as well as could he and without a soap, tour It killed On mal trap hyena stalls or stable is a large feed room; and celling, may be washed down In a the trio discovered honey and oysters while they were drying on the Miss leslle was attacked y a poisonous a large room Tor the wagons. The short time. The gutters have four-inc- h also In the rocks, swam about frta tnr It ttach ttnrt saveryTts poi siutf two silos are each 18x34 feet In the Kor the second time drain tile leading to manure pita. sea water, quite as reckah to kill game tonic dear, Ha Vrinthrope was Attacked ty faver less of the sharks as he had been or clear, and will hold 180 tons of silage The silos are of trement, as Is the The tatter made a and HUke disagreed each, or sufficient for feeding loo foundation. The roof U covered with trong door for the private crnpartinent the ugly crocodiles in the river. A terrible f Afias Islte1 eavs home cows. The barn is very complete, and manufactured roofing, and all exposed all For was the he back at this, that night Wlnthrope stole rtorm raged r r nm, but ahe managed to awing baobab before Miss had so designed that its capacity may be woodwork receives two or three coats Leslie fier dnoi loaed In tlone Winthrupf wui Increased or decreased, without affect- of best paint. torn the in stitched the slit last up hurt badly ing the general arrangement or the Feed and litter carriers are Installed flag exterior architectural appearance of and reach all parts of the barn. The CHAPTER XX. Continued. 8he looked up at him, with a brave the barn. The two wings may be built walls have ventilating ducts or shaft Oh, quick, Mr. Blske! build a Are' attempt at a smile. It rnav be, some hot broth " "I am afraid I'm not much of a later If desired. Possibly every dairy- between the studding at proper disSot "Too late," mutton! Blake needle woman," she sighed. "Look at man would not want the horse barn tances, leading to vent stacks In the In connection with the dairy barn. The roof. The hero, Wlnthrope, there' no ue ty Injf studding are 2x6 Inch, and those stitches!" bout It You're going out mighty "Don't fret. Theyll hold all right, main barn can be built larger or small- the ventilators are built between same. The stucco, or cement finish oon See If you can't die Ilka a and that's what we want, he reas- er, as required. The barn as designed has a gambrel for the exterior walls, compares favorman " Give it me, now. Ive got sured her. "Ido! Gawd, but I cant die I can't to get It up, and hurry back for a nap. roof, or as some call it, a double or ably with the wood construction, No Sleep last Bight I was out beyond hip roof. The walls aretwelve feet where sand Is not too expensive, and die Ow! It burna!" to the eaves, and the lower story eight it requires no paint, no repairs, la He- - flung up a hand, and sought to the river. In the swamp and tear at til wound. Ill have to go on watch. The barri- feet In the clear. The stalls are built warm In winter and cool In summer. of gaa pipe, and the pipe supports the It will last practically forever. "Hold hard' cried Blake, catching cade is down. the band In an Iron grip. I Couldn't "Oh, that la too bad! Something In bla touch, or the tone take a turn on watch? and culls at that paying 10. They of command, teemed to cower the Blake shook hla head. "No; Ill SUCCESSFUL IN bad been bred to a pure bred ram. He I Wish He Hadnt Rushed Off So Suddenly." wretched (nan Into a state of abject sleepTo-day- , and work rebuilding the put them in a field adjacent to a box ubmlsNlnn. RAISING stall Toward morning "Don't ask me. Miss Jenny. I can't the squares near the edge had been barricade where be fed them some oats dur"Selp me. Ill oonfess! I'll confess tell you now. You'll have to wait till ripped open. Blake thurst to hla .fin- 1 might build up the fire, and take a ing the winter. 11!" he babbled. The atone are we get aboard ship. We ll catch a ger and worked out an emerald the nap." They brought eight lamb. The best newed In the stomach pad; I 'ad to steamer before long. 