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Show COALVILLE TIMES N. JACOB PETERSON, Editor and Manager. i UTAH COALVILLE HASKELL OF JQKLA-HOMDISOBEYS COURT AND MOVES HEADQUARTERS. . GOVERNOR UTAH STATE NEWS A great deal of MEASURE GETS THROUGH HOUSE AFTER MAJORITY BY BIG MONTHS OF WRANGLING A alfalfa first-cro- p bn harvested la the vicinity of Brigham during the. past week. Voted a Single Republican Against the Measure on Final Roll DemoCall, Whilo Twenty-fou- r crats Voted For It. After Securing Temporary Quarters for Stat Officials, tha Chief Ex-- The home of H. W., Marriott, at acutiva Issues Proclamation Marriott. Weber county, a as destroyed 'Explaining Reason for IL loss on June 7, the fire being $3,000 Not iy The Weber club, Orden's chief com merclal organization, la going to build 0 handsome home in the heart of the dty. - June 7 was old folks' day in the Cacb stake, about 600 men ahd wo ten between the ages of 60 and 70 being entertained at Logan. Through train service on the San Fedro. Los Angeles A Salt Laks railroad between Salt Lake and Los An-- . geles waa resumed on June 11. Delegations from every camp of United Spanish War Veterans of -- Utah are expected to visit Ogden for (ha annual encampment June 24. The city ceuncll of Provo has authorised the advertising for bids on 6 per 190,000 of ten and twenty-yea- r cent waterworks bohdi recently voted The dry fxrmsln Paradise district. Cache valley, as well as In the entire northern part of the state, are suffering heavy loses for the lack of moisture. The report comes from Paradise, la the southern part, of Cache valley, that much damage has been done (here to the berry crop by early and late frosts, Hyrum Bryan of Loa, Wayne county, while trying io catch a sheep with a hook, stumbled and fell, the book penetrating his abdomen, causing In urtea which resulted In bis death on Inna I. The postoffice at Morgan was robbed on June 7, about $375 In postage stamps being stolen. The thieves did aot touch some $1S0 In checka which wars In tha asms drawer with the stamps. Dr. Fred Clarke of Ogden la nurs-tna severe fracture to hla right arm caused by the sudden whirling of the handle of the crank of hla automobile when ha attempted to crank the machine.' ,A F. Harris, a Southern Pacific brakcman, la at tha Ogden general hospital suffering from the loss of his eft artn, as a result of an accl-lan- t at Montello, when he lost his tooting and fell under the cara. While working in a slope of the South Columbus mine at Alta, Joseph Shaw, 66 years old, one of the pioneer residents of Sandy, was instant. g 1JT -- nTiiftui wn!B Douiar roiiwa wwwapo kliw.auahtngAnjbla-akulL- . Work has begun on tha new cereal Thla enterprise ctory at Trenton, a being financed by Trenton, Ogden ind 8 alt Lake caplUt. The plant be eg put In will have a dally capacity if 600 cases, and will coat about The ytah county commlsloners, on petition of a -- delegationof- citizens trom the southern farma of the a bounty "of 10 cents-oeach squirrel killed between June 6 and July 8- - It waa claimed that the squirrels are so numerous that they are destroying the crop. Shot through the center' of the 1 coun--ty.-vote-d heart, after" heTMuT done'lerlbleexe-cutlowith a razor on the face of J. JL lllcks, a negro Joe Smith, a negro n ' " bootblack, 22 years of age, fell dead. The tragedy occurred In a negro club la Salt Lake City and wax the result of Jealousy over a woman. "A Glimpse of Utah" ia the title of a fascinating booklet just Issued by the paaenger department of the Rio Grande railroad. Fruit growing, stock and wool growing, dairying and the minerals and mining Industry of Utah are Interestingly described. The battleship Utah silver service mmtttee expects to be able to raise a fund of about $16,000 for the silver ervlee, and those who are behind the movement favor a planwhereby the fund shall be raised by popular subscriptions la small amounts, mostly given by the school children. Workmen who are searching for the remains of the men killed at the -- explosion at Devil's Slide last week, were startled when a huge tilde of rock came down the mountain and buried, the steam shovel. Vigilance and activity prevented a lumber of the men from