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Show i K , ' .oltcto the Itne of j .'I Jf least resistance rl(vd of all rpontkilltv aftlo ' quality of mtril ind wort.man.nip when you buy anything of it. A Tour personal U you mual atiafy youraalf. jl Our (uarantv r abaolut. I ' &Wk 1 11.1 UM (ill tut AT A CRITICAL PERIOD Of Peculiar Interest to Women, 1 Mra. Mary I. Heinlngton. Klglebcrry It, tlllroy. fill., anya: "I Buttered so verely from pnln anil aorem sa im-r fie kidney that It wna a tusk for mu I tto turn over in bed. My kldueya acted very frequently, but the n'orctlona weru retarded and the paa-iirc paa-iirc acnldeil I waa weak and run down. After tnkltiK nt Iht retnedlea w llhoiil ben-a ben-a i. , f ent. 1 bi kini iislim .W' Dunn' Kidney lilla mil wna permnneiitly cured. I waa rolim ihrouuli the critical perlial nf a x.uiiin'a life nt that lime and utter ' uIhk iMuin'a Kidney pill there waa a Bltaculoiia chmiKc for the better In my Icallli." ! Ilemeniber the nninn Dniin'. Kor aale by nil dealer. Ml cent ft txn Koater-.MIIbiirn Co , Iliiffalu, N. Y. When Rubber Become Necesaary Ii.'.-s'au. I a" "..Ml-'iao.. "il." li'l'lia. pile f..il.-r fur Hie f-. l, I'lil. a IIH .I. a. IUUK li'l ami lak.-M II. i- alllig I I'.irns nml H.inliii.s. .Uuas use II f..r Iii.-isiiik In V. iv a nml f.,r Inn .-.nli H-.l.l n.rvHili-ro Hoi in.HI.. I lilKK. t'lilr-aB, Allen H. (llllisl.il. IL. y. N. V. hrnirln ' ' '" V N M f ' '"!'!, 1. 1. uM,i io a Vl r'-i.u'ut'.iVir.rov'-t1;1!! r!'i,i :-'!.--',.'n.lls-. A urns widow can give refereneo but ahe hardly ever does. , tM .,1' iiej limn aim mi n,, - if mmm) SHST0EI1 -r- IfllSSTQIlSATha Kind You Have & - Always Bought ' ' f; Al.( (1IK1I.-3 'l:H i i:nt tf U Airi!cl,iMcPri'paMlioiifijrA- M 'if-wUimii.iiinviiih'Fooil.itwilli'y'iila- Ponrfl trift r k- lltinj'lhfSloiiKiihs.iiHlll.mvlsef UoaiO IUO M W A gpiOTlHaMims Signaturo Am . !' Promnlr Iiiiicnliim.Clwrrful- w f IM f ' i;i nfM.niillti'yl Conliini nrihVr q aTaVLl f' : Opium. Morphine nor Mnu-rnl l If ' ii; NiiTXAitf oTir LMlj ( ' I ,ffou Drnntirrril fvk 1 i ) lA '' ', k t?Z?:"" j ( iA U: ! Arfi-il Ktwriy f or fomllp gX Alt USD ;w lioii.Siiiir SUinui h.Ib.irrhoca I 1 if j! ihurtns ( imviiSititis Jewish- I fij mm f nr .mtl l.tISS or SttEP Ij rflT llVPr (.it Sinulf SiHnalurr of Xyrzz;. Thirtu Yparc l."' TllT. terAtl(OMIANV. I II 111! lUUlO NKW YORK. I !i'" 'i niiee.l muter Iter Hunil.i"j) 1811 9 DtlliHli Euct Copy of Wrapper. m MmM m na erra. Cffr in You no longer need weary our-Ve our-Ve W Val kV III Bclf out with the weakening y JP heat of an intensely hot kitch-Vb kitch-Vb Vl I 1 1 1 U I I cn. You can cook in comfort. . Here Is a stove that Rives no OUlslde heat. All its heat is concentrated at the burners. An intense blue flame (hotter thnrv either white or red) is thrown upwards but not around. AU the heat is utilized in cookinK none in outside heating. HcVl?crectiort Oil Cook-stove entirely removes the discomfort of cookinK. Apply a match and immediately the stove is ready. Instantly an intense heat is projected pro-jected upwards against the pot, pan, kettle or boiler, and yet there Is no surrounding heat no smell no smoke. arm iPf-m Why? Because The New Perfection pn .m, T--Xflm-ri fl ,( Oil Coolc-btov la clentlflcally anil JjeiiJTTC',l Xi A practically perfect. You cannot utei VS! -i ' - v . iU' J to much wick ft I utomatically " jr'i - f- - . . wt ,. controlled. You ef ct the maximum heel W,i 4 A , '-' .fViSVr noemok. The burnerneimple. On W tW NfL