'Tlau't every else of a large pea. He caught up the flag and Its new Bes tuners Should Study Care- lamb he sold to a neighbor for five dolMethods Practhe and fully and and awung away through the take'em hout of their nettings, cried Mlsa Leslie, aa ha staff, one of them that goes ashore In these Havre lars, half the ooet of the 'flock. Four Mea Who tices of melt np tha gold.'1 He paneed, and held the glittering gem out to her In cleft. blows." buck lambs sold to the butcher for 1S. Profited by Experience. Be returned much eooner than Miss cunning smile stole over his distorted "Why did you build that door? Did hla rough palm. The three ewe lambs were kept to ln-He dre feature. "Ho, wot a bloomin' lark! you suspect" She glanced down at crease the flock. R. B. RUSHING.) (By throw up a small lean-tof bamboo It again Into ita pocket. Valet plays the' gent, an' they never the huddled figure between them. The next season the eight ewes with or When with you start presheep ne a hlnkllng! Mr. Cecil Wlnthrope, That' one," he said. Theres an- over a ledge at the cliff foot, behind Blake frowned and hesitated; then 13 lambs following were sold Immedican some to start you pare approach was titf you please, an a 'Int of a title burst out almost angrily: "Well, you other In every square of this Innocent, the baobab. The girl thought he wot a lark! 'Awklnga, me lad, you're know now be was s sneak; so It's not harmless rag dozens of them. He making himself a hut. In place of the sheepmen with such questions aa you ately after shearing for $55. A dear profit of course, counting wool and a gay 'oaxer! Wot a lark! wot a blabbing to tell that much I knew must have made a clean sweep of the canopy under which be bad alept be- desire Information upon. are a There of lot good sheepmen manure to balance keep of the flock. lark! he was before; and Its never safe to dukes or. more like, the duchess fore the storm, which, like The great secret of this success was in the country. They are willing to tell Rut had carried been want I If away. Ilia voice shrilled ont In quavering trust a sneak." Jewels. you please, Now, care. This is only one of the many exIf ask them are what " the you you when he 1e "Don't don't look at me, stopped work, laconically "Thank you!" she said, and she you to sew this up tight again, and appeal: of business "I cannot I cannot touch It! she Informed her that all she bad to do to "rocks you would wreck upon. Then amples of just such kind miss! I tried to make myself a gen- turned away quickly that she might is it not good Judgment to consult auch that can be done when the man Is denew was 1 to house I her the at look God cried. knows tried! complete dry prostrate figure fought not again tleman; termined to do the business. men? It was con- some leaves. Say, 1 didnt mean to my way up out of the East End out The first about was for environment It But question mumbled founded of of that hell and none ever lifted finyourself!" me," Ithought stupid CHAPTER XXI. muRe--'Wb- tTf the 'protested r'T w ITT steep In sTde the IfiiS CohdUron wTll be largely le Capacity of Milk Bottle. y5u exSuf ger to help wef 1 eduratert-mys- tf The capacity of milk bottles Is by the circumstances, financial tree. lhe the was It a scholar then the stock sharks only and "Wreckage Salvage. and otherwise, of the beginner.. something which at the present time J'Doc Blake says no!" he rejoined cheated me of my savings out of the though (hat" We suppose be U an average farm- Is oecupylflg the attention of the. city service" "No wonder. I always am a fool "not tlH It' dried out. lasl' penuy and 1 had to lake' ';.rTY She" glaneer sr Riff TatC ibr replied; er with perhaps"?!! or 85 acres of land sealer In all the large cities. In grad'wben- - it comes toladtes. I ll 'fixlfie My .God!,, a valet -- hla grace1,, valet, 1 a scholar! n moment's hesitancy: "Very and wishes to keep sheep a small uating thousands of bottles recently without Do the all wonder and you thing right. In addition to bis other stock. all bottles that were found one or . Catching up the nearest small pot. well. I will do what you think best." flock devil got Into me? Do you the wood In the cleft He has very little knowledge of sheep more drams under capacity were down went at he "That's and tie Blake's deep voice, firm but strangethe cloth said, crammed good. qdllted sodden from theerre with once to He down for his much needed and