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Show MOVED THEGflPITAL OOVBRNOn HASKELL Of OKLAHOMA OKLA-HOMA DISOBEYS COURT AND MOVES HEADQUARTERS. After Securing Ttmporary Qujrtera for Stat Official!, tha Chief E-cutivt E-cutivt laauea Proclamation (plaining. Rtason for It, Oklahoma City - ItenrhlnK tore on a Nw-4'lal trnln from Tua on Humtay, (Imernnr llaakell ami hi aeitetary 'opened healiiiarler In a hrilel IM mora thrmiahotit thn day that the p-ovcrnor conteniplat d makitiK 'il.la-homa 'il.la-homa Cliy Ihe permanent neat of oy. emment, aa the hill whhh rurrled In Haitirilay'a election rontetnplnti'd. were onnflrmed when flovenuir llahkell la-ued la-ued a ntalvne-nt diilarlna that hla force would remain here. A local eonimlltee eeun-d lemtair-ary lemtair-ary tiuartera for all the elate officer, and ihe removal of all officer probably prob-ably will be made In the face of an Injunction to the contrary Kranleil In tiillhrle by lllxlilct Judge II. niton Coventor llNkell ha lnied a pr,--lamatton dti-larinff the bill carried and Oklahoma City the permanent neat of Ui'e novernmenl. The proclamation la baaed oil a leal opinion tel deied him. In which It la held thai imc a law Initiated by tin- iople become auioniatlenllv effeciive Iminediately iihiu Ita paaaaae. Oklahoma CMy I Ihe permanent aeat of aovernrni nt and all official act o, mate officer In any oilier place would be Illegal l he aovertior h,ie alo laaie-tl a prociauiatton Ciilllnit an electi"ti 011 AuKuat 2 for Hi" eulimiHilon ol an In mined prnpoiitlon pioviiIiuk a cntl atitutlonal amendmetit lo rennet ihe rich! or uirtuae, IiihIiik ellnilillllv of franchlae on eilucatlonnl iju.illllca lion. |