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Show r UT A f x jflfli i in lead 4 - Jf- - Team J Si ) f i - r ' h&fc --ii of In the hills. As It called for. help end Frank vhe ,nJ Karl Hixson heard him and w4 M,n Imtrte. Ho had to wait eertrvl hours for ttio doctor to come guiset It. At present he D doing w sell as can be expected. Jler Herbert Crittenden1- - of Ikjtsvilip, was our borne mission- Sunday- ;flanksgiving Is near-- kt ban and on the', face oi ofT JopI we who live In the earth,, thll- healthful mountain region, outfit to be thankful. HENEFER NEWS. HEXKFLB, j plenty of it, l.v ben placed in oil, pip line trenches, much oii.r tlian we expected. Vofortunate the water i in before the pipe. of lypbeid Two more time developed in ' the family 4 Henry RamlalL e a businK J. W. Kicliing-rnadg the week trip to t Many turkey, duck and ehlk. ena have been shipped out of He., ? fer fer Thanksgiving. Our school teachers attended Um institute at Park City on the Iftfc and 191th. 1 Mr. Hyrum B. Harris bag just . ceived a call to fill a mission England, and will leave here abul Nov.-UIt-Wat- er 1 f.r f Vora ShrNi Everywhere, in all comer of ilh may b Jouod 1. C. 8. who are tudy in iuf better position. larger aala aaccetalul iivea, and fetpy aelf dependent old age. 1 her are over a ihuImni oi ibemjuftt Hank of it. mor than 20 time the largest America bbJ at many aiudenta Uaa bad in r.tf year1 Voa tan bod them muy In t brown men ul alike of New Zealand, the mine of South Alnta; the machine tltope of England, end the tsantilat tone of North America. Me in all con cMtont of lile (iota the mint f working tong hoars each day to the Dime at amall wages and with a large family to support, to the salaried official who wishes to broaden his knowledge to take adt outage of ep portuouies for further promotion. W have enabled thousands upon thousands of them to advance in our iJ yrars ol rreBc. What deee tkie mm te TOC? ft means that, no matter what your urcomstanccs are. tlie I. C b. offers you today an easy, cheap. and suteeay to most iract.c al ai in tha tixure woild These ere ad tur UU words; they ere ahs olate facia proved hy statistics, Lrt Uirtn smk into your mind, amt if yon really and to like would better your position sad seriously theoupoo bdow. It cost earning, scadtousdo you fiothing the tuGect-tutk- re. Deo. 17tb. dl tills tnvn h if de b HOW. Yon do not hay BUCK PORT, Xov. Interaatie! Crrtspeadeaee - Rammers are putting in an aj drumming tip pesnce trsi for the holidays. J4. Annie Anderson, a very aged lad;, had the misfortune to fall and brk her leg a ago. Mrs. Jsaea Wilson had her taken lo her nd is nursing her; She is boiao dong as well ns can be expepted for one so old. 4 IfiKg Vilie Judd is visiting friends ipBouldervilie. i Jrtr, A. Po.vc11 attended Institute t Park City last week. T few-ila- u .Ellrn All-Wo- ys Clothes ol will wear out in time. But until their last day, they will hold their snap and their sty It. They are skilfully and honestly made out of nothing but pure wool cloth.ThatTs why they last long-anlook well as long as they last. Each suit carries a Signed Guarantee that insures you against Larsen and family have moved lio 1 ScrMrtM, H to leae boms, new home on the property Thomas is representing (heir m mr p.rt,". Fl.. ejiliii, .it r.nt.f fire up yonr from Wni. In working the biggest . Times The Ifc. I. I.) lart.1 or 8tembrldge .alar, Ul purchased position, , Inconvenience KWMMil(bUma.sei Christmas edition ever gotten out in Mrs. Sarah E.dlbbon left severtl yourself BookUfW Tebpkaw Exw any way. $ in this city. It will be replete with Mr. Buell at to viiit Suit Hebp day ago AtkwtMnenrf Wrie, His progress made In Summit .So.-UWnM City, from which place she will $ Surreyot Ufew Tiwwr Every town In the county Ewiiw son Sishui, to Prevo and visit her George. County. Cmierul L.W GWEjwim j will be favorably mentioned In lids Kutts. BOdm. CwniM Mr. Win. Stembridge and family edition with it's CjmI Serna AreWctural Dial. represenativ men AtdiOS moved into their new home h ,md Industries. Tt will be profusely have StnictarU F.linMt Hod F Salt Lake City. illustrated with cuts of our leading ' Mini Ei.m. Mrs. Judkins attended Instituf men and business houses and wilt at Park City last Friday and gal' contain about twenty pages. For The j space rent see Mr, Thomas. urday. 