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Show (t.U KAPK 0F-- id? ACUM?iNTtL SERIAL MEAT AMERICAS TURKEY Dmm ts a turn la a 4lk fir far a ktof. la it i . Haw stout your Wwr Barvtaa squally flit tf you ara thiuUag at nssthlto bafltr wa suggest a perusal at aur aaw lines, Calaatal, English ar fna ik. ...Ysur taata easily satisfied m your FKE V pmroo tordly au STORY talartad. HER INFINITE VARIETY no aim n UK I UTt era Perfectly Unprejudiced. Here the Judge took a band In ez amlnlng tbe veniremen. "You don't errni to understand the question addressed to you by tbe attorneys," be said. "What they want to know la whether ytnl hare formed or expressed any opinion In this casa That la to say, bare you told anybody whether or not you believe tbe defendant guilty of tbe crime charged against him, or have you said to any' body that you believe him tie be Inno- t,1 y. Brand Whitlock Uustrations by Raj Walters mwm. right, WOT, lijr Bobb. Merrill Co.) synopsis; cent?" Vernon stood by his desk, arranging complacently the documents Mde Greene had given him. Once or twice he cleared his throat and wiped his lips with his handkerchief. The other senators subsided Into their seats, and, seeing that they themselves were not then to be permitted to speak, and (ike all speakers, not raring to listen to the speeches of others, they turned philosophically to the little diversions with which they whiled away the hours of the session writing letters, Verreading newspapers, smoking. Marla Greene non glanced around. waa sitting precariously on the edge of a divan. Her face was white and drawn. She gave a quick nod, and And smile Just touched her fixed-Bps- . then Vernon began. He spoke slowly and with vast deliberation; his voice was very low. He outlined his subject with exquisite pains, detail by detail, making It clear Just what propositions be would advance. His man tier was that of the lawyer In an appellate court, making a masterly and purely legal argument; when It was done, the senate, If It had paid atten tlon though It seldom did pay attention would know ell about tbe ques- V G) ui ipward and oaj. He recounted rvicee of women in time of war, th In the days of peace, and their l thnd he became Involved In an nllegotf about the exclusion of th roses from the garden. The senators bad begun to pay attention to him as soon as he talked about tbinga they really understood sad wr Interested In, and now they shouted to him to go on. spread broad over the third floor of the statehosse that some one waa makinq a big speech In the senate, and rep e resents! rushing over from the hosse. The correspondents of the ChlcafS newspapers came over also 4o see K the Associated Press man in the senate was getting the spee-- t down fuHy- - All the spac on the floot Was soon crowded, and tbe applause hook the desks and made the glass Prisms n the chandeliers jingle. The UeuteBint governor tapped from time to tise with his gavel, but he did It perfinctorlly, as though he enjoyed tbe applause himself, as vicariously expressing his own feelings; his eyes twinkled until It seemed that, were it hot fer certain traditions,' he would Join In the' delighted laughter that ludeup most of the applause i One a page came to Vernon with a (lass of water, and as he paused to pipe his brow and to sip from the glass, be glanced again at Marla Oreene. Her face was solemn and Fonder wag growing In her eyes, Bette her sat --old "Doc Ames, scowling lercelr and stroking bis long white beard. There were 8harp crlea of tGo ! Go on! But Vernon, not accustomed to thinking on his feet, se talkers Jove to phrase it, and having stopped, could net Instantly go on, and that awkward lull disconcerted hlmr He was that the jnomenta were slipping bf.ran-d- there were other things niy other things that be had in-tsay; but these things evaded hh floated off, tantalizlngly, out of rqi h. And so, for refuge, he rurhed oq o the conclusion he had half fxi In his mind. The conclusion ssa made up mostly from a toalt to Wbqh he had once responded while In entitled "The Ladles." The wds came back to him readily ectarh: he had only to apply them Utile differently and to changeEls figures. Thus It was easy to work up to s panegyric in which Illinois stood up as a beautiful woman leading her sister slates .up to pewhelghts of peice, of virtue and of concord. He ha( a rapt vision of this woman, by her sweet and gentle Influence settling all disputes and bringing heaven down to arth at Jasl The senate was In raptures. This Is the face," he cried, that lamched a thousand ships and burned the topless towers of Ilium! shgls wholly like In feature Co the deathless goddesses!" So he ent on. Age cannot wither, nor custom ataU her Infinite variety.1 Hfwas growing weary. He already shpiwd the Impressive exhaustion of ?he peroration. He had sacrificed a collar xnd drunk all the water from hla glass, He lingered the empty tumbler fora moment, and then lifted It on high while he said: filled thb cup to one mad up Of lovettieas alone, A woman, of her gentle aes Ives--cam- 'Course answered the Vrrrron's vlalt with his tion of woman-suffragSenator Morlt-H ain't neec-siarfur me flatu-rtvenireman; n by a rali from In his deliberation, Vernon glanced to 'xjueea no opinion about him. I've IllM IMilltlinl Ih mate (Hpilul. lit tl) Doth It more Ilian he, now and then at Marla Greene.