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Show " COALVILLE TIMES N. JACOB PETERSON, Editor and Manager. UTAH COALVIU--E UTAH STATE NEWS Wra. F, Sloan, a resident of Saif Is dead at Wlnnemucca, Nevada as the result of Injuries received la a railway accident Mark Hamer, one of the moat of 8prtngvllle, la tromlnent residents an Illness of. ala weeks Vom typhoid fever. The body of a man supposed to be Morris Dryefuss, a butcher, was found ta Bingham, an autopsy showing that the man had died from liver trouble. The Lehl sugar factory- - Is now ' grinding about' 1.000 tons of, beets hours, from which very twenty-fou- r 1,(00 bags of sugar are sacked daily. Salt Lake City la to have a "wireless club, Its members being young men who have begun a practical study af wireless telegraphy and wireless telephony. Robbers .entered the Chester posted! ea and succeeded In getting away with 143.58 In cash. In poatofflee funds, and about $20 form the Allred store. In which the postofflee Is sltuatea. Eugene Roberts, formerly employed - at the Lehl sugar factory. Is Installing YOUNG DESPERADO, WEARIED BY - LONG VIGIL, KILLED BY MEN ON WATCH. NICARAGUA MUST ACCOUNT FOR EXECUTION OF TWO Idaho Lad Held Prisoner by Finn Makes His Escape and His Captor la Rlddlod by Bullota Whan Ha Refuaos to Surrtndor. d Government Tires of Methode of Small Central American Republic and Would Welcome Overthrow of President Zelaya. - AMERICAN- BEING IMPRISONED SEV. DAYS IN'nBURNING MINE TWENTY MEN SAVED. AFTER Eld S- - lake. his new evsenstors st that plant,-biws Invention, which will dq tne work of from twenty to thirty men. Beven forestry employes have started poisoning coyotes, wildcats and ther predatory anlmala on the Uintah reservation. They will spend the greater part of the winter In this work.. Monday, November 15, was pay day s lor the beetgrowera of Utah, Sanpete and Sevier counties, andJnall was distributed among these farmers by the Utah-ldabSugar com-an330,-M- y. , Three young man held up the saloon at the Warm 8prlnga, north of Salt take, aecnrtng between 10 and $50. They are believed to be tbs same young men who held upw street oar the night before. The party of sixty-fivJapanese composing the commercial commission of Japan, visiting this country In order to study economic conditions, were the guests of Salt' Lake City for two - hours on Wednesday. John Kothtaftls was acquitted by a Jury In Salt Lake City of the charge ef murdering Peter Oetla at Bingham, December 10, 1908, and was Immediately rearrested on a charge of with Intent to kilL Ole Okerlund, of Loa, la dead at the age of 81, Mr. Okerlund was one of the earlleat settlers of Utah, crossing the plains with an ox team, and for e as-aan- k snwr wn4 brarjCnORffTOariR southern Utah, Caught In a snowstorm while searching for hts herding camp near Frisco, )mlth In Ben Sparks, who lives In Ephraim, became lost and when found by a searching party was unconscious. His hands were badly froxen, but h Will recover, " ( This year has been a moat prosperous one for the beetgrowera', a bumper crop having been harvested. Not a single district In the state has reported a poor crop. Not only has the tonnage been greater than ever hut- - the-beet- s have run high In sugar. 'Three masked highwaymen. up posed to be boys, held up a street ear la Salt Lake City on Wednesday plght, robbing the conductor and of (13.80, From their actions the carmen are of the opinion 'that the youths live in the vicinity of the robbery. Four housea'werdest royedby fire St "Elsinore, the fire starting In a realdenra In which was confined a typhoid fever patient, who' was forced to walk a block barefooted In the anow, but dnea not appear to have been seriously affected by his ex n perteoce.jj In Sevier and Sanpete counties ten to fifteen tons of sugar beets are stacked along the railroad i'lfulltig ears to taka them to the factory. This does not represent the whole crop, the farmers having been permitted to deliver only 75 per cent of their crop. To lntereat Utah farmers In the newly started flax Industry a series of meetings throughout the state have been arranged by the Utah Flax Growing Milling company, which baa promised to buy all flax harvested. A number of Salt Lake women, have been wlnd!ed4n the purchase of supposedly