consequently knows little about rqarkrd so much short and gll bottles ly husky, broke In nioa and silenced downpour that had arcom within It, and filled It to the brim breeds and baa little Idea of what be running over in capacity were marked the cry of aguuy: There, I guess panted the cyclone, all the deft bm sticky mud leep. would like best O K."which would leave 'the conbefoTa soon te 'There'-er rHeas enongh just nobody' going .yoa're sal(l enough." than the hare ledges was Would it be wise for -- him to be sumer to bdheve that none were over My Clod! a bejl of mud, ever) thing without the run off with a Jug of mud and It dark to see the results of her hard "Enough and last night wont hint the stones till we get a day's labor. All the provisions stored tempted to foolishly select some breed capacity and that, they were being to be auch a beast! The devil tempted trencave had been either blown awa He In the tree had been brought out to that his neighbors, who are making a wronged by short measure. In fact rue aye, and he's paid me out In my or heaped with broken to look up the owner. houghs and chance success of sheep, do not have, or per- the consuming public were getting own coin! I'm dona for! God ha' mud spattered rubbish Ihii the girl won't he haid to find English duke dry, and a great stack of fuel, ready haps know nothing about, and for that many thousand quarts of milk more was the God for oa me! ha' a of up first minus class piled burning, against mercy mercy had far too ninth to think about to sparklers! pint sole reason? than the nufnber of bottles would intree the all the about while Again came the gasplug rattle; this feel any concern oxet the mere dam Will you mind Its setting In the cave baobab; We are safe tn following the prac- dicate. tobeen had rubbish aftei fined are gathered time there was no rally. neatly things and II up?" destruction of age was things of men who have made a success No. not as It is" Blake thrust himself le tween Miss rather a relief to find something that gether In heaps. Illake looked hie ad- tise of the business, with slight changes as Pitfalls In Poultry Business. He nodded soberlv. "AH Leslie and the crumpled figure. right, miration for her Industry. But then called for work conditions would demand I should are many pitfalls In the poulThere wrinkled. Get back around the tree." he said Now then new forehead his i'll flagforthe go Catchiug sight of a bit of white "You oughtnt tove done so much," buy from one of the'flelghbors If his try business just as there are in the You might set out breakfast." down among the bamboos, site went to staff harshly: sheep were healthy and suited me. If mercantile world and we must at all She nodded In turn, and when be he admonished. 's "What are you going to it. and was not a little mm prised to TU show you I esn tote fair!" sh 1 had very little money 1 would buy tlnis be prepared to guard against my business, he replied. He see the tattered remnant of her duck came hai k tioni the bamboos with the them. Begin In a modest way and thrust hfs burning glass Into her skirt It had evidently been totn from hugest of the gieat canes on his rejoined. During the afternoon she few at first. A beginner once bought five, ewes by degrees grow. hand. Here; go and build a fire, If the signal staff b the first gust oMhe shoulder. Ins bieakfast was watting had recalled to mind that odd expres She set it before him, and Hon of a southern girl chum, and had you can find any dry stufT. cyclone, whirled down into the deft 'or him You're not going to You'll bury by some flaw or eddy In the wind anil I miied to go again to her sewing been waiting her opportunity to ban-leHold on." he said htm with 1L "This won't day him" wadded so tightly Into the of the and "Yes He stared at her open-eyed- , Whatever he may have been thick clump of stems that nil the futx You've got to cat your share." "I do hot-- T tea dead now. pw devil1 of the storm had failed to dlsloih-- i' Jaughecjr anrnotniuusry." That's no matter Here! ""I can't go." she half whispered, it Its recovery seemed to the git a t Sa, Miss Jenny, you'd better look "not until until I've learned Do you special jirov tdenee; for of coutse thev He forced upon her a bowl of