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Show MINES AND MINING j Immediate steps will he tnken to open the Pnnacn gold mine. In tha j Chief Mining district, according to the lioche Itecord. l( A telegraph line Is being sintit from Mount Idnho up the South Fork . " trail to Ore tirande. Thla line will ' .T ' connect with Klk lily and HuffalO) ( . ' ' , Hump. ,'' Tbe Ohio Onpper mill nt llinghnra . ' ' la achcdiilcd to begin operatlona dur , -; t Itnf the week, fnllnwing a visit nf F. ' , AugUHliia llelnrr. lo the world a grentesl copper cump. : , Not an Idle man Is In be found In . the Heven TroiiK'i district since work was resumed In the principal tnlnea 1 .-' of the camp. II Is Bald. In fact, that t ' . more miners could readily find em- t ployment there. ' " The Iron C.uivnn Oold Mining com- i; - puny, operating near the new camp of ii , " liautmck, Nov., has received return from n carload of ore which shnwed ? values nf IT a Inn In gold and 21 nuni-ea In silver to the Inn. i j The Idaho Mining ft Lumber com- ' ' ... pnny has almost cnmpleiid Its upto- .' hue inn ton milling plant on the Hull ! . nf tho Wi .oils property, four mllca , . from (llblioiiavllle, Idaho. Thla plant -will treat inn tone of ore dally. Twin Kails. Ida in. men reiiirni-1 from the scene of Ihn recently report- ' . ed gold strike, at lb headwater of lliuncau creek, northern Nevndn, An- , ; rlare II Is genuine and may make una ' of the grentest camps nf the country. f At the Hurces In Duck cni-k. I wen- t ly-flvr men nre employed. Five men t-nre t-nre enitaited In gelling out an excen- I tloitnlly line quality nf high grade lend I nre. which la being shipped to the Bait I Ijikr valley smelters fnr treatment, I any Hie Kly F.snnsltur. A rnr of forty Ion of gold silver nre, nverni-ing about loo per Inn, hna been shipped In Halt !.nk local smelter from the Iron Canyon and HiiKxard pmiiertlc, being nperuted by the Iron Canyon Onld Mining com-pnny com-pnny In Die llattle Mountain district. Thai Ihe lint Copper compnny baa not na yet, nl Irnst, entered Into tha new tl.oiin.liisi imiii copper rnriMiratton. which, according lu eastern advice I being funned for the enntnd nf Hi red nieial market, Is the statement credited lo President C. M. McNeil nt the local ctiiupauy. The recurd enpper output from ths) reduction works of the Cumberland Kly and Kly Consolidated properties Is looked tor I his month, aa all departments de-partments of the plant have hern running run-ning "full steam ahead" so fur, and the elticlrnrv of equipment has ala been snmewhal Increased. t The production nf Nevada Cnnsnll- I t dated for Ihn nionlh nf October wa t f 2us,iM0 inns of nre, or a dally output " of 0.7OO lima. Thla waa Ihe amount of ore that wont through Hie concert" ) trwior of Ihe rltetrtiw Valley HiM-liing west Mining AttmpAny, ewlwbUsblLg a, ff T new- fifgn rrwtrif sir rtie plane. - - f A new body of high grade ore ona , 1 foot In IbkikiiesB haa been ofa-ned In . nld workings of the I'nclr Hum Con- ' ' aolldttled rnmiMny'a mine. T.i latest V find waa mode In a portion of tha . working where operatlona were bub- 1 prnded about one yinr ago on ao count of Inck nf power lo condnu ' them at Ihe time. The first carload of ore In he shipped from the mine of the Hllver Island Cnullllnn Mines rninpnny, In Hllver Island district, was insilo Inst ' week over the Western Psiiflc railroad. rail-road. The shipment comprised forty tuna of high grade nre from the F.msn-clpator F.msn-clpator group, which brought better than lion a Ion. Representatives of the Amalgamated Amalgamat-ed Copper compnny, the fnle-ltyan ' prupertle and th Oiiggrnhelm Inter rata conferred on Tuesday to discus Ihe proposed coiier merger, which, should II not lake definite form. Is expected ex-pected In result In a community of Interest In-terest agreement to conlrol the production pro-duction nf .Ihe metal. Men who nre In charge of the Cactus Cac-tus mine and mill of the Houtliorn Utah Mlnee ft Hmoltora company ar expecting any day lo receive word to rescnie operation. The mlno la pre- pared to porduca atcadlly Ihe 1,000 (A lona of ore a dny required to fend K Ihe enlarged and remodeled mill, which also I In perfect Him. I The Uist Packer company at Ivera, Idaho, urn placing things In readlmea i at their mine thla winter for a ainnl - tur run during the season of 1910. Do- i : vnlopod III tlui mine at thla lime ara . t 1,000 lona of flrat-clusa ore, estimated - at fr.n per ton, about ln.noo inns nf low grade ore at III) a ton. beside f 4.000 Inns of 110 nre on Ihe dumps. ' ! Mull advlrea from tho new lilllnrod f gold digging nf Alaska report that ' Iho ground la fulfilling Ita promise of ': a rich yield. There 1 a general Blum- y pede from Ihe Innoko country 11 S Idltnrod and winter trulls are bring : broken to the new enmp. Flour I Belling nl $10 a sack and other coin- modules at corresponding rates. r . Natural gaa hat been dlacoverrr west or Hrlgham City. Hlale deposit! '' have bean found In the mountain i , north of Hrlgham City, while the salt '., deposits or field went of Promon- '. ! " ,j lory and imrihweat of Plain City ana -. Inexhuustllile. J i . A Hireo-fiMit vein of ore. carrying . 30 per cent copper and fifty ounces . silver, has la-en uncovered In Iho Hill- i lock property ut Tlntlo, according to ; " reports received from the company a ulllcw at l'rovo. The atrlka waa tj , made, It Is mated, while the workmen J ',; worn drifting on the old Hullock vein, A new body of tha high grade silver ' nre which made tha property of th tV,. Hlacult Mining company famoua In the early day of the Cherry Creek j district, has hern encountered nn th , noo-foot level of the mine, according , I I lo advices from camp. j r |