Vj'-'oJM wipe wlih cloth cln It cone. a IB ' ti' ' C'' Ji r - n ( ' m qurntly there le no emell. Jjb?''Jrtyii-'1 ft The New Perfection Oil Cook 8tov f "," fie g 'lit """'"'"' ' ycai-tound uae, but JL!gy KL 7 JJ-, V ..X eapeclIIy In eummcr. It heat oper- V" - - f T "- ' jr atce upward to pan, pot, or kettle, but S I 11 11 B not bcyonil or around. Il ia useleaa (J'n I An I L I 5a i"' beating a room, r l'l'lS1 TSiiS' rjS 11 cDine Tep with eheli I'rKTT 5t"ir sTar-uf tor keeping plate and food hot. I o T : 'e it na oneT turquoiac-blue enamel SZLTTi P ! chimneye. The nickel flnlah, with the m in " briKhl blue of the chimneya, make If ff 11 1 the etove ornamental and attractive, f I 11 I Mail with I, S and J burners ; the I g feaHiauryeMet Pe aurrlf V and S-burner atove can be had with 9 enu el thla ilova-.M H or without Cabinet, Ih.l hm imnia plala It , ,,, , ,,, ,,, ., , ,, , M .1 ,,., w,.. rcaila Maw l't rlclion.H II fia-oMiii.UfsCuaiUiitfUMaciMi'u.riiiib Continental Oil Company (lnrurprlrd) ' MITCHELLS EYE SAlVEAl FREE! 7,000.00 MONEY VALUE PRIZES FREE! ft t 1 1 in 1 And In ailrrrtlh lb Conuiling ol 'ft"' , M"'"' lml"1 ! Purcbate Checks of W f r&.'tl ,.y ""'"'- ! $25 to $150- A SSSfe According to Merit. I ALSO: !?,?. KKIZM OneCentlemao. JXW Kt.'XZ'iXZW Watch l'ijyfu ZWtrrl&'uiiZr mondfting l WA Afcffi.Wt ZZZZr For Aniwering thU IN ljMYfef LOOKS EASY. REBUS I r.? ' VrH l''M HUT IS III TRY AT ONCf. V"ne -tianne la Jii-1 aa nor.n na anr imrrlMi'a. Kni-I..e nrlf a.lilrrkil. ... i,.- n. ""pjjg'pY b'segLRSTROM PIANO MFG. CO. f , 112 FAKNUM SIHUr OMAHA, NEIlltASiJ. j t Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription 0 I la the beat of all mcdicinen f r the cure ul cli.ca.c, M f:?'.n 1 ! di.ordcr. and weuknc.i. pi-, .ii r to women. Il ia the W'"fS' '.' I only prcparuiion uf ila kind dt . ... J by n nitulurly Krailu- VI V f " i ted phii-ian an eipericnccd and akilled apecialikt ia the dieeaac of women. WA'A-yJ- j It Is a safe medicine In any condition of the ayatem. f. ' ? fTjH TUP. OXK HI -Ml f)Y whiill eonlaina no alcohol (ffcx and no iojurioua liuliil-fiiriniiia dru ud which V creates do crevinf for auch alimulanla. V Ji"i TIIK ONE KI'MI T)Y ao good that Ita maker "" VJ (V; re out afraid tu print Ila eeery Ingredient on III lj each oul.ide bottle -wrapper and atleat to the Ji' , Iruthfulneae of the eaino uuder oath. ' It le sold by medicine dealer everywhere, and any dealer who haen't It ean j get il. Don't take mih.lilule ol unknown compilation for line medicine o mown r.oiiHinmiiN. No cuiinlcrlrit ia aa dooil ai Ihe (enuine and the drn(i!i.t whu mvi aomclhing elne ia "jut ai (immI aa Dr. I'icri-e'a" ia either mi.luktii or it Iryini! to deceive you for hia own aclliiill benefit. Such a man ii not lo he truelrJ. ile ia trilling with your mint priceless pmaeabiun yc-ur hcullll may br your ble ilaell, Sri that ,ra in wkal ym ash I r. LOVER'S A,c.tf,?.TT"r"?f IOC t ' llll I llllll hill 1AI.1V (II-. Hi .r, A I.. t , OaPmr! ?' M,j,,,''n r.vi,,,ii'fi,",j ' br a a. uoaTaLLL.aaiai'e.el'sOBW iiaai.'in.wTMb. 1 '- '' Assets S" Four hundred tliousand poople- ri take a CASCARET every ni,hf l-; , nnd rise up in thcmornincnndciill I' them blessed. Ifyoudoti't heloniitu j; this creat crowd of CASCARIC'P ' I takers you ore missing the greatest I uisut of your life, mu I CAWARRTS loe a boa for a weea a I lir.nmi-111 U Ji.hki.i. llik'nenl .-ller I ttt Ilia wwilo. MlllMMl boac a oiouU. E W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. 25--10IO. |