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Show PRlcricArpLArrb j CONVENIENT HORSE BARN IllmJtratlon Showlnjr Arrno;ment of fiulldtno; Wall Adaplad for Slorlnir Feed nnd Impl.menla-. Impl.menla-. by J. E. Brldgman. I "1 J JrtfV-ioOrl f U J 41 I I HontesTAi il Co"" 1 I j A 4'"'" 1 1 Fl 1 1 , noon I Convsnisnt Horse Barn. Many farmer find It convenient, or noeisjaiiry. to house the horses In a eparate building. The usual small horn burn la rather email and provide pro-vide no apae for atorlng hay and other rough feeda. The arrangement show! in the floor plan herewith lllua-tratcd, lllua-tratcd, aii-ma well adnpted to tho pur-Po pur-Po and not only provides storage room for Iho hay. etc., but also haa a large corn crib, a good alsed oala bin, and a large Implement room. A I0U fool drive way aeparnles the heme stall from the crib and feed room i ml will be handy for protecting a load of hay or grain at night, or during dur-ing stormy weather It mny also be used for storing vehicle. The upper floor liny be arranged to suit your fancy, ur requirements, hut hopper hoped bltio ahould be provided nhove the fd room for atorlng chop feeds which are drawn down through small spouts or finite. The corn crib has pears Inntenil of a solid foundation n ml the floor Is laid over 2slltich Joints w ith 2(! hu h timbers, a space of nhiiut three-elglitha Inch being left between the same for the air to circulate circu-late up through the corn. This piTinlia solid, aide walls and keeps nut the rain and anow, also the wind, hut will admit plenty of air to circulate through the corn. Any grain Hist may fall through the cracka la eaten by the poultry or hogs, ao none la wasted wrltea J. K. Ilrlilgn.n In Parmer' Kevlew. There la no doubt that much corn la waated by storing same lu the old style open slat cribs. It Is not necessary nec-essary to suy this building should have a good foundation olid tho exposed wood work receive nt least two coats of paint, as this should be the rule with any building that Is built on tho (arm. |