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Show POSTALSAVINGSBiLL MEASURE GETS THROUGH HOUSE , BY BIG MAJORITY AFTER I MONTHS OF WRANGLING. j Not a Single Republican Voted Against the Measure on Final Roll I Call, While Twenty. four Demo- ' crata Voted For It. j Waahina'tin Hy 'he overwhelming majority of l!l."i to I'M. the houae on : Thursday night passed the poaial aav- I lugs hank loll n ri'i eutly acni d upon hy Ihe Kepubllcati cancil of Ihe hoiie Not a single Itepiihllrnn voted against the meiisure on the final roll cull, while tw.-iitv four Df-miH-rat voted for the me.-iaure. Prior to thl action the house, by in lo l'.ul. rejected the Di-mocrutlc aill.alllute for the bill The voting tiMin the aeveral motions mo-tions Involved In the dlat'iialtlon of the uiciiaure ftillowed alx hour of debate de-bate In which many Itepiihllcuns and Democrats recorded Ihelr views iiKn the hill of ihe majority mid the substitute sub-stitute supported by a large portion of Ihe minority. The large deferlion amongt he Democrats Dem-ocrats was shown when the Dcmrt-crallr Dcmrt-crallr substitute was voted upon, iweniv one of them Joining the Kepub-Means Kepub-Means In voting against the measure. Most of these were opposed to a pus-tal pus-tal savings system of nny kind |