- - Her Klrl the 1 r.greitwi knotted him fur thirty years, an Ihm aum. Khr tmil to attend a with Intelligent dinm-- r that know blame sail bt stole the xw- with him Him said eyes were sparkling choose If slm As Interest. to the lowest him for office a national for Mr. You Sklles. That sill do, may On Vernon link In the he found point possible from which to trace tbe S red rose, accompanied by a pb-for stand aside." - rise and progress of legislation favorstilTraai- for tnmiui He met tbe auMiss Marla lireiom of able to women, Vernon would call the thoress, Won tbs Prelstss Prize. iiliuBo, sho proponed to convert him toting for house resolution No lii attention of the senate first to the deArchbishop P. J, Ryan of this city Into Miss Oreene secured Vernons promise to cision of the Illinois supreme court In esea tha ehldren-a- t the Qnmu.ge vule for the suhrage resolution. He also re- - Brad well, 65 111., 525. hied That waa took Iter Its others onvimlnjr by of maintained by tbe Altoona diocese a liking to llm fair suffragette Miss away back in 18C9, when the age was --the Catholic church a treat of candy Oreene consulted with the lleutenant-gov-arnoVernon admitted to himself that virtually dark; and that was the case, and they are Impatiently walling for the suffragette had stirred a strange feelhim to return here so he can buy the ing within lilm. He forgot to read his gentlemen would remember. Just as If fiancee letter. they all kept each decision of the best. at tbelr tongues ends, In which court The archbishop, who vqs there at IV Continued. CHAPTER the held that no woman could be court tending tbe ruby Jubilee of Bishop E. Once or wlce he glanced Into the admitted, under the laws of Illinois, to A. Garveywas taken to the orphanpamphlets Miss Greene bad given him, practice as an attorney at law. But age at Cresson by the bishop, and de- hut he could not fix his mind on them; and Vernon Implored bis colleagues to lighted tbe little folks with bis famous their types danced ineanlngleHsly be- mark long years afterward, the court Stories. fore Ms eyes. He waa angry with hlni-ael- f of Its own motion entered a nunc pro Why Is a atlck of candy like a for this nervousness. Why must tunc order, reversing Its own decision hors?" he suddenly asked. It assail him now. Just when be wished In the Bradwell case. Vernon dilated T know," piped a bit of a Isd. to be at his best? He bad spoken be" Cause the more you lick It the fastfore, a hundred times; Jim knew bis er It goes. Philadelphia Record. audience, and he had the proper con He had tempt for hla colleagues. Soup Marks. i) ever, lolies ure,m aJeiT get speech G ueef-YocaUM "Min mC in aeldom did any one that the blonde, the dark one or tbe do that presence; that; the speeches were usually od woman? short and Walter How do you know our no time forImpromptu, andtothere was anticipation generate -... cooks? nervous dread.And yet hls - mind Guest By the soup. Meggendorfer seemed to be clear extraordinarily Blatter. Just then; It seemed to be able to comprehend all realms of thought at once. Merely All Hs Gets. But it was not ao much the speech Do you find that living costa you he thought or. as the effect of the more in New York than It did In Chispeech; ulready be could see tjie newscagot , and the big headlines they papers You see ouf No, not any more. would on their first pages the quarters are ao small there that we next display he could see his mother morning; of can't possibly entertain any jtmr reading them at breakfast, and then relatives or friends." ke could see Amelia reading them. How her dark eyes would widen, her Lay of the Sorrowful Spook. She would raise Skid a sorrowful spook to bis wid; tbeeks flush pink! her hand and put back her hair with "You don't Jove me as much as you that pretty mannerism of hers; then dldl Impulsively resting her arms on the "You forget, said hla frau, table before her, she would- - eagerly 1 can see through you now. road tbe long columns through, while toes to your her mother From! he tips of your reminded her that her Sid." Ufa breakfast was How getting cold. A Dark Question. proud abe would be of him! She would never chide him again; she "How la Newt 'Nvwteon gtUiu This Recognition of Her Equality Canwould