valuable lace from a man who represented that he had smug gled the goods tnto this country. The sample displayed when the order was taken was all right, but the goods delivered were of an Inferior quality. Salt Lake's Greek town" has again been the scene of a tragedy, Androus Ronmeliotls having been assassinated, while watching a game of billiards, by Boise, Idaho. The young desperado attempted to evade arrest by holding captive Harry Garrett In an upstairs room of the Garrett ranch house, threatening death to the boy should an attempt to arrest him be made, was shot and killed Friday morning at daybreak after the boy had made his escape. Wearied by bis long vlgu, the Finn fell Into a doze and bis prisoner quickly seized the opportunity to Jump from a winwho dow. Half-- a dozen shots startled the watchers, and a moment later the boy rushed from the direction of the house. The man attempted to kill the lad when he dlsoovered what had transptred. The Finnish Interpreter called on the desperado to surrender, but he refused, and a fusillade of shots room below through the floor of-tthat In which he had taken refuge followed. Only one shot was fired In return. Soon the man fell to the he himself floor, but recovering Jumped from the window. A perfect volley of shots from members of the posse on iheToulslde of Iheliouse'waa fired aa he appeared at the window, and he fell, a dying man. He lived for two hours, dying while being taken to Nampa. An examination showed that ths body was riddled with bullets. The Identity ot the foreigner has not been ascertained. The Garrett boy siates that his raptor confessed to him that he was the man who shot and seriously wounded Officer Fleming at Nampa on Tuesday morning, lieiulng wU recover. he Fought Apparently Hopeless Battle Against Death, Eating Bark From Timbers and Laather From Their Caps to Sustain Lift. Cherry, nis. Hoping against hope, that and fighting against the terrible heat Washington. Announcement In the blazing coal mine, this government is tired of the high- and gases search ot bodies, came in rescuers handed action of small Central Amerimen who still clung to twenty upon was con can republics, practically and the men were on life, Saturday. ThursIn tained a dispatch sent late AH are on the to the top. brought day to the Bluefielda Steamship com- road to after a harrowing exrecovery of which the pany, protection sought perience which seems almost beyond the state department from interference by Insurgents now- - operating belief. After seven days and nights of conagainst President Zelaya. In the mine lu which hunfinement An hour later a peremptory note, broke out; couched In diplomatic language,- - but dreds met death when fire none the less direct, was delivered to after sufferings which almost drove surSenor Felipe Rodrigues, Charge d'af- them to madness, they are again faires of the Nicaraguan legation, de- rounded by their wives and children, PIKCHOT DENIES THIS STORY and from staring death in the face, manding a full and complete explanation of the execution of two Ameri- are again planning bright things for cans, Leonard Grace and Leroy Can- the future. men had been located. It After the non, killed by order of Zelaya, when Did Not Threaten to Resign if Secre-tarsix hour to bring them to the . insurgent took the-In were found they of Interior Ballinger fo id lTRIOES HAVE BEEN MADE Burface. and when the cage came up army. Remained in Cabinet. with the men aboard, almost every V3WARD THE FORMATION OF Pending a satisfactory explanation town was A COMMUNICATION TRUST. of the occurrence, President Taft has human leing In the little dramatic , were There many present refused to recognize Isidore Hszera, The story that 1 Washington. new Nicaraguan minister. Mr. T&ft scenes enacted unbounded joy upon have issued an ultimatum to the presiof the families of the rescued thoroughly aroused by actions of the part rkan- - Telephone dent Is like the recent conspiracy and Talegraph the Zelayan government and appar- men, while others who had hoped that ones were among those story, merely a slllyfabrlcatlon. Of Ic impany Has Secured the Gould ently Is determined to make the Uvea their loved course, I have done nothing of the L Mock and Thue Control of of American citizens much safer and that had been