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Show BAR EMIGRATION IN SWEDEN Movement Is on Foot lo Prevent Youth of Lano from Leaving Country, Stockholm. The leading newspa-pera newspa-pera have opened nfflcea throughout Hweden lo rnlae tunda for the purpose of preventing emigration. It Is felt that Hweden can no longer afford lo lose It life blood In Iho shape of young workers. At the neit eeaslnn of tho rlksdng legislation looking to tho snm end will bo enacted and It Is probable Hint the vast domain of unoccupied un-occupied land now owned by Iho state will be offered to bona fide settler on favorable terms, aa I done In America. Amer-ica. Young worklngmen aro determined deter-mined lo leav Hweden not only to better their own condition but to pun Ish their employers agalnat whom they have recently been on strike. |