being killed. Rsct Riot in Ohio. Cleveland, Ohio. A mob of about 2,000 persona participated In a race riot on Sunday. In which two .police- men and a white man were beaten. A riot was prevented by the arrival of all the police reeerves, who succeeded In dispersing the mob. Six ring leaderiwere arrested. The "trouble started when one of a gang of negroes Jostled a white man on the street alter an altercation, knocking him senseless. A policeman who attempted to arrest the negro waa attacked by the negroes. Decline In Drunkenness. . The official figures dealing with prosecution for drunkenness In thir country are now available and Dublin. WWctorTTiHIhe'"oule total- - prosecutions for The drunkenness wtiuhv, gainst la 1909 were 61,749, as 74,267 in 1908, a decline of 6,61$. or nearly S per est decreases were cent The larg Drank Wood Alcohol. Mich. A. 1 Cadillac, McOasklll, Will Martin and .Gcorge.TeachQut.are dead and Clarence Smith and Lee White are Jn a dying condition aa the result of drinking wood alcohol el the village of Meauwataka. McGask llTe supply-o- f whiskey-u out Saturday night and he conceived the Idea of mixing wood alcohol with sugar, water and pop to complete a night of drinking. He died during the night and waa followed four bourt later by Martin and TeachouL -- ...... f Aeronaut! Fall Into River. St. Louis. S. Louis, Vou Puhl and Wooeter Lambert, aeronauts, fell Into the Mississippi river north of here on Sunday. Both were rescued unhurt They ascended In the balloon 8t. Louis 111 shortly aftar 9 o'clock, and after sailing northward for two hours found their ballast Insufficient The balloon came down rapidly Trom a height of a thousand feet but when near the water settled easily. The men were picked up oy motor boats. Lightning Strikes Excursionists Berlin. Six persona were killed, seventeen severely and eighty slightly injured by lightning that struck among a party of excursionists Sunday night The excursionists had taken shelter In an Iron fenced building In the e from the most violent thunderstorm experienced In Berlin for many years. Many telegraph and telephone wires, were leveled and many houses damaged. Jung-fernheld- Shaw Scores Insurgents. embarrassment has been InLeslie t. Shaw, former Chicago. curred at Salt by the, premature secretary of the treasury, speaking "Trotmcmrnterl5FniiattoH'TJf ttercrrtri tnf TttPTtnS'pr'or elrjwkVy e that city which has been given out at Fellowship ciuh here on Saturday, 91.6S1. It 1 claimed that the Infop. scored "Insurgents" in the Republican mat Ion given out to the party, declared "stand-patIdeas the Some u Herkld-Republica- n ffktol)acsa-oL.jana- and atlsmatlxod the south "awdgeoraat nt On AKsSrf Griffiths, aged 45, was found - sitting with hla back against a building la Salt Lake City, apparently asleep. but In reality dead, having been dead several hours when discovered. Death was due to excessive use of intoxl-jam'- s Nephl Anderson, a civil engineer Is In Brigham City, was , drowned Jn "Logan river. Logan !tn the night of May 4. There were ho witnesses to Ihe tragedy, but t is supposed that in the darkness ee walked off the dugway Into the whose-hom- can-ron- rivet '' a census employee, only logical principles of government 4ha by the he ls of the department, DUE TO CONSTIPATION. BEST FOR MEN.YfOMEM AND CHILDREN -- Y0UN0 AND OLD. Oklahoma City Reaching here on a special train from Tula on Sunday. Governor Haskell and his secretary opened headquarters in a hotel. Rumors throughout ths day that the governor contemplated making Oklahoma City the permanent seat of gov ernment, as the bill which carried In Saturday's election contemplated, were confirmed when Governor Haskell issued a statement declaring that his force would remain here. A local committee secured temporary quarters for all the state officers, and the removal of all officers probably will bet made In the face of an Injunction to the contrary granted In Guthrie by District Judge Huston Governor Haskell his issued a proclamation declaring the bill carried and Oklahoma City the permanent seat of state government The proclamation la based on a legal opinion tendered him, la which It is held that since is law Initiated by the people becomes automatically effective Immediately upon Its passage. Oklahoma City Is the permanent seat of government and all official acta o state officers In any other place would he illegal. The governor has also Issued a proclamation calling an election on August 2 for tha submission of an initiated proposition providing a constitutional amendment to restrict the right of suffrage, basing eligibility of franchise on educational qualifications. In Dublin, 3,477 as against 4,111 ; Limerick, 1,045, against 1,522; Belfast, 3.904. against 1100,000. 