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Show Big Sale on Summer Goods BEGINNING FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 10th 5pecas--Hats, Dresses, Skirts and Shirt Waists will be told at biff reduction. A great number will be CLOSED OUT AT COST FOR CASH. JK. Salmon Good Service Ready for you when you need anything in the line of fresh or salted meat beef, mutton, pork, ham or bacon. "We know wliat we are buying; therefore know what we are selling know how to cut it up, too, and we would like to have more of your trade. You'll benefit by it, ai well at we. SUMMIT MEAT CO., Bagnell & Ball, Prof .. Wire, Wire! an J Fencing! rf- FENCING-made from elf-regu!ating j coiled spring wire. Ornamental and Plain Gates from 3 ft. wide and up Wc also have the celebrated Brown Fence for Horses and Cattle, from 1 8c per rod up. Can be built over hills I and hollows. We ship from the factory by the carload only and can srll you at factory prices-plus the freight. We have the goods. Call by 'phone today, or write HOYTSVILLE CASH STORE Chat. H. Weit, Prop, Hoytsvtlle, Utah. E. L. BENSON ( REAL ESTATE LOANS INSURANCE ; Coalville. Utah. (','.' , . k ; .' Finest Trains and t Smoothest Track Insure a comfortable (tip f .over the line of the UNION PACIFIC "The Safe Road" New steel passenger equipment--eleclric block signals-dining car meals and service "Best in the World." For information, rates, etc., call on or addtess. E. L. LOMAX, G. P. A., Union Pacific R. R. Co., Omaha, Neb. ,r p awpeapaasnrFPH piim ,i 11 juin .ui .imusj g s . ji,,ii 2 t.i iitistttttttuttnmimttnaaan Tl f, Come and see my assortment of Misses I and Childrens trimmed hats from t $1.50 to $3.00. Wonderful value, g 1 MRS. M. E. RHOADES, Miliner, g i t t THONE 4V BLACK. S . s A Household Necessity. r3r y ' BALLARD'S I HOREHOUND SYRUP I COMPOUND. M M iURES Coughi, Cold, Whooping Cough. Bron. chitlt, Sore Throat, Hoaneneta, Etc., . Tha Fnvorita Remedy In all Homes. It Is trnod for yountr B Mid old, Una m Soothing and Haallns Effact an all Cough and Cold. B W. t- Corwlo, ftlehawiMl, VI h, rrMai-loatt tint. MilritlW nU, R Whlrh turiM4 Int. LOrtptM. S bnuphl a buttl. W Hallarj'. Hor.nosn4 IpTup li Compuundand II strait titn m. Ml michtp qulcalp. I Mutv. llUtf d'a HMVIraua4 D iprup ComiKtuad will cursaav mmoT LaOnpp 11 Trie Tl'.c, SOe r.d $1.09 Pafus At S.ib.tlh.tf . BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO., ST. LOUIS, Mr MaWHHHHaBolcJ and Roommndd VK9W9$fWS I Huh) Ijv John Boydflt A Boa. T COcll... f j v Weber Coal spells economy. IS ! J Try a ton. It will do a fs ! ton's work. Do not take tis any chances this season in the ' -j matter of fuel. Coal that v I produces the greatest amount i ;. of heat; coal that burns to fl JJ the last ounce; coal that is all ft ; ' "f coal, and the ash of which is , j' evidence of its heat energy f that's the kind of coal we sell JS i'v I t n r Stf " iii nan .ami wanw.ii wtryvawaiWidamaa j V1. ' 1 "' " W I WE COAL CO., I fi t Mines ot COALVILLE, UTAH. iRs i i i a a i i i -it 2k & 2 Zt A tt V |