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Show I Colorado Mlnera Frotan to Dr.ilh. j Lna.llllle. Colo. Tha li..,ll. ,,f Frank l.ollun, WIIHjun H.imv ami j Jamea Hava were f.iuml on Wr.timi I d iy four mllna west of llin i',,p mi,,, 'III thn I lomeHho" dlalrlcl un ihn Hm ; hetwnen Clark and l.al,n coillltin.. 'rh-1 'rh-1 mnn had bnnn (reen In ,natli Thm in art ml for Ihn mlnna Monday, lukliu an vxprnaa winrun to Hm end of the trull, four or tlvo mllna frolu th- mlnna. Kvldnutly they had 1 , caught In Ihn bllzrarit, hal nroiichml : bv tha trail for ahelter. ami h i I gru.l milly aucrumlieil. |