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Show A Hair1 Bteadth Escape. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.- v hspartment of the Interior, C. S. Uutd Do time know that every The Coalville teachers report you or cold and let It run Office at Salt lake City, Utah. Oct. 21t. a have cough and very interesting tan. profitable trip it w ill just cure lf to Park City on the 19th and 20th. tviFThinUng NOTICE A. given that Janie you are inviting piuuimoiiia, con- klh rt lloxo. ka.hereto of K night, W)mlng.w ho, Every thing possible was done to sumption or some oilier pulmonary Put 'your So, l'ce, 20, luni, made llome.lead Entry make their stay pleasant both by trouble? Dont and W 16ns, Serial No. tUBSt. for SWl health in back peifeot lungs the Park teachers and the public in SWk., N W ' SW, Sectloa fit. Town-U- p with Ballards that cough stop Ranire 10 East, Salt lake general. We thank them llorehound Syrup. Price 25, W kerlillau,North, ho tiled notice of Intention to of our teachers for bottle. and $1.60 thcirhospltality. per ake Pinal five year Proof, to establish quaintances and build np a paying as well as the rest of Sold by John Hoyden & Son. teacher lm to the land above denctllied, lieforo and permanent business without humanity jinn tmilfelas and descry 4 M. Hixson, Clerk of the JHstrtrt Court, inoutfit and to be treated well, occupying as Bite al tile, Vtah, on the trd day of Decent- capital. Complete notices. Probate and Guardianship to, 1WW. the structions free. Address, VON does a position second-oni- WANTED Success Magazine: wants an energetic and responsible man or woman In Coalville to collect for renew'als and Rollelt new subscriptions during full or spare time. Experience unnecessary. Any one can start among friends and ac- TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. Dining Car Meals and Service ya a - - alf -- the finest that money ean buy afforded to the patrons of the E. L. LOMAX, G. P. A., Union Pacific R. R. Co7 1 nt undci-tguc- Omaha, Nebr. h-- U Banfo Jfjcet TRational lOtlffW.) pietn-fc-- xf the First National Bank of Coalville, at Coalville, in the mate of Utah, at the close of business, Nov, 16, 1909. J, Don Birch, Graduate U. of U. (lefemlnnts he required to execute and Coalville City. Summit county, Utah, on or aid A liver to plaintiff a proper eonveyanre of before the 81th day of Muralt, A. I) 1H aid premises, ami In lie event of their Lict'itiA O. William hlitire so to do, that such conveyance tie for ttum by the Clerk of this Executor of the estate of Henry HWltllnm tvicuted fourt- JAMKS iNOVnKKTKRH, deceased. Attorney for Plaintiff. O Bute of llrst Pub Nov- - 1, A P, lyo Address. Rooms (Ul-- Boyd Park So. Main, Halt Lake City. Utuli P H Neeley, Attorni y, Cohlvlllo, Utah fpldg ltti Cate of llrst pub Oct. J Capital $25,000 Surplus $5,000 ' P-- . (Established May undcr-dgnv- Surveyor r information call on or address Daly-Wes- No. 7696. We pay' 4 Jt per-c- interest on Time ent We solicit youipatronage. Deposits. RESOURCES. NOTICE Unlted.JHBte Land OtBce.halt County Surveyor Loans and Discounts ,..,.$188,847,38 Lake City. Vtah, Nov . 11th, M. To Whom It May Concern: Notice Is hereby given Sur- Overdrafts secured and Surface and Underground 1,151.20 that the fdnte of Utah has Hied In thl-- of unsecured flee If ts of lands, selected tiy thesnld 'fat' U. S. Bonds to secure cirapveying. 25,000.00 under section 6 of the Act culation etc. . . . 41,708.68 proved July 16, ISM, a Indemnity School securities, Bonds, UTAH HOYTSVILLE lands, viz: sc' booTI7; unlade. 14, e j Bankiitg house, furniture m: I N R. 8 K. Serial Sec Sec 811, lie1 uvi1 Sis. 20; eWth-cTT- : T Lot Edward H. Rhead : ...... standing.,, .... 25,000.00 . . 