see that at last he had found The seeming paragon not Be Overestimated In Importance!" along In hla campaign for constable?" himself. i Her health! and would on earth there git licked "Im afraid atood Tbe Eltons, too, would read, and his upon the Importance of this decision; He aint taskin' it appear that If we 8ame mere of such a frame. from their dinner would react he extolled the court; It had set a white That want to nphold the administration absence lue might be on them Impressively. And Maria milestone to mark the progressing And weariness a name. we've got to do It by eleotln' him." Greene but a confusion arose Marla emancipation of the race. Then, (TO BE CONTINUED.) x A Casual Inquiry. Greene! He had not thought of briefly, he proposed to outline for them 1 never have tost of any .Amelia al, the mornljg until Jhat very the legislative steps by which womans , 8he Got the Letter. kind nor used tobaooo nor uttered an Instant; Amelias letter lay still un- right ter equality with man- had been ' The post offlce offlelal put oh hla on bis deck lack there in the at least partly recognized. opened severest manner. oath In my life."- -- Uni I He fumbled for a moment among You haven't eh? . Do you senate chamber. Marla Greene! She You eay you mailed the letter wouLTLear, she would color as she the papers on his desk, until he found about half an hour ago arm window In wear ruffles on your nightshirt?" looked at him, and her eyes would one of the pamphlets Miss Greene had tbe east corridor?" he asked. - The Tempered Wind. glow; he could feel the warm pressure given him, and then he said he wished The beautiful woman tfabbled a Hie Lord tempera the wind to the of the hand she would give him In to call the senate's attention to the handkerchief at her soulful eyes and shorn lamb, but not to the roan who congratulation. employment act of 1872, the drainage at the' tip of her classic noaa. And It was thla handsome young act of 1885, and the sanitary district thinks It la herolo to go all winter "Yes, yes," she said. womans presence In the chamber that set of --1890. Ternon spoke quite fawithout an overcoat. To whom .was It addressed?" gave rise to all this nervousness. He miliarly of these sets. Turthermore, She told him. Love Letters. was sure that he would not have been gentlemen would, be was sure. Instant"And now yon want to atop that Women generally write lore letters nervous if Amelia were to be there. ly recall the decisions of the courts in letter?" he went on. still more sternlmerely tor the , purpose of getting a 8he had never heard him speak In which those acta were under review, y. "Ton want to get It back? "Why?" ahaaca to keep the answers. public, though he had often pressed as, for Instance, in Wilson vs. Board Because," said the woman with unher to do so; somehow the . places of Trustees, 133 111. 443; and In Daven-por- t premeditated frankness. "I am afraid And Sympv vs. Drainage Commissioners, 25 his wife will get 1L where he spoke were never those to J. A. Patten is hailed In New York which It would be proper for her to go. 111. App. 92. Oh." said the stern official ar the new cotton king, . Mr. Patten She would wish she- - bad heard this Those among the' senators who were She got the letter. of nearly every- speech, for In 24 hours It would be has been the-kin- g lawyers, as most of them were, looked thing now except buckwheat. Chicago the one topic of conversation through- up from their letter writing at this, I A. Great Reoord-Herald- . out the state; his picture would be In and nodded profoundly, in order to - Lord Cromer, tbe great of the newspapers "The brilliant young show their familiarity with Vernons ' ' Reprehensible. Kgjpt, In writing of missions In that Chicago lawyer, who electrified the citations, although, of course, they lani says In his gretl work. Modrn "My husband and I lived happily Illinois senate with his passlonate'ora-tornever had heard of the cases before. Igjpt: The missionary, the philanand passed the woman-suffrag- e together for seven year.' This recognition of woman's nat- thropist, and social reformer and othJ"What hipppned then?" measure. It would be an event to ural right, Vernon shouted, this ers of the same sort, should have a "He shaved off hla mustache and mark the beginning of a new era of her equality with man. can tkir field." "Their Intentions are excel-ltlike a to looking boy again." got But bis Imaginings were broken, his not be' overestimated in although at times their Judgment - name was spoken; be turned and saw He shook his head fiercelyimportance! A Noley Remedy. and struck mat t defective. They will if under Miss Greene. his desk with his fist But then, hav- eoB control, probably do much good Willie Mamma, teacher whipped a Come," she said. "Its up! Hurry!" ing used up all the facts he had marked eu'a email scale.