miraculously spared, g kind, nor anything that could be twistmuch more ' respected in Central turned away In bitter tho Western Union. ed Into that meaning. The' president America than they have been hitherto. disappointment. waa good enough to express his satisOne of the men rescued says: "At TROUBLE AHEAD FOR CHILE. faction with my work, and I am going one oclock last Saturday tbe pit boss w York. Announced In Boston ahead with 1L Uncle 8am Vexed Over Delay In Set- came to measure my work. After he Gifford Plnchot, the governments id cob firmed in New York, another went I waited for the team to come for tlement of an Old Claim. merger became a reality, chief forester, In a statement Issued Hi the coal, but 4n two hours it had not St tie practical absorption of the claim come, no I starteLJoJlnL outwhat Washington. The Alaop Wednesday thua disposed of the reUnion Telegraph- - company against Chile for more than A million was the matter. ports published that be had sent a letyears, "PTetty soon1 saw smoke and 1 ter to the president threatening to re- blhe American Telephone and Tele-g- i dollars, pending for thirty-fiv- e h company. The Western Union, has assumed a critical stage. Mr. felt that the ventilation fan had If of Bab the Interior sign Secretary oto of the pet properties of the late Dawson, American minister to .Chile, topped. Jhe fire had been burning Unger remained In the cabinet an hour, but that was tbe first I for Gould in is been Jtf now the on has his to way Washington Secretary Ballinger waa one of the fan Gould, Knew pf It ly for a generation, and It was by having leftLMr, pierpont ln eharge of cabinet caller at the White House Started - to run -- then. but met 7 tl on sale stock If Gould the is of It not Tuesday legation. improbable. hen be left the exWednescJyy'hnd George Eddy and some others, about the Chilean government does not conIA all, and Mr. Eddy led' us way ecutive officer displayed his usual good tlxi the merger waa accomplished. humor in listening to many questions f. htle the report has been current sent to n final settlement within the hack where I had been working. Then thtt the Mackay companies, controll-ln- t next few days, or agrees to a prowe tried to throw up a harrier, but It as to the Balllnger-Plnchot the Postal Telegraph company tocol for its reference to The Hague was pitch dark and we did not' got feud. The secretary said he had merealong well. All the time we breathed ly taken up routine department mat- ulii lately will be Included in the plan court the. American legation in Santiof r organization, no confirmation ot ago, will be closed and Us archive bad gas. I had nothing to eat of my ters with the president tht could be obtained in New York. placed In the hands of the American own, but I chewed bark and drank BIOUX INDIANS WILL MOVE. leather 0 finals of the Poetal were emphatic consul for safe keeping. Intimation to water. Later we even ate thewater by got the ttut I the company would remain In- this effect has been given to Minister from our caps. We In Will Try Nicaragua In Endeavor to the bottom of Cruse, representing Chile In Wash making little holes dependent. tbe entry. We made five of these lngton. Btay Ravages by Consumption. holes and there was always some one (HASTE MUST BE STOPPED. Boston. To rave the remnant of ANOTHER "DRY COUNTY. at them. the Sioux tribe of Indians from At first he said, the men sang At ary Garfield Talks on Set m luii aaaiiMatba.. md Twin Falla, Idaho, Votes Against 6a-- J songs, told stories, and hoped for res t our 'WeT-Yv(ttaeoaea, a colony of lnaTfinSrWTii i at the Iras an hop imi ndhgBy 'targe1 majuaui f ... men . were-toestablished in Nicaragua early In the cmvtnnatl- - Zaftii address Tuesday and abandon!, Twin Idaho. At the Falls, county weak to' sing or talk. nffcht before the Joint convention ot new year. Chief Little Bison, a local In "Twin option election held Twenty saved. 