4.329. and Derry, 1,292, against 1702. Tha citliens of American Pork have Cork show a slight increase. 2,043 tedded to have a rousing celebration gainst 1,990, and Waterford also m the Fourth of July, consisting of a shows an Increase, 903, against 845 alg street parade and programme In he forenoon, and borae race, blcyle aclng, baseball and other sports In CLEANSES THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY; DISPELS COLDS AND HEADACHES political questions. Mexicans Die From Smallpox, "i" El Paso, 'Texas. An epidemic of ( smallpox has been raging In thedisf-tric-t of Oxumbia, northern Chihau-- ' hua, Mex'ro, for several months 'and the people have been dying by the hundreds. Thll has been known for some time, but the extent of the epidemic was not known until the people made an appeal to 'the government at Mexico City for medical officers and soldiers to enforce quarantine laws. It waa stated In the appeal that the. civil register of Oxumbia shows 600 dea'hs from the disease In six months. -- By the overwhelming Washington majority of 195 to 101, the house on Thursday night passed the postal savings bank bill as recently agreed upon caucus of the by the Republican bouse. Not a single Republican voted against the measure on the final roll Democrats call, while twenty-fou- r voted for the measure. Prior to this action the houe, by 113 to 196 rejected the Democratic substitute for the bill? The voting upon the several motiona involved In the disposition of the measure followed six hours of debate, in which many Republicans and SUGAR TRUST OFFICER tJLTY HELD UP JAPANESE NHSSION Democrats recorded their views upon the bill of the majority and the substitute supported by a large portion of the minority. De- - Two Daring Desperadoes Start ShootHeike Convicted of Consplreq The large defection amongt he Demfraud th Government of ocrats was shown when the Demoing When Victim Made Susp.cioua toma Duties on Sugar. cratic substitute was voted upon, Move, One Man Being Killed. twenty-onof them joining the Republicans In voting against the measure. Most of these were opposed to a posNew York. Charles R. Hd 4 the Ogden, Utah One Japanese was shot white haired secretary of the iuierl and Instantly killed, two others were tal savings system of any kind. can Sugar Refining - com pat was badly wounded, and four men were WILL NOT INCREASE RATES. convicted Friday night on oi count held up and robbed within fifteen minof an Indictment charging cu piracy utes after the shooting affray which Eastern Railroad Waiting on the New to defraud the government ofuatoms occurred at the Japanese mission. In Railroad Legislation.- duties on sugar. this city, shortly after 11 oclock SatWashlngton. Ernest W. Gcrbrxcht, forme Representative of urday night, when Two highwaymen of the Williamsburg Brook- entered a room where religious ser- the railways east of Chicago and lyn) refinery, was convicted a all vices were being held and attempted north of the Ohio river, at a conference here on Thursday, decided that six counts. For James F. Under to hold up the place. the adtanced freight rates would be misTen former of cashier of the islnery, members the Japanese nagel, the Jury stood seven to five tor ac- sion were" seated around tables in the filed as effective August 1. pending the small room, used as a chapel, when enactment of the railroad bill now in quittal. He will be tried agin This ends tae government's the highwaymen entered, and, flour- conference. If the bill should not beattempt to Imprison the groups! men ishing revolvers, ordered every one to come a law by August 1, a further postponement will be granted. responsible for the vast undfttelgh-m- stick up his