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Show ROOSEVELT'S HUNT j FOR AFRICAN GAME Lions and Other Animals Shot in i Large Numbers. YEAR ON DARK CONTINENT Naturahtta Collected Hundredi of Speclmena for the Smlthaonlan Inatitutlon Kermit Photographer Photog-rapher of the Party. Theodore Itiiiicci i It ' huntliiH tilpln Allien, ollli billy known m. the Sinllb ronlaii Alib aii evpullilon. liiHted m ar ly eleven iiioiiiti and huh imi. auc-i.sKinl auc-i.sKinl In i v. ry way The colonel a ileHlre to hiini Ilia Kaine huh not nil thai wim back of the nip, for I bo i Hlllllhriilllnll lllnl It 111 loll Wllliled Hpecl liuiiH of the liiiimi and flora of Ihe liark t'ontliient mid coiiiuiIskIoiiciI the ex proKldenl In nliliiln theui. Kor thin reiimn. n purl nf the expeniei were borne ly ihe Inmltutloii. hut .Mr. IIiiiik. v. Ii paid all the i xpem-ua of hiinnelt and bin tain Kermit. pieaiituit' l'ly em ulna much of Iheiii by hia aril rleH In a maxalno tor which he re- j reived a record tiri-aklr.B prlit . Not wimllliK lliuch lime after leiiv-l leiiv-l nn Ihe White I lotinc. l olniicl MonKe n il aalbd from New York on the Ml'ltlllt'hlp HiiuibiirK. bended for Nil-plc Nil-plc Willi h Im were Kermit mid three iiiitiirnlli'ta. Major Meiinm, Kd- 1 iiniiiil Heller im. I J. Alden l.oriim, and Ktowed In Ihe hold wan mont of their elaborate f hit tit for klllluu or photo-KlaphlliK photo-KlaphlliK the nnlllialN ol .aint Afl'lcn and for prcforvHiK the speiiuicnn ilea- titled for the Smlthnoiilan liiHtliiitlon. ' Kermit hud trained lilmaelf to bo ihv chief plioioiiinpher of thn ixpedltlon, hut be iiIko turned out to be coimlder-able coimlder-able of a hunter. A ureal throiiK of friend and ad-mlrera ad-mlrera bade the colonel farewell, and ho milled awiiy. but could not entirely aeparate himself from the world, for practically all the way iicrona the Atlantic At-lantic uirclfHe commiinlcmloii with the 1 1 n in Ii u t H wua Ullilntnliuil. More, over, nt the Azorcti, ami iiKaln lit lilbraliiir, he found Ihe nllliiala mid I pie Insisted on iIoIiik him honor, and w hen he reached Naplea on April , Ihe entire populace llllili d out to Kreet lilm with llouera mid cheers. iloardlUK the In riiiaii Hteanishlp Ail mini! lor Miitiihntui, Mr. ItooHevelt (mill. I III bis cabin II iiuiinilty of How. era in 'I a letter from Kinperor William lsblli! ti 1 in "Kood hiintlliK-" At Mea- liin a mop waa niiiile to view the cmilniinikc luliia, and there, m Klim Victor Kiiiuiaiiiiera reiiueat, Mr. Ilooso-' v. Ii mid Kermit vlslicd the Italian monarch on board the bntilcxhlp Hex I'lnherm The party arrived at Mombasa Mom-basa April il and wna received by ellnn tlovernor iackson. who had . eon limtriicled by thn llrlilsh Kovorn-ineiil Kovorn-ineiil to do nil In bla power 'o further ihe plana of thn expedition. Cniisual nrlvlleiicn were Krau'cil the hiiuiera, mil Mr. Ituoscvell and Kermit were license d to kill Nona. At Mombasa the party wan joined by it. .1. liinlniihaine, n veteran African Afri-can hunter anil explorer, a nil Leslie J. Taiieton, and Ibenu two iiianaiied the cxi'i illlli.n In a most able manner. Tnklni! train to Kapltll plaliiK. the party became the K'losta of Sir Alfred I'ense on bla ranch. An immense caravan of Siiu pei'Miiia was oiiianlzed mill oil April Col '1 Ki.oscvell had his II rat African hunt, (in llila iiccaslon lie