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Show a r pv TTCSlaT A vw l V V XN J. - ALL COFFEE No dust, chaff of bad I bans in HEWLETTS Stool cut frosh roaatod er quires Sunday Excursions $2.75 round to Silver City. Sait trip, Fureka, Mammoth, 4 Turn leaves Union Depot 7.45 ft. m. $1.25 xound trip, Salt Lake to Lehi, American Fork and Provo. Train leaves Union Depot 6 00 ft. m. Excursions California will be announced shortly. Thru service to Los Angeles not later than June 15. For tickets, literature or further infornutioif call at City Ticket Office, 169 Main St. T. C, Petk, (I. J. H. Manderfltld. P. A A G Ant!. Ua , I A . 11 Cal Salt Lalt. Cur. 8KA1.8. STEVCILS, RUBBER. STAMPS IA6UE8, TRADK ( Etc! HECK'S. luU line Rubber Type Outfits anti supplies id stuck. Mall order receive prompt attention. ALT LAKE STAMP CO.. Salt Laka City Artistic Deception. Yes, we used to be quite, enthusiastic about art, but that was Just after my husband had made his million, We ain't goln in mimh for It now. jjrt What has caused you to'lose your enthusiasm? "You see them arj. dealers are such awful swindlers.dbsiah got interested in a painjjn that they told hint was a masterpiece of impressionism, and after a good deal of dickerin he bougJjUit for a big price and brought it Tt'ome; but we found out alter wed got it hung in our gallery that it was nothin hut an egg somebody had threw against the canvas. Reforms In the Congo. King Albert of Beigim has approved n-r, yr fUSL U' l U iv.io e new p 1 vi.A-'A.-H 1 n if 1, m Vl K - - -- v tv Y Miller-Raffert- -- Si VV7, . V ; i Vrt"V ... m . V--- m i Sc- -- J- U V e . I CtfFF MOUMTAiri lOOObr AEOV E THE JEA . i L. A ay natfonal ssociation grown-up- ized such s. SS&tv. a- for organ- - on some basis that of erra club .-- c ' the- - Siof Cali- fornia, but with the United States for Its field of y Ju v as . -- -?' . si wsfa V:-::- ' J i. pci I 4 administration of the Belgian find rV important Congo. The most Important la the work to be done abolition of the system of collecting and would en- taxes through forced labor, under list many ardent which frightful cruelties have been supporters. wall of great rock Numerous national parks have alperpetrated in the past. Hereafter ready been established by the government, some steepness extending taxes are to be paid in money, not by because of their recognized standing as natural northwest by southeast labor, and are to be reduced in wonderlands, such as Yellowstone, and others for unbroken miles examount; native officials are to be sub- through Insistent championship of enthusiasts. cept where cut by deep stituted for white; and obligatory laThe youngest member of the playground fambor on the part of adults is to be re- ily, now knocking at the door for national protecThese have been largestricted to the works designed for the tion. Is the proposed Glacier National park In ly formed by the great northern Montana. There are some people In the which once Improvement of their own conditon. glaciers east who do not even know that there Are lowly flowed from the . Trapped. . -- ef ln the United State day.-but--think mighty i. The perpetually clever man listened them as extinct monsters belonging to a past peak and ridges formHI aiAftl liMW To era. hard-iucsuch the Glacier divide the name, between to very the park. ing solemnly tramp's Is an education. There are no longer. It Is true, the drainage of tbe Atatory. lantic and tbe Pacific Thats the same old yarn you told vast continental glaciers; even the great frozen oceans the northern continental divide. Canadian Pacific and the Great Northern railroad. me last week, he said, winking at regions of Alaska are small In. extent compared with the ancient glaciers, but the remnants of the A route on the w est side or the FIathead river, in the canyon are Wring stream, com-- , his companion. Deep e locauniversal ice as can such be sheets, from tbe gays Mr. Chappan, is very available for th ing Maybe it Is, adimitted the weary seen melting Ice and snow and flowing Glacier are so numerand track. railroad lq, a park, tion of majestic into placid mountain lakes below. Between the one as he started on. Id forgotten ous as to awaken in the mind of the traveler senIn order to open up this region of superb