heg out. YpuU be spesklng American, can jou tell me Just what is para must keep up a signal on the cliff broth, and she dtank it because shs first thing!" nola?" Thereupon, they fell to chatting Having sutrtid her file and set on a could not resist his rough kindness. Wake studied a little, and tapiwd stew, she hunted out her sewing mu He bolted the last of his meat, an! like children out of school, each hap the top of his head terlnls frtnn their crevice In the rave at nine left her alone lo cry herseg py to be able to fprget for the moment ".Near ns 1 can say, Its softening of and began ineqiliug the slits in the l.i(k to calmness over the stitching of that broken figure up o the cliff top the brain up there" torn flag While she wot bed she sat Hie signal' and the haunting fear of what anothei "Ho jou think that" she hesitated on a shaded ledge, her bare feet toast His first ronnein was for the barri day might bring to them. "that ho had It?" r he had feaff'd. he found thaf cade Ing in the sun, and her soggv. mud When thy jiad egien their meal "Yes, I do. But If you'll go. smeared moot-asmBisk within it had b en blown to plces. Tt drying oth with keen appetites. BSC t,fMgup.,wUha-purt-;'Good-Blgreach, When Bhikr armeaied Ilia .fejliei jfo Tin? thing moreTniust know moccasin We trtlll w here she had which he had gathered with so mu and swung eff down the cleft. Tin now ! Do you remember the day fiist set them but the little pink feet labor were araitercd to the four erw UngejlPl-j- ., , himii in ti yes set u'yrThe U nat'nwdTOrw ' He stood 8tari0 tiers of the eaith mile. you quarreled with him?" tattered flag fortunately, the sight at ttie wreckage in g!um silence; bk "I wish he hadn't ruhed off so snd HI ale his j'hrrtt(tTTnxFweaTr aghe'woutdha, denly." she murmured. "1 was Jugt done the week before gaz C "Did he go ami tell you that? Horn noticing the moccasins to thank him for for every Presently b The sneak! face cleared, and he begun to whistii going "Hello!" he ejelafTfi?d "Tf you please, let us way nothing that J the Bag' in a plaintive minor key. He w Say, thats luck The color swept over her face In a more about him. But would you care Ill' break out a bamboo right off. Old thinking of how she had looked whq blush, and she darted around tc deep Bhe darted out of the tree at his to tell me what you meant what you staff's carried clean away."-"M- r but as though some one tiny aid then?" her concern for him. When M jjer Blake Just a moment, please have overheard her whisper. might flush he but 'Blake' was so angered at Wlnthrope, ahe h deepened; What hhva you done with with It? Yet, after all, she bad said nothing; raised his head, and fared her squarecant'd him Tom! s Blake Jerked Jhla thunib upward. at least, ahe had merely sal! or, AfteY a time he started on blckl ly aa ha answered: "NorT'ru not go"You have carried him up on the everything. v to his way over the remnant of the b)s repeat any dead man's talk; cliff?" ing (TO BS CONTINUED.) and a for what I said, this Isn't the a wtthout rioade, falter tn whi 1 his could" think of. No '"Best time or t luce to aay anything In that animals place The attractive Guernsey bull .here Guernsey characteristics, eaye Orange tltng. The deluge of rain had poui Only Once In Awhile. and 1 piled stones over ware alone. UnderIs Milford Lasiy 2d's Anchor, Judd Farmer. The Grove farm Guernline now that in the down cleft a pictured run acroet torrent,' awhile hera." tejtriw But. I aay look you'll Once In. stand?" out a piece of wadded away the root matted soil and layliq roman who'd rather stay home and owned by Grove farm in Maryland. seys attracted much attention when He drejr Tm afraid I do not, . Mr. Blake. hull la .deep tn on exhibit during a recent fair This cloth, marked off Into little squares bare the ledge in the channel of darn stockings than go to aa after the-bo- dy, young ofGuernsey and baa season. Please explain." good rill. But oc aslde an length, froor spring, hv r rnmme line of xtitche. One of nooa card party. SYNOPSIS. W-l- lrtrer sun-ray- t 11 one-inc- SHEEP t. .1 I - o Win-thrope'- mT," course! -- f tom-oth- do?-"That- r ATTRACTIVE GUERNSEY BULL tn-a- I h TeTinTeTTnrTe m w,n ced4ffl4-.-amk-dr(,pte- thlng!; of -- -- 4 |