hands. While M. The agreement provides that the frauds to which the locallyf trust of White the Chip proprietor shall file with the commisrailroads sudhas was searched confessed he virtually by tharestltu-lio- saloon, being of more than $2,000,000 : duty denly ran his hand into his pocket. sion supplementary tariffs In postH eI ke the --hi ghesL. official of - the standing on guard ponement of the tariffs which they filed last week. This arrangement Is company upon whomblame hi I been Immediately opened fire. A bullet from his revolver entered made In compliance with the verbal fixed, and he now faces a Possible sentence of two years In thejfederal the right shoulder and the Jap fell to agreement between the eastern railpenitentiary and a fine of $1000. He the floor. The other highwayman be- way presidents and the president and In tile a 66 years old and broken I gan firing, and in the fusillade which to conform to the provisions comand spirits. His counsel In followed S. Ishimura, former manager railroad bill that the Interstateauthorof the Jap&neee-Americabank, was merce commission shall have up declared repeatedly that to suspend general rate advances, term meant nothing less tha Instantly killed by a bullet which ity a determination by the compending a pierced bis heart. Dr. K. Ikebuche, Convicted on all six coun of mission their reasonableness. the practicing physician, was shot in bracht can be sentenced to fled. then The stomach. highwaymen In years prison.- wltb a marl Town Destroyed by Fire. Four men were heiaup and robbed by Haho'9 . Peitir Cold. Every mindthe earn men a short time later, ing In thla town, with the exception 'BKj BLAZE IN SEATTLE. EARLY ADJOURNMENT. of the court house, was destroyed on FAVORS Ten Blocks of Water Front Deatro Thursday by fire which originated In President Urges Members to Adjourn a defective flue in the Lansing hotel. Causing Loss of Million. Congress at Quickly as Possible. numbers the Ordinarily population Seattle, Wash. Fire on the-w- atif Taft has less than 100, but this number had Washington. President front In tha northern part of the (it and been augmented temporarily by visitlate Friday night swept away nearly asked the leaders of the tosenate have con- ors attendant upon .court sessions. all the buildings on ten city blocks house of representatives if there Is When the alarm sounded, Presiding and caused a loss of $1,000,000 worth gress adjourn by July 1, Presi- Judge Shumate adjourned court, orthis. of any way doing possible of property. The bunted area la to wants Taft ganized a fire brigade and assumed dent congress adjourn bounded by Railroad avenue, Just east High winds doomed the So em- charge. now as as possible quickly of the harbor frout; Third avenue. town and efforts were centered in an for was the president's plea Wall and Vine streets Nol all th phatic saving the court house. leaders the that ear.ly adjournment Uu.ldutg-- t this rea-w- re destroyed, a hurrlcnne blowing from the west have begun a vigorous campaign. Pay Some Attention to Prisoner Now John Dwight of New WUHam P. PUtman, to some Representative having drlventhe flame Washington York. Republican whip, has charge the American bulidi. gz and spared others who wa capengineer, of the early adjurnment committee tured some the Madriz ago days by Sherman In the house, Dons to Death in Foreign Land.' forces in Ntcaragua while -- operating In for has been campaigning celerity mines under the direction of Estrada, Como, Italy. The terribly mutilated the senate. Is reported to be well and is treated a of woman, believed to be tfiat body Alasof A sweeping investigation aith consideration. Consul Moffatt, of Mrs. H. N. Castle, who was Mary kan affairs will be strongly urged In a telegram from Blueflelds, says Crittenden Scott of San Jot-Caends-snd session this, It Is that he himself is paying particular was found in s trunk on Friday sub- feared, will embody one of the matattention to Pittman and that the ofbesession the In will which a stretch near lake of ters the merged village ficers from the United States warMoltraslo. Wrapped about the body yond the point where President Taft ships in the harbor visit Pittman was s piece of cloth which tore the wants It