92 known dead and 8ioux, sailed from Boston on the National Municipal league and Falls the county voted to 198 missing Is now the record at the the steamer Esparata for Nicaragua, the Atmricon Civic association, James throw Wednesday out the saloons by n large ma- St. Paul mine. There Is still hope of where he will receive the deeds to R. Garfield, former secretary of the jority. The contest was very warm, others being rescued alive. . InterioriBald: 16,000 acres of land granted by the s "The Permanent welfare of our na and aa a result of the election all ATTEMPT WHOLESALE MURDER. Nlearaguan government for the estabwill go out of business. The folin eaiot unlees tlon we, assured be lishment of the colony. The project this generation, provide for the con lowing towns are located . In. Twin Austrian Officers Bsnt Deadly Poison Is supported financially by F. S. Falls county and are affected by the of our natural resources, election: Under Guise of Medicine. , head of the American Twin Falls. Buhl," Filer, we have been needlessly An extraordinary stttmpt Vienna. Geographical society, and several Rock Kimberly, Hansen, Murtagh, We have been too much wealthy New York people. The mCreek, Mtln, Moravia, Butte, Rise-wort-h st wholesale' poisoning among miliwith the present; too little and Gaseleford. igration of the Indians la expected to tary officers here has caused a sensaV The inventory of with tfe future. begin In January. tion. . - immediate False, Say Ballinger, eur resourcee shows the A largs number of officers just proMITCHELL STANDS FIRM. ; Washington. Replying to chargee dangel ot their depletion or exhauscaptain s on. the general made In a magazlne. Secretary Banin--, moted io,be staff have received through the mails Labor Leader Den se Right of Court tion.' Is CoBBervatlon ger of the interior department on Frisample boxes of pills. These were to Muzgle Free Speech. movement for the public welfare. day denied many reports recently cirby & circular recomculated concerning the conduct of hie accompanied Toronto, Ont. Indorsing a report them for nervous debility. mending of the committee on boycott, John department Captain Mader took some of the pills 'To aay that I have ever advised, and Mitchell, "one of the three officers of Aji died almost Immediately. ordered or lent support to any effort antonsv revealed tho presence Of the American Federation of Labor, ' to perpetuate a fraud upon tne gov- cyanide of potassium. under sentence for contempt of court, made a dram a t le s peech to the conernment, he said, le not only false, A ifurther investigation showed but is lntentionally so If made by any that 8l the pills contained Jyanlde vention on Wednesday. He declared one who has taken the trouble to In- of potassium In large quantities and that so far ns he Is concerned, realso that many first lieutenants atquire into the facta gardless of consequences, he Intended Coai mine. Men braved the tached to the ntsff. but not promoted, while at liberty, to declare for the tunnels tm Friday to bring the dead Hunter Kill Bleeping Man.''' had not received pills. The circulars rights guaranteed him by the constl-- to the turface Buena Vista, Colo. Raphael Pano, were signed Charles ' Francis and tutlpn. Charity has poured aid Into homes a section hand, was killed Wednesday bore a false address. of suffering survivors. But all of this nlght by several hunters, whose IdenWants to Fftt Diazs Shoes. 7 Gompere Again Chosen. Mexico City. Over night a new could not aubdtie the grief of Cherry: tity has not been learned. Pano had of when Toronto, Ont After unanimously the sight the entered an outbuilding when the huncandidate has been sprung for the Inhabitants President Samuel Gom-per- a, from blasted the lifted dead, tomb, not was ters, knowing he there, used presidency of Mexico. It Is Attorney John . Mitchell, men be that the their might hopes the door of the building for a target Herberto Barron, former member of Frank Morrison and other now is no rescued There alive. waa Secretary Panos several hope found hours body ot the chamber deputies, later a parti- that St. , executive officers and selecting any of the tmprlsoned.men are later. ' san of General Roves for the Louis as the place for holding the and1 now visiting. New afire. Want Citizenship Rights. aa- r on next meeting, the twenty-nintOne Hundredth Birthday, York. Large posters printed-I- n red Pled the ground that nuat convention of the American FedCleveland, (k-Ink, bearing the announcement of BarRichmond, Ind. At the close of natives of Syria are the purest exist- eration of Labor adjourned on Satron as a candidate for the Democ.wtlc big celebration