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Show Dona to Dtath In Foreign Land. Cunio. Italy The terribly miilllaicd body of n woman, believed In be thill of Mr II. N Caatle, who wa Mary Crittenden Scull of Han Jnae, Cl wa found In a trunk on Friday tub uieiKed In a luku near the vlllatto of Moliraalo Wtapied abiiut the body wa a piece of cloth which bore Ihe nlllnla '(! I,," und from letter found in the trunk, written In F.nillah, It appear thai thn woman. In IW6, lived in Thirty -fourth alreei. New York City. The police. ImaliiK their opinion on wound on the head, evidently made hy a blunt Instrument, believe that the moil. in wa m.ir.l, r.-l mid have taken lulu ciiKl.iily a lluaallill named Coiiitiiiilliie IxpnUtoff, 60 vcara old, whom they auspeci nf having hav-ing aome know ledite of ihe crime. |