to adjourn. every few days. Initials G. L., and from letters found Live In Ireland. to George King Both Side Claim Victory. In the trunk, written In En$llsh, it was late as Dublin. the Friendly Des Moines, la. With appears that the woman, In 1946, lived Edward to Ireland, King George, returns in from In Thirty-fourtevery county in the street, Net York King It is understood, is not only to visit both the progressives and the state, City. The police, basing their opinion on wounds on the head, evidently us wth Queen Mary early next year, stand-patter- s are claiming control of made by a blunF instrument, believe but Is contemplating a royal residence the state convention. Frank D. Jack-son- , that the woman was fourdered and ia Ireland and spending some time in In a statement Thursday afterhave taken into custody a Russian Dublin. Of course it is not known noon declared that the stand-patter- s thiB in there is named Constantine report would have a majority of at least 150. 60 how much truth Ispolatoff, years old, whom they suspect of hav- of a roal residence, but In official The progressive 'managers of the circles It is received with considering some know ledge of the crime. headquarters It Is further elated scoff at the- - claim, and declare they able credence. Burned Husband Yacht. that King George is strongly In favor will have a lead of 100. Madrid By order of the Duchess of granting home rule to Ireland. Biplane Pashes Into Grandstand. of Najera, the magnificent yacht of The Woman In the Buda Pest. Frey, the German aerthe late duke, a grandee of Spain, was Punishment of Case." burned and sunk at Cadi The"duke. onaut, while making flight here on Indictments against Thursday, lost control of his biplane, Cincinnati. who was one of the wealthiest men In Spain, died only a few weeks ago Mrs. Jeanette Stewart Ford, the which dasheck Into tne grandstand. Ills widow was unwilling -- that any Woman in the case" of Charles L. Six women were injured, two of them one should enjoy the duke t posses- Warriner, now in the Ohio peniten- probably fatally. Frey was not hurt. sions, and the yacht was destroyed In tiary for the embezzlement of $643,-00- 0 The aviators Latham, Andree and from the Big Four railroad, will Bielowucl suffered similar accidents, the sight of an astonished crowd. The come to retrial.. Shrieking that but fell In the open ground and no not on the death of one of her duchess, dogs, had it buried In a coffii which she was being bounded. Mrs. Ford, one was Injured cost 1,000, who has" been a patient at a local hosTwo Years In Prison Without Trial. pital, escaped earty Thursday, and It K1 --Peo,--T been wiajcAfter-ft- a Tipton ville. Ten JudgeHrrrls of partment. several personal trends held in prison in Juarez, Mex., for this city, whose life is said several and her counsel to obta n her return. years without a trial, four men. artimea to have been sought" "right It Is understood, she will" be commi- rested In Tonnecttonwlth riders, was drowned w hile yCcanlng tted, to .a .private Institution, tuul that twrday afternoon. a Cincinnati family. were set at liberty otteWednesdayv Russia and 1 Bought NewSuit and 8ulcidd Japan Getting Together, . Carried to Death by Aerial Tram, Denver. Attiring himself g St. Peterborg, The question of enCanon City, Colo. Becoming e relations, which has tirely new outfit of clothes, ith the In the running gear of an exception of a collar, which Mid been lately given rise tojsensatlonal reports aerial tram. Merl Klssenger, a "boy, previously worn, as Indicated by the inthe foreign and in the Russian was carried 100 feet suspended by his lautdry mark, an unknown aim drank press, may be briefly elated as follows: thumb twenty-fU- e Teet In the air. carbolic aeld and lay' dost on the Both countries hap realized the ex- Gradually the thumb waa torn from the bank of the lake at Lakesid to die. pediency of a closer understanding. hand and the boy fell to the ground, His body was stumbled upoa by a This view has been dictated by po'.ltl-ca- l suffering two broken ribs and internal and economic considerations. The Injuries. He was unconscious - when party of women seeking a mol spot for a picnic. Their terrified screams attitude of the other