and canyons the long finger-likridges rise to considhaving met you. I was in the peni- timents of unbounded awe and wonder at Natimber-covereunique erable scenery for the public, a few malrt road heights, tbe slopes ascendtentiary last week." Success tures matchless handiwork. ways will be required along the streams, together ing steeply untlLa region of brush-grow- n broken Give a month at least to this precious rewith horse trail to points of especial interest rock Is reached, which In turn leads to the base serve, says John Muir, some ten years ago. In of precipitous cliffs. Tffe canyon at the head Lake McDonald, it la pointed out In the aenat A Trifling Matter. the usually terminate in great amphitheaters, speaking of the delights of Ibis region, report, lying near the southwestern boundary ol I want Senior rising Professor, Departing time will not be taken from the sum of your life. cliff the cliff a proposed park, is a sheet of water of un ovr in of tremendous prostairway to thank you for all I have learned Instead of It will indefinitely lengthen shortening matched beauty, surrounded by acenery of such portions. Many of the step of these giants during the past four years. I it and make you truly immortal." as to make a roadway along It signal Ice grandeur retain masse which stairway flow slowly Pfafessor Grump Thats all right, Nor are the attractions of the Glacier park desirable, but this, It il eastern shore across them, each fed from a large ice mass my boy; dont mention such trifles. region confined to the scenic. Here lies, for Inabove until a region of hug enow banks is efttter for the future consideration ol stated, is stance, the majestic Lake McDonald, full of brisk reached. congress. Where the Difficulty Lay. trout, as described by Mr. Muir, in the heart of Tbe region combines all tbe elements of an ideal Tbe main Rocky mountain mass is actually Farmer. Whats all this scrib- The splendid Flathead forests of as It stands. It needs only official giant pine, playground' made of two up bling? principal parallel ridgee, the spruce and cedar, while ten miles above Is Avato insure its protection and perpetuity designation Lewi and the Son. Shorthand, father. You ought lanche lake, shimmering at the foot of a Livingston ranges, which run apgroup of as such to stimulate tbe fstablishment of transproximately through the center of the proposed to learn it." glacier-lademountains- - Far up the white peaks facilities, making it more readily availportation the are These park. ranges remnant What would be the good one can hardly fail to meet the white goat or of what Farmer. to visitors. While of Interest geologically, It able was once a much plateau-llkwider of that?' If I learnt to write it, 1 American chamois, while In other retreats dwell region of is of little, if any. economic importance. The con rock, which, however, has been mightily carved never eould read it. Fliegende deer, elk and bear, and many smaller, sleek-furreditions are particularly adapted to tbe study of tha and shattered forces the of by Blaetter. erosion, princianimals enjoying their beautiful lives In company structure and history of mountain building, as the pally those of the great ancient glaciers. Resting wItirTitrBlerous bird species. forces of nature were most active and a ancient upon this great mass are the higher peaks huge Winding Up Hie Affaire. It is that the present session of contremendous folding and warping of the once horiand with - Look here, Ben, what did you gress willhoped Works, pyramids cliff, and preserve for the nation this latest zontally bedded rocks Is in many places apparent of hundreds and sometimes .thousandsprecipices of feet . At ' shoot me for? I aint got no quarrel playground and constitute It another of our naone time prospectors for copper flocked to th plunging away down to the roaring streams of .with- you. tional parks. It will then be our second largest but no finds were made Indicative of. region, or the in the canyons ending great crevasse at economic deposits, and the same may be said asany You had a fued with Jim Wombat, park, surpassed only by the Yellowstone. to ' s tbe bead of some glacier. The Sixtieth congress made a favorable redidnt ye? oil. From the reconnaissance made by the geoTo