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Show Sharp Toola for Pruning. Use very (harp tool In pruning trees to Insure smooth cuts. Wher a heavy brunch la to be cut off support sup-port It with one hand during th cutting cut-ting process, so that splitting of the stub will not reault. The branch sho lid always be cut perfectly smooth and close lo tho wood from which It grows, so that It will heel quickly and evenly. Cut away all water sprouts, both at the base of the tree und further up. A good way to keep a moderate nlied orchard In shape Is to keep a large, sharp pocket knife, and go through Ih orchard every few' weeks of the year, cutting out useless branches nnd shaping the tree to suit Individual tost. If the work I begun lu time all orchard pruning can be done with a large, sharp pocket kulfo. With a good knife of thla kind and a little practice one can easily remove brunches an Inch In diameter, doing the work quickly, easily, and milking a smooth cut than can b uiadv with any other tool. |