11 be 10c. Leave HVrice of the paper Mrs. Fannie Hortin has gone c'- -cit (U offlw ,or exlra c0pie8. gait Lake to spend Thanksglvli Boost It along. . . day with her daughter, Mrs. Nel!f A Peculiar Wrenck Malln. at the foot or aDkle many produce Mrs. Homer w'as a Rockport vii( X X. it very e rious ej rain, A prain is ltor Sunday evening. more painful than a brake. IiT all .pruins, cutsTcahls Ballsird.s Snow WANSHIP NEWS. Liniment is the best tiling to use. Relieves the jrnln instantly.re-- i WANSIIIP, Nov, 23. Mr. Frank iucc-swelling. Is a perfect antisptle Judd's horse fell with him one day - heal md rapidly. Price 2V50, and last week and broke hfs leg' between the knee,and ankle. If was very 1.00. Coal spells economy. fortunate for him that he was in the For sale by John Boyden ft Son. Sckssb !, disap-pointme- nt. (Mint 1 -- wr A Household Necessity. BALLARDS HOREHOUND SYRUP COMPOUND. CURES Cojhs, Ccldlsj Whocpirg Sore Throat, Hoarseness, , -- Favorite Remedy In i"'! nnd old if as n ami :i Colds. Th 3. Co, Lt-- ., It oo-hl- Gos.1... W. S. Corwin, Richmond, writes; S 'ir&o 1 boucht a bottle ct which turned hito LftGnppe. I be! Compound and ;t traiemened me out mighty quici- ly. Syrup Compound wul cure any cae of LaGnpe. i- - u poKl for vming all rro c 1 !' p- -t - n bad Grrp L(. vrU - i.urehound Refuse All Substitute. Price 25c, 50c end $1.00 BALLARD SNOW UNIMENT CO., ST. LOUIS. MO. Weber any chances this season in the Amerna. If every trian in this town knew how good these wonderful clothes are, we would have to double the size of our store. You can find out how good they are today. ?iwe.isawwm:gwigrsM!rgtr 5JVWWVV'WX -f And they cost no more than clothes $10 to $25. They are the ONLY guaranteed pure wool clothes at these prues in common Coalville Co:dp FJKmc-LiJu- d Try a ton." It will do a tons worlc. Do not take . Clothcraf t now-a-da- ys t R0CKP0RT. A suit that will look smart and hold shape untiIJt!s .wom-- . out . is orth 100 per cent more than one that lo jks shabby and out of shape as soon as the newness wears off. Isnt thatso ? 1 Ogden-durin- -nt These Clothes Look New as Long as they Last , and oho Recommended Po.vdeti it Bon, .v.jvfr.y.TWtv V... You can thread febeFREE ShuttleAvith your eyes shut matter of fuel. Coal that produces the greatest amount offbeat; coal that bums-to the last ounce; coal that' is all coal, and the ash of which is evidence of its heat energy thats the kind of coal we sell -- When you put the bobbin intoTEe" Shuttle of The FREE Sewing Machine, you can shut your eyes put it in any way eith-er end first Uiread over or under. However you do it, its right This js but one of the many improvements on M 1 A Mines, at COALVILLE, UTAH. i '2 sjirif it 2k Sewins Machine. - 2k 'BiTiilfiu wtol itf ihuZdbMKiZlrL L&l, which make it the Simplest the Lightest Running, the Easiest to operate, and the Fastest Sewing Machine in the world. KING OF THER1 ALL! BALLARDS When wc became the Exclusive Agents SNOW LINIMENT Ha been Crowned with Fhenomlnal Success since 4.w4ay the Best Household Liniment on the market. t u , :'4 for The FREE we told Mr. Wm. C. Free, its inventor and president of the Free Sewing Machine Co., that there was but one objection, to The FREE it is so5 wonderful! perfect that you cant tell the people the truth about it without seeming to execrate! and CURES RHEUMATISM AND ALL PAIN, CURES NClMtALOl. tORSINt. CUTS, RRUItCS, URNt, OLD ORCS, SCALD. RACAACHK, LUMRAOO, STIFF IOINTS. SRRAINCD CONTRACTED MUSCLCS, ANALFS, CORN UUSKtR'S SRRAINVO WRISTS, FROSTED FEET, CORNS, .INS, AND ALL INFLAMMATIONS. H0W LINIMENT CO., rtk Second Street, ST. LOUIS, M0. Jobs Boyflen ft . If Bon. Ball-hearing- - r s, 4?- - HotvSoda A Let them see with their own eyes its marvelous Rotoscillo movement, its eight sets of its Automatic Shuttle Ejector, its Automatic Locking Drawers, its French Leg Design, its Rotary Spool Pin, its. Needle which can Lgo In wrong, its Automatic Tension Release, etc, etc .old end R.commended , to come and see it. died: Ask them RefuM All SuUtilulH. e And $1.00 X i 18H3, -- Then They1 Must Believe Sowevf&nt- evcrywomaninourcitytocomc for herself. land see The FREE - i, .The FREE Attachments . . Try Gne! are the best Our price is right ' SUMMIT FURNITURE & MERCANTILE CO. 'S V.- - JOHN BOYDEN & SON. n V |