the westward the mountains break pre-I did, but Jims dead. port on a Glacier park bill, whih bad also the logical Survey it is not believed that Glacier park cipitously, and from the foot of the steep, loifg, the secretaries of the interior formations of comKansas City strong support of Im his executor. contains any mineral-bearintlmber-coi-ere- d .ridges reach out toward the valley and agriculture- Thia report was based largely Journal. mercial Importance However, if such are discovFathead river. Betweei these ridges and ered following the creation of the park there will upon a topographic survey made four years ago extending np the canyon of the higher range Obliviously Wrong. by a United .States geological survey party, and be nothing to hinder their development. are many miles of lakes, joined by rushing They say dandelions make excel- - upon a later compilation by Robert H. Chapman, IrlUaT. .to-Jj- b QE srm. t h 4 eastern- - aide, -one ef e hou t e e t- Ate h KE e A' yc acres of The the whole Just south 1,000,000 be true. lying animal that Canadian cant Oh, park Is Inhabited by wild They grow ' How line and between Flathead river and the Black- and birds and the stream abod in ' many kind ' without any? help.many men know how to walk? Most men feet Indian JThis area .(obtains 60 of fish. In the higher barren roek areas the white turn their toes In or out? Twicer in the New York or more true .glaciers. , ran ging jn slzt rom small . gont la found in great nurabfrg, . while .on. the prese says. The toes should not be turned either e Hen, palnt str&lghL-ahea- gliicLerLoLa. BauFe-tell-e?- ,cy faL.area each.To.ihose e3verlng five-- , way.. Ihey-ouhLEmison-swy- iif the foot at the end of each step can give tbe body afforded by stunted timber growth and brush glacial secret once. The Woman who wears square miles. It also contains over-25that upward, forward impetus that result In what and Jagged slopes, the Rocky mountain sheep, or a spurious complexion will not be- lakes from a few hundred feet to ten miles in area. Is called a springy walk. This does not mean that In tip valley and on The Rocky mountain system In the United bighorn, has hiajiaunts. lieve it.- a nwn should walk exclusively on bis toes. The . the lower spurs are many white-tal- l and black-tai- l States abounds in regions of wild and magnificent whole fojit mtfst be used In proper walking. The Was a Plain Cate. deer and moose; In places a few elk are found, as th scenery-- but it is doubtful f any of them sur- goose step of the German army is as absurd of walklpg on his heels. 4 and over the whole area, from high glacier and You want to divorce your husband? passes in grandeur and Interest that of Glacier boys prank When a man walks In the right way speaking now-fielto huckleberry bush region of valley You say you cannot agree? What evl; nark. From it area water flows to Hudson bay, the back of the heel strike the ground literally roams and the grizzly Mexico flat, ocean. Pacific Gulf of and tbe bear. Mount giant deuce can you give of incompatibility the Then the rest of the heel comes down, after first. All the game animals use the higher mounCleveland, Its highest peak, reaches an eleva, of temper? which the outer edgrtf the foot takes the bulk of tain districts for summer range only, as tbe area the burden until the forward movement shifts th Why, I want a divorce and be tion of 10.434 feet, and there are many other rug1 is too high and the snowfall too heavy to permit ranging from 6,000 to 10,000 feet doesnL , ged mountains weight to the ball of the foot and finally to the above sea level. This area of the northern Ro;ky of winter use. As in the case of the other nationtoes. Tbe ideal step is a slightly rocking motion. al parks, these game animals, protected by law Always Political. mountains, says Mr. Chapman, which lies ta the At no time should the entire foot be pressed north of the Greet Northern railway and to the from interference, will Increase to such an extent against tbe ground. Heel to toe la tbe. movement He seems to be an poli' "" south of the Canadian boundary, is one of tbe as to furnish In the overflow from tbe park a Try it and see how much further and more easily tician. 