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Show A Tree That is Worshiped Plcua Rallglosa Held Sacrtd by Bud dhlste and Hindoos. In most of the countries of smith eastern Asln. thn Indian Iricus riiti:! nsa, the sacred and conaeci uvd tig true, or peeptl tree, la fmmd It is held preeminently sacred hv the Hud dhlsts. and la revereil also la- thai HlndiMis. the birth uf Vlahnn havlni' occurred beneath Ita branches I It Is a handsome tree growing fr queutly to a great height. It la ail evergreen, which puts forth Its flow, era tu Aurll. and tha bark yields (r -n ly ipon tnrlalnn an acrid milk containing contain-ing a conxl Icrulilu proportluo of Ind'.a nibber. Tho leaves are heart shaped, !on. pointed and vibrate In the air Ilka thoso of tho aspen. a branch of one of these trees, hav Ing a notable history, waa aeut to a city In the Interior of Ceylon, whure il wua planted, and became known by the name of the bo-tree. For 20". yeurs It received the highest reverence, and la allll the chief object of worship tn the pilgrims who every your dock to tBe ruins of the ciijr. |