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Show HELD UP JAPANESE MISSION Two Daring Deaperadoea Start Shooting Shoot-ing When Victim Made Sutp cioua Move, Ona Man Bting Killed. Ogden, I'lall - One .lapliueae wa allot and Inatunily killed, two otln-r were badly wounded, mid four men were held up and robbed within tlftei-n minute min-ute nf'er the ah. ailing uffray which occurred at Ihe Jupaucac mlaalou. In thl city, ahorilv alier II o'clock Hut unlay night when two highwaymen entered a liaitll where religion service ser-vice were hettig held and uttempted to hold Up the place. Ten lueiiiliera of Ihe Japaneae tula-alon tula-alon were a.-atcd iiiiiutid table In the auiiill nHiin, lined nn a chaiM-l, when the hlghwiiymen iniered, mid. flour lhlng revolver, ordered every ouo lo allck up hla hnuila. Willie M. Nalie-hlma, Nalie-hlma, pniprleior of the White Chip aliMin, waa being aeanh.-d he anil denly rati hla hand Into hi imckct. Tho highwuynian atandlug 1111 guard Immediately opened fir.-. A bullet from hla revolver entered the right alioulder and ihe Jap fell lo Ihe floor The other highwayman began be-gan firing, and In the fualllnde which followed H. lahltniiru. former manager of the Jnpaneeo-Amerlcan bunk, waa Inatantly killed by a bullet which pierced hla henrt. Dr. K. Ikebiiche. a practicing phyalcluu. waa allot In the atoinach Thn highwaymen then flel Four men were, held up and rubbed by Uia aame men a abort lime later. |