- - They may even, In school. for boy today whispering She was excited and her cheeks In Miss Greenes pamphlets, he was Msg carried away by tha enthusiasm Mother Well, that waa right. His teeth began to chatter. forced to become more glowed. general in his vhfch paya no heed to worldly r Willie But, mamma, ha hollered He followed her quick steps in the remarks, and so he began to celebrate effect reforms more important ten times .as loud as he Whispered. direction of the chamber. woman, ecstatically. He conjured for Cbtf those of the admlnstrator and But," he stammered. "I I didnt Jhe senators the presence of their politician, who will follow cautiously Logical. 8he Whofrer started- that habit know I havent even arranged for mothers and sisters, their sweethearts In their track, and perhaps reap the and wivea; and then, some quotations reialt of their labors. recognition."- of calling a boat she?"Oh, Ill fixed all that!" the woman fortunately occurring to him, he reHe Probably the first man who said. The lieutenant-governo- r tried to steer one. Century. gome authorities claim that a diet prom- - minded them that Castlgllone had tru-l..ASSIST said that God Is seen only through of goata milk makes ona Immune beixustljpg Mother's Darling Girt. wombfi r"'t&a.r'The womatnr-wtirrrad- qklrte and almost running. trign ttibereulolg. Home marry pretty show-- glrla And 'then they take the cake, CHAPTER V. But give me one who Turns out plea Like mother used to make. As they entered the senate chamrAa- Advertised. - ber, Vernon heard the lieutenant-governo- r Ficus Rllgoss H.lo acred by Bud- Ha (lank, lean and much tbe worst And the question Is: jyfpon Incision an acrid milk tmntaTn say: - - fjn n oos. s a an considerable proportion of India for drink) Are you the young woman ShaU the resolution be adopted? to whom life would be n burden with- Those In favor will vote 'aye. those The leaves are heart-shaperubber. In most of the countries of out the companionship of a man of opposed will vote no,r when their eastern Asia, the Indian Ficus south long, pointed and vibrato la the air rellgt noWe 4 character and lmpotng prg names are called; and the secretary oaa, tha aacred and consecrated fig lfk those of the aspen. will call eaoe? FTlcgende Blaettar, tree, or peepll tree, Iw found, It - U A branch of ope of these tree, havs.l . Mr. President!" Vernon shouted. held aacred by the Bud ing a notable history, was sent to a Hspplneta There was no time now to retreat; he dhlsts, and la revered also- by thej city la the Interior of Ceylon, where "What is your Idea of true happh had launched himself on the eea of Hindoos, tbe birth of Vlahau was planted, and became known by having ness?" he asked.. A dozen other senators were occurred beneath its branches glory. . name of the ForfOO years the "To have a husband who oould on their feet, likewise demanding recIs a handsome tree, growing fre- tt received the highest reverence, and It ford to buy all the hahr t wanted with-w- t ognition. -quently to a great height It is at Is still the chief object of worship to The senator from Cook," said the evergreen, which puts forth Its flow making It nooeamury for either of the pilgrims who every year flock to s to deny ourtelvaa anything else.? lieutenant-governor- . era In April, and the hark yields tree the ruins of the city. . arr-ng- ed eii-tiln- - pri-tl- r. con-clou- ' -- .1 y- t,i t hfgotnto ry, ) $ I hi 4 Vs I I- - 4 1 ... -- $ 1 ,u - -- L Eating for Strength. - u ; j; i j pru-leac- a, y it A Tree That Worshiped ' - I - t , the" , t - if LETTER Because of this fact there is a constant Increase In the consumption of Quaker Oats; every time the strength making qualities of Quaker Oats have been tested by scientific Investigation or by experiments in families it has been found to be a food without an equal.' s It builds the muscles and brain with-ou- t Benefit For of Women who the taxing digestive organs; It costs so little anyone can afford It, and It is so carefully prepared and Suffer from Female Ills packed that It Is absolutely pure and Minneapolis Minn.4! was a great clean. A Quaker Oats eating family cofferer from female troubles which is always a healthy family. 11 caused a weakness Quaker Oats Is packed In regular and broken down size packages and also In large size condition of the family packages. The latter very consystem. 1 read so venient for those not near the store. much of what PUBLISHED THE NEW . NOVELL finkhams Lydia Veg- etable Compound bad done for other suffering women I felt sure it would help me, and I must say it did help me My wonderfully. pains all left me, I and within three months few stronger, a perfectly well woman. I want this letter made public to chow the benefit women may derive from Lydia E. Pinkhams V egetable Mrs. J oiin G. Mold an, Compound. 