1 should tempting supply to sportsmen fat all time; on tbe you can walk. Its tbe Indians way, and what say so-- - Before proposing most beautiful mountain regions in the world. to Miss Specie be got up a petition Approaching the divide from the plaj&e region to other hand, without such protection of a breeding- - Poor Lo doesn't know about footwork can go into e e;.st. present to the traveler a ground, many of the animals, especially the big- - the discard. with 2.000 signatures urging herj to accept him. in-th- - ffirJoa e canyon. gla--cle- -- snow-cover- r-V- geo-logi- C k - one-tim- e d , n e d , - , g tmf ant-Convine- Alii'htly-4ewec--rid- . nea-Goshe- -- grounds become accessible. playgrounds TTv" ji k i, At the regular directors meeting ol of the Uncle Sam Consolidated com . pany held In Salt Lake City A divtdend of 2 cents a share, or $10,000. was declared. The visible copper supply of Ett rope amounts to 239,142,400 pounds and added to the United States sulk ply gives a grand --total of 399.572.tH pounds, the largest everf reported. An estimate of the Utah Coppat company's production for( May givat tha output of copper as approximate ly 8,500,000 pounds, atT cost of I cents a pound, with net earnings tot the month of 1410,000. 7 a! The Carbonate Mining company ol the Big Cottonwood section of Utah has pi educed In the neighborhood o ew $1,400 000. and dlvidenda to th tent of $900,000 have been paid from . 'operations between 1X72-8Three feet of ore averaging $a3 a ton In gold and ailver have be.en brote en into by Strulkey Jirolhers, leasing on the Wild Cat claim of the Ely Calumet Copper company, according ta horns and the white advices from" Ely, Nevada. gouts will soon become of the owners The practically extinct. In Deer Lodge disThere are numer- - group of claims nea Utah, were last Stateline, trict,the morasses Ihrottgh market with I.ake Salt on the week higher ranges. Across runs these thV gsme trails five tong of sorted In ore which an $G0O if sliver ounces 1,000 about lend from valley to valley. Following and $800 In gold to the tou. the fame came the Indians; the hunter mid the. trapper, looking for easy Handling five tons of rock a dar. routes of travel, followed the Indians; the Paraffine Oil company from IU mine and works in Dairy Fork can then came the government engineers 1 produo explotuig and mapping, hud finally the yon, near Mill Fork. Utah. haidier of the tourists and lovers of ing dally about 235 gallons of oil ol -Most of these passes are a quality which bring on the market nature. of each months year a closed for many 75 cents and $1 gallon. -by the snow; some of them are availSalt Lake Tntereata who recentlj ' able only after the use of the ax to entered the Kern River. California, give footing on the hard ice of gla- oil field, forming the Magnolia South ciers lying close to the Continental cm Oil company to develop a tract dh ide, but across one or two of them of ground taken over, are gratified by , wagon roads may be built by which news that the portion of the field they persons unfitted for the strenuous ef- entered is proving to be a new cental forts now required to reach the higher of activity. country may have opportunity to view With twenty feet of quart In th it at close range. None of the passes hole drilled In the property ot third bounCanadian of the that are south n, Joe Mining company, Uncle the dary will ever be used for a railway tha of feature with and every route of the Colorada There is Interest In Canada which formation so like that can no vein distinguish a that expert looks with favor upon the creation of owners are the proposed Glacier park, and at material difference, the Elated. highly feeling some future day the locomotive may The first annual report of the rpm the Dom I n Ion to the wa- crssf of ters the Flathead river and wend southward to the towns and farming covering operations' for tha Tails and to months ended Dec. 31, last, Columbia twelve valleys adjacent Kalvpell, forming a link between the has been Issued. The total Income la $2,086,543; total expenses. $1,450 830; net Income, $1,235,711; dividend. $300,000; iurplua, $935,731. Development so far accomplished la the San Juan (Utah) oil field assure beyond question the existence there A - 4 play as well grounds as workshops, says George Otis