in honor of hla 100th ing branch of the Caurasslan race, the President Gompers. In thankparty for president, appeared on house birthday, John Fletcher Medaria of wealthy Cleveland Syrian colony, the urday. the convention for Its action, deing buildings and billboards all oeg tjj Green's Fork, a small town near here second largest in the country, has or- clared that it meant that the princicity Wednesday morning. The an- died late Tuesday. Medarls almost ganized to, fight against their exclu- ples for which he and hla colleagues nouncement created much excitement collapsed sooner, but lived until the sion from rights of dared to stand have the unanieitizenship under had and Urge crowds discussed the new program In bis honor had been car- the Chinese exclusion act mous approval of labor. move of the former member of the ried out It was his expressed wish Steamer Burns, Passengers Escape. Sheriff Loses Hla Job. "Circle of Friends of the president. to live for the cerebration, which the 111. Los ' Angeles. The , passenger Fork Gov. Dcneen has entire population of Greens Springfield, Trade Girts for Opium. it earner St Croix of the North Fa-;lfl-c declared the office of sheriff of Alexand 250 relatives attended. c Manila. The natives of Saranganl, ander county vacant because Sheriff Steamship company burned to A Five-Yea- r Cruise In the North. a group of Islands to the south of he water's edge Saturday night' at a Frank E.Davis allowed William New Tork. Captain Raold Amund James, a negro, and Mindanao, are offeHng tn hartr Henry Salzner. mint three miles off Pooit Duma, and young girls each for on ounce of sen. discoverer of the Northwest to be taken his care and Hghteen- - miles north ' of Santa Mon-cfrom white, ' according to W. S. Lyon, a sage, 'who arrived Tuesday from lynched at Cairo, 111, November 11. and tha lives of the eighty-tw- o who has returned from ptf"bagen, explained that his visit to board and those of the pasengera a trip through the south eoat of America was to fit out an oceano- ;rew of thirty six were saved by The ndshsa MrTT.Toulcf)oTti thatth's S' - pMcpedTtrar6Flhe"NorweglaSp" Chltago. Joscpif tJ." Can non, spealo aeroic action of the. officers and crew will er of the house of representatives, vernmetoL The expedition traffic In opium la South Mindanao 1- and tbe fact that there was a calm at said, from Christiania, in answered his critics with a defense of the time of the disaster. , Alt ot carried on by way of Palm Island ' wart, The government cutters visit that dis Nansens old ship, the Fram, . next the present rales ot the house and de- those on board escaped on life trtet occasionally, hut they sre lack ' July, and probably will cruise for five nied that the speaker was a czar; in boats and on rafts. a speech here Thursday night lng ta fac.ilttes to suppress the traffic. yoart. Japanese Preaches In Lot Angeles Killed by Cavein. Those Alaska Coal Claims. Colorado Miners Frozen to Death. Churctu , Winston-SalemN. - C. Six workSeattle, Wash The opening sesColo. The bodies of Leadvllle, Baron Los Kanda, a Angeles. Frank Loftus., William Hasty and men were killed and a number of sion of the Inquiry .into the filing on commerce , the Jmember .ol. -- eecaped-1 .Japaaese. death when the her Rarely James now the visiting Katalla party promoting cATed of 00 district of and ',a Alaska, known aa ct,blc fe1 wth day four miles west of Hill Top mine In the Horseshoe district on the nne ! entombed' aconstractton force build-be- t pthe Cunn'ngham group, which began United States, preached the principal The taen here Thursday afternoon before Spe- sermon in tbe First Congregational concrete Tladuct. ween Clark and Lake counties. The cial Commissioner WllUana J. McGee church here Sunday. The baron demen had been frozen to death Thevcre working on the foundation of ot the general land office, was devoted clared that the mikados edict twenty lrestl abuttment- - when tha eartb started for the mines Monday, taking to the Introduction of stipulations years ago, prescribing religious tolerkbov Yct au express waeon to 'the eed Of the suddenly raved, and documentary exhibits. Twenty ' ance and education, was trail, four or five miles from the t'ary,B thwn Rescue work was eight of these exhibits Were produced as sacred compulsory ten as the commandments, cave-caugsecond a 'but mediately for begun the government by the attorneys Evidently they bed Jeen number of the bulk ot them consisting of af- amjpald a tribute to the Christian In the blizzard, ha! crouched ia bv the trail for shelter, and h Vtrrsd-- ' l arty- - These were soon brought to fidavits from the claimants as to thelj-- missionaries working In Japan. good faith In making the filings. the surface. uaXly succumbed. -- heart-breakin- "I NEW TRIAL ORDERED. Verdict In the Sharp Coal Caea Set i Aside by Higher Court. 