powers In some picked up and 'will probably die--. Klsin others adverse senger was tram tender at the Wold brought attendants at the retort and cases friendly, but interests of Russia Park mine, and fell arxsnst the cable the to respective th coroner was sent for. TWe was and Japan has only strengthened the As hefell hegrasped nothing to Indicate the Identity of the tendency on the part of St. Peters when at work. and his hand the gear running suicide ' burg and Tokio to come together. e TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS-ALWAY- BUY S THE GENUINE. maxuuodred by the - SOU BY AH HADING tod size oioiRauuut DRUGGISTS pwce 5QaBoiju The Army of Constipation Is Growing Smaller Every Day. CARTERS LITTLE UVEA PILLS in lapootible they l ealy give rebel they permanently cure Caaetipx tie. MiL luxu DM them (or Mi $ MM, iadifeetiea. Sick Headache, SeBew SMa. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRia GENUINE mu bear signature: luper-intende- N&be-shim- g 11 tail js -- Vice-Preside- -- semi-offici- oAVeitlBI,efetp. ttaiis. LaaU All U of tu tal.eepMf pi I r up over, vik t Nil or lajwr thiog (Juaraoiecdcf feeuve OrU4oje for BO or aDt prcp-u- l liROLR BOVKBS IxO bokatfcAv. IfwkljBi kcN uf lat s, n L, DAISY FLY KILLER bract k ktUa U hewLCle wrbau Uncle Ezra Saya: Playin' on one string soon wears out the string ez well ez the player. BosloaHerald. An Embryo Emancipator. little miss riding on a Brooklyn trolley car the other day tendered How old the conductor half fare. are you, little girl?" he queried, gingerly handling her fare. She pursed her lips for a moment, then calmly opened her purse, dropped two more pennies into the conductor's extended palm, snapped her purse A youf fare, vtr; own!" are ttry Btanstice my" For Proper Care of Tuberculosis. According to the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, New York state leads In the number of beds for consumptives provided up to May 1, witlr 5,476 beds; Massachusetts is second, with-2,40bedel Pennsylvania third, wltlx 2347 beds; Colorado fourth, with 1,489 bedsl and New Mexico fifth, with .1,104 bids. As yet, not one state in the country has made adequate pr vision for Its consumptives. , New York has set itself the task of having, No uncared-fo- r Tuberculosis in 1915, and 'several cities in other parts of the country have adopted similar proThe national association; grams. says that tuberculosis will not be stamped out Until all cases of this disease are cared for either in their homes or in institutions. With this end in view, efforts. wrill be made to increase the number of hospital beds In this country to at least 35,000 by -- May 1, 1911. A DOCTORS EXPERIENCE Medicine Not Needed in This Case, h to Russo-Japanes- ", be-nu- csiirht. It that Is hard to convince some people coffee does them an Injury! They lay their bad feelings to almost every cause but the true and unsuspected, one. , But the doctor knows. His wide experience has proven to him that to some systems, coffee is an Insidious-poisothat undermines the health. Ask the doctor if coffee is the cause of constipation, stomach and nervous trouble. I have been a ct ffee drinker all my life. I am now 42 years old and when taken sick two years ago with nervous prostration, the doctor said that jny nervous system was broken down and that I would hare to give up coffee." , I B0t 80 weak and bhafcy 1 could not work, and reading your advertisement of Postum, I asked my grocer If he had any of It He said: Yes, and was all it claimed to be. So I quit coffee and commenced to use Pottum steadily and found In about two weeks tlme J. coijlj., sleep soundly at night and get up Tn tjie morhtbg'feeTing ?reslC"ln about two months I began to gain flesh. I weighed pnly 146 pounds when I on Postum, and now I weigh 167 and feel better than I did at 20 years of age. I am working every day and sleep well at night My two Children were great, coffee drinkers, but they havo not drank any since Postum came Into the house, and are far more healthy than they were before." Read "The Road to Wellville," found In pkgs. Theres a reason." Em m4 tha ahave Mtrrt A w a irtran tram that t ttaaaa. Ihrv ara crania, traa fall af kanaa Inter-rat-. , com-menc- ed j 1 u! N |