2115 Second St, North, Minneapolis. you read my last book, Mr. Minn. V Goodchlld ? Thousands of unsolicited and genuto tell the truth, my ine testimonials like the above prove Well, no-e- r the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkname mother wont allow me to. Vegetable Compound, which Is made exclusively from roots and herbs. RECIPE FOR CATARRH. Women who suffer from those disills peculiar to their sex should tressing Furnished by High Medical Authority. not lose sight of these facts or doubt the- - ability of Lydia Gives Prompt Results. Pinkhams 'The only logical treatment for ca- Vegetable Compound to restore their tarrh is through the blood. A pre- ecriptlon which has recently proved j If yon want special advice write wonderfully effective In hospital work to Mrs. 1inkham, at Lynn, Mass. I She will treat your letterasstrictly la the following. It is easily mixed. confidential. For 20 years she 'One ounce compound syrup of I has been helping sick women in Sarsaparilla; one ounce Toris com-- 1 this way, free of charge. Bunt pound; half pint first-clas- s whiskey. hesitate write at once These to be mixed by shaking well In a bottle, and used In tablespoon doses before each meal and at bedtime. The incredlcnts can be gotten from, or h (Twill get them from hla wholesale house. Hve -- i 1 ! Good Work Goes On. During the year that has passed since the international congress on tuberculosis met at Washington, one Institution or organization for the treatment or prevention of tuberculosis has been established every day, Sundays and holidays Included, according to a bulletin of the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. Fifteen new beds In hospitals or sanltoria have been provided also for evefy day of the year. Bun or Omo Cm or Totaoo, Locu couimr. routs t. CunriT make I ( k water Co., dom partner ot the Arm of F. J. Chi-ie- t butane ta the CD ol Toledo, County and State ataMMit. and than laid Arm vM pay the ONt HVM.K1.LI DOLLARS tor nrO .ndTvny4 earn ot Cat arm a that eanw be writ by to. m. ot oath that h m caraaaa HAix'a . Cuaa. FRANK J. CHKNET. Sworn to before me and aubaertbed k my preeene, thla lib day ol Oaoember, A. D. nw. ltL - I A. W. GLEASON, I Notaat Pcauc. Rall'a Catarrh Cur. k takes tatemallr and ark dlraettr upon the Mood and mnraoa aurtaem d lh rtaanc Bend lor tmtunontata, tree. F. j. CHLNEY CO. TakdW & Sold by aB Dramrtata Tbe. HaU'a Faatuy pu. lor eooatlpatM.. to. Net Expecting Tee Mueh, your remarks In con gress will be listened (o with great in I suppose terest?" My friend " said the statesman, In congress a man--to- lucky to -- get -- a chance to make a speech without expecting peoplejo listen to It" -- -- Naught But Abuse. They all said I would make a splen- did candidate." "Well? "So I became a candidate." Again well?" And now look what they say about me!" Louisville Courier-Journal. Poets Descendant In Poverty. The present wave of agitation for the amendment of tbe British copyright law Is gaining strength from n tbe discovery that a of Robert Burns Is now making a precarious living at a mender of pots and pans. great-grandso- pro-oons- y WANTS HER Tbe greatest pleasure to be derived from eating ia the pleasure one gets In the knowledge, that his food is giving him greater strength and Important to Mother. Examine carefully every bottlo of CASTORIA, a safe and rare remedy for Infants and children, and see that It Bean the Signature of In Use For Over Shske Into Your 8hoee Foot-Ess- th antiseptic powder. e, asMrivaledfor Preserving, Purifying and Beautifying the Skin, Scalp, Qairand Hands, for Sanative, Antiseptic Cleansing and for the Nursery. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It Is a certain curs for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. 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A perfect remedy for Diuineaa, Hie HI, Drow.in.ML, Bn, What haa become of the boy who would rather sthy home' and work than go to school? am ALLENS IXJO BALSAM Bot only ft frwrt eokft, baton of thnm StoH born eonrhs tbnt naonUy bftag on for mooutn. 6iv ontfUJL UbUltMlyraniuvoiib Not to alleviate If we can all that weeds alleviation. 4 Bag Taate is the Mouth, Coat ed Tongue, Pain in tbs Side, TOKPID LIVES. Tfcey regulate the BoVrela. Purely Vegetable SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear le Signature Fac-Simi- . REFUSE SUBSTITUTED, Bestfor Children it -- vtn . SICKIIEADACIIE 30 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought Her Observation. "Love," remarked the romantic young man, Is said- - to brighten the eye." "I dopt-kno- w about that," rejoined the practical maid, "but it baa a tendency to disarrange one's halr,"- Alton's Regard Cutlcura Soap and CnUCora Ointment CURE Ut MSI UtMQU m . |