8t. Paul, Minn. Judge Walter H. Sanborn In the United States circuit court ot appeals on Friday handed the down an opinion setting aside verdict and ordering a new trial In the case of the United States against the Union Pacific Coal company, the Union Pacific railway, the Oregon Short line railway, James M. Moore and Everett Buckingham, In which violating the they are charged wUk, i SZkw lm-- wn'tiwee an unlawful combination. Judge 8anborn la hie opinion, bolds that there was no substantial evibetween dence of any combination any two of the defendants, either to refuse to sell coal to 8barp, or to refuse to transport it for him. The lower court found the defendants guilty of violation of the Sherman antitrust law and imposed- - a fine of 11,000 and costs on Buckingham and 3,000 and costa on tne other -- -defendants. Teachtr Buddsnly Becomss Insane. Pen.Vfr.-rr.woman teacher ln the public schools, whose name Is withheld-by the police and school authorities. became tneane Friday while engaged in teaching her class, and suddenly began to disrobe In the presence of her scholars. Dr. Pearl E. Wheeler, public echool nurse fof the city, happened to enter the room at the time and. notifying other teachers, the deranged youngwoman .was taken Jo a hospital,. .where, It Is reported, her condition Is Improving. Saw Murderer of Her Mat Hanged. Perry, Okla. Now I can return borne satisfied since the murderer of Thus spoke my husband Is hanged. Mrs. Isaac Fell of Caldwell, Kan., on Friday, after witnessing the execution of Henry Armstrong, who killed Fell In Perry several month ago. When the date of Armstrong's hanging was set, Mrs. Fell begged the sheriff to permit her to see that event After considerable thought and consultation with legal advisers, he decided to grant the unusual request A Gould and Vanderbilt Getting Friendly Vanderbilt New York. Cornelius as on Friday invited by George J. Gould to become a member of the board of directors and executive committee of the Missouri Pacific Hallway company. Mr, Vanderbilt ha accepted. Tbla la takes- - to mean in Wall atreet that the Gould and Vanderbilt have engaged to a closer working agreement and that interesting developments In the railroad world lay High-Hande- result - -- e. d -- It. r. -- pub-Ushe- r, - -- j -- fire-swe- Vice-Preside- nt h -- pas-opiu- Noted Author Dead. New York. Richard Watson Gliof the Century der, edttor-tu-chle- f "Sisgaxtna strife in foundation la iSStr ' was a cousin of John KotM&ttts, wuo and widely known aa an author and lecturer, died unexpectedly Thursday v , bad Just been acquitted of the charge night of angina peel oris at the home of murdering Peter Cells, a cousin of of his sister, Mrs. Schuyler Van Renn-telaethe assassin, at Bingham. Fred Bramwell, aged 11, climbed a at eel tower on which rested the wires Man Who Succeeded Charles A. Dana Called by Death. of the Tellurlde Power companys New York William F. Urfaa, high tension HnO, jtegr Og den, grasp ed one of the wire and wag Instantly of the Nest tork Sun, died Frihts home tn Long Island, folkilled, bis body being burned to s day :T crisp. lowing an operation for appendicitis performed on Monday. William Laf-.'u- i With both legs broken below th waa the successor of the- late knees, and suffering from - numerous cuts and bruises, as a result ot being Charles A. Dana In the management caught under a deluge of rock and of the New York Sun, and the pubahaftlng Umber. Matt Barovich, an lisher of that newspaper for the last e years. Ills home waa In Austrian, aged Zl years, employed aa twenty-fiva mucker at the Highland Boy mtao Lawrence, ll L Mr. Laffan was born In Dublin, Ireland, sixty-tw- o years at Bingham, la la the boapltaL ago. mt of a. - ! s. 1 cuht - 4, |