Smith, which is but sn Application to America of the old saw that all work and no play maxes of Jack a dull boy. When Secretary Seward wag endeavoring to enlist the support of the people forTns project to purchase Alaska one of the somewhat esthetic arguments by which he sought to gain Advocates was that this great north-- , webtern territory should be acquired if for nothing else than that it would afford a magnificent sum mer playground for the American liatiou Alaska's purchase is doubtless Justified on this score alone, and. while its varied topography affords in truth a wonderful field to the tourist, there are much more accessible readily "playgrounds" within the United States. Indeed, some lie at ouriery doors, although for lack of good transportation facilities they may be more difficult of access than far distant points The cation owes it to itself, to the people of the present day, tmd even more to of a future con gested population to create into national parks the magnificent regions of the Rocky mountains and the High Sierra, which have little, if any, economic Importance, and thus preserve always their natural, wholesome beauties. Transmethportation ods will quickly follow and thus MINES AND MINING U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ? yS Ainii fTiifI A vT HE nation that leads the world In feverish business activity re LUNETA COFFEE Special machinery remove all this waste matter and the buys nothing but coffee. Your grocer will supply you at SOo per pound with this Coffee r i i liiTT BvSUY ivCCio i i jVj TTrj jf II -- Axv ger d Aa , -- ( ee-Th- 4mwat-- according ot C.-S- L Woodman, civil engineer, of Denvei who ha been employed tha last seven week making surveys of claims. A decision has been rendeted lq the famous jotosi mining caa in Nevada, and the Mahoney brothers have gained from the court a com-plo- t 3 victory oter the Interest cla.m ing tbe ground. The property baa -- been under bond and lease for some time to eastern and western p&rtiea. Within the next few days the Bos company of the Mercur e matrlerwm 'be- - Closed-dow- n 'permw-nentl- y. One of the official of the or ganlzatlon says the the search for orw has resulted in failure, and the mine and min will be Idle as soon as the clean-uIn the plant now taWng place,,. -is completed. J- - i During May, according to figures given' out by the Darby Nevada Re p Auction companjrY" the Florence Tease-- at Seven Troughs produced $05 tona of ore which was treated at the mill, beside eleven tone of high-grad- e silver ore which was shipped to the smelter. The ore average between $70 and $80 a ton. California is not experiencing tha slightest depression from tbe tigbU ness of money In the east. California, in fact. Is booming all on mo count of its oil interests. Within the last 60 days, It Is said, from $10,000, 000 to $15,000,000 of English capital has been invested lo producing oil properties in California. in the Tbe camp of Charleston Madrls. mining district, Elko county, fifty miles north of Deeth, is attract men Ing the attention of mining Is throughout Nevada. Charleston fifteen miles south and-ea- st of Jatbridge, the formation being lime, granite, porphyry and dlorite, while that of Jarbridge is principally rhyolite and qnartzite. men are nfew emAbout twent-flv- e ployed dally In grading and excavating about hn acre and a half of .land upon which tbe Lake Copper company intends shortly to erect a new hoist, J Between the 1.500 and 1.600 levels of the Ridge end Valley property at Tin-ti- c, Utah, some very One result are being had. and considerable ore is be-T-n gL ri E( e hd d W n fo r themarket In the regular course - of development The ore win average close to thirty Ounces silver and 25 per cent Ifead. All boom spirit at Jarbldge, the new' Nevada gold camp, has died down and the crowd of excited gold seekers who rushed Into that region ifollowing the first strike now is planning only on getting away, according to a party of Ogden men who have just returned from that disjrlft One of the richest oil strikes ever made In Wyoming is reported from Spring Valley, Just east of Evanston,, where the Standard Reserve Oil company, In which many Ogden men are interested, has uncovered a monster usbei at a depth of 750 feet. |