biiKKod two wild. In-esta and a iiitiinpson'a nazelle. Apill ail was a noiiible day In tin- camp on ilia Aihl, lor on that day the lirsl llona tell vlctlina to the imirki.maiishlp ol the Hoosevelu Theodore abut two nml Korinlt one, and there was un-nt rejoliien ailloliK the nallvs who maile up I be i in. il.. Ii After that the big iiaine lame fast and cheetahs, plraffi a, rhlnoccri'sea and more llona win mldcd In the Hat, In all 14 nirlellea ol nil linn In belli: aecurod Meanwhile Kermit wna busy with hie camerni and Hie naiiirnllaia prepared the pe- (tiorKe McMillan, an American, wna the next hoat of the huntora, and aev oral weeka were apent on hla fine Jit .In ranch and In ihe aurroundlng coine liy I hcro the name wna very plentiful plenti-ful mid many tine ppecliniiia wcro Implied Member of the party nande aeierul cxteiialve trlpa of exploration, iioiably on mid iiroutut Mount Ketiln. The expedition left Knit Africa lie-1 lie-1 1 ml. . r Mi. crossed I minda nml went do Mil the While Nile. lieltlllK back lo ciiuiparatlie .i lllail.ni nt tloiidokoro Tbeie ib. y w. nt nboard a aienmer put at their disposal by the sirdar, and Journeyed to Khartum, where ! Mrs Himsinii met her liusluinil. mid iiccomi'iitil'Ml him In a b buieiy trip lo ('alio ImrliiK his siu In K;ipl (ol I unci lleoaevelt ll I lie recipient ol i many lioimra mnl made acvernl i speeches tine ul lllelll. Ill which he j prillaed Ihe lilllullllst ration of the lliitlsh. aave i ololiliinble offense to ' Ihe native NntloliallatK. At Ihe end of i March the Knoseielta aalled lor Italy In a preliminary report to the Smithsonian Institution Mr llooaevelt aiimti)iiiii!cd the imiierlnl reaiilta of l be expedition ns tollowa: "(in (he trip Mr. Holler Ima prepared pre-pared l.ni'il apeclmeiia of liiullitliala, the nuijorliy of lame size; Mr. I.orln hna prepared 8,i:t. and la.ctor Menrna "14 - a total nf 4'.7 tuammiila. (if lilrda, lioctor Mcnina baa prepared nearly :l,i". Mr l.orliia '.'.', and Mr. Heller about fifty a toinl of about 1. 1'"" birds. "Of repillea ami biitriichlnna, Meaara .Mi-urns. I.iirliia and Heller collected about S.ili'ii III tlsbea, about f."" wi re collected lioctor M. urns collcried luiirlne llshea near MoiiiIhimi. and Iresh waier llshea elsewhere In lliitlsh laist Africa, and ;&?e ffrftn innurph.i)prrllTli. hf I'ndcrviMMt t rittUrwnncl II T ! IN THE AFRICAN JUNGLE j he and ('uiilnchume collected flshii In Ihe Whltn Nile. "ThlB iniikea, In al, of verlelnalca: lt. itll. s mill liiitriiiiiiiiiia"liib.iilll Z l-lslisa lulu. ut) , !"' Tnliil Il l" "The Inverlebriite wero rollecnd ohletly by Diiclor Mearna. with sonic iiaalatnuce from , Meaara. ('uiilnnhiiuie and Kermit KniiHcvclt. "A few marine shells were collected near Mombasa, and land mid Iresh I water sheila ihinuKhoiit the regions vlaited, na well aa craba, bei-tlca, mllll peda. and other Invertebrulea. "Several tlioiiannd plnnia were col b eted throughout the r glnna visited by lioctor Mearna, who employed and trained for the work a Miiyuiunezl mimed Mukanearrl, who soon learned how lo lllllko very e.oml hpeclllielis. and lurni-d out an excellent man In every way. "AuihropoloKliiil iiiulerlala were Kiiibered by lioctor .Mearna, with aoinc asalatance from othera; a collectlnn waa contributed by Major Kosa. an American In the Koverunieiit seivlis at Nalrobb" K. WKIIMTKIt. |