7' ,., C-- it In the District Court of the Third Jwllrlni District in and for County of bumnlt, State of Utah Mary K. Rhondes, plalntlfl, vs. IIBcUn H Robertson, Howard Robertson, d R J Gillette, If living, and their wivexSsny, whose names are unknown to the pilnt IT, dud their widows, be'rs, I xeeutor itsd administrators, if deceased, and Mary E Spriggs, min lulstratrlx of the esue of John Spriggs, deceased, defeudittts u 4 ) A BIG BARGAIN ' v IN a-- )dl . to-wi-tt Notice is hereby given that at a Secret Society. meeting of the Board of Directors of the Climax Mining Company held on the 12th day of October, 1909, an . Coalville assessment of of one cent per share was levied, and assessed, I. pn the Capital Stock of said corporpayable to D. A. Walton, in Meets every Wednesday Evening ation, Coalville City, Utah, assistant secin Jones Hall Visiting Brothers retary, on or before December 11th, 1909. Cordially Invited. T Any stock upon whlchTsaid assessment shall remain unpaid on JJJ.OLARK.N a w O. STOCKMAN. V.O the said December 11, 1909, will be J. H. COUCH, Secy. , advertised for sale,. at public aucWM. WELSH. Treasurer. tion, and unless payment is made before, will be sold on January 12th, Notary Puhlir. 1910, at 2 oclock p. m. of said day, to pay the said delinquent assessment thereon together with the costs of advertising and expense of sale. Lodge No. 28, 0. O. one-four- th F. -- C. R. JONES, ' Notary Public Nov. 6, Alma Eldredoe, Secy, and Treas. 1900. Firemans Fund Resident Agent Insurance Company of Saw P'ratM'Uuo- - . - v Mary Ann B Oark is (at the Shoemakers.' the Agent (or Summit County (or v AL T.UA them for you. Coalville, - tperUU aaiM, wit boat cbniwa, IB jtb ScUnlincJlEerican. Lll. r orders I can Send mt Trade Marks Designs Ac. CoRyrights and dewriftfkm mmi AnotMVHtdlnf a sketrt) oar optmoa fre vbethtf ma mvanttoa tt probably fMiientJiMa. Communtra. nvnflcinfUL HANDBOOK ooPateaU Uoka$rtclp ft pent froth iMdaat emrinptmiU. St Co, 'oalTf PsidHita tlmtcrb Mima V DU Mr R. SALMONS. 1 Utah. dll flhird A hsnSsomely weekly. Jjirreet fftl eidmUoa of any wsentul kiaraaL Trm M l Bold : SL by 11 mwmImIctw year foar nonths, NewYcrt . Utah Snack Oow 9 5 W 8L, WSablagtaa, D. i ) The East one-haof the Southeast Quar-- j ter of bection 6, the Northeast (Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Hertlon IT. and, the Southwest Quarter of the South west. Quarter of Stetlon,i In Tow nshlp North of Range t East, Salt lake Meridian, excepting and excluding therefrom all to property right upon the surfnee and ai ant bulldlug. Jots, blocks, streets, allt-other municipal Improvement on the surt face of the above descrlls-premises, savd and excepting the hits hereinafter mentioned. with the improvements they eon;' the said property being known generally at tber "Spriggs Coal Mine Also all of lot .1. Block ai. Plot B Coalville City Survey ooutolulng 1) square rods, - more or less, a!' of lot 4. Block To, Plat B- Coalville Clt survey, containing 120 square rods, moreo4 less, all of that part of lot I, block 82,-- plat BOoalvtIIeCtty snrvey. commencing at the Northwest earner, of said lot, ruiuiinj thence south 5 cods: thence east 10 rods; thence north i rodslhi-ncwest 10 rod to the place of beginning; and all of that phi t of hit 4. block 81, plat B. Coalville CR survey, beginning at the Northeast corner of said lot, running thence West A rods; thence South 10 rods; thence East 6 rod, (hence North 10 rods to the place of beginning. That the defendants, Rueben H. Robertson. Howard Robertson and R J Gillette IMlvtngi wait I be t hue parti- whose name are unknown to the plaintiff claim an Interest In sold premises adverse to said plaintiff by reason of a certain United Htates Marshals Deed purporting to have been executed by M. Bhaugnfanessy lo the defendant. Rueben H Robertson dated December 8. 1H7S. and another United States Marshal's Deed purporting to have been executed by M Shnugphnessy to mild lf e R J. Gillette and dated which to h, without any and that thi orln-teres"have defendants no right, IlHc t said whatever In or to said premises May 15. right-whateve- r McJa A forRoom. Attorneys Plaiutiff. Utah Savings A Trust Building. Balt Take City. Utah. P. O Address: 406-- 7 If you are looking Jor Ladies, Misses Childrens Coats and Suits of and theihe latent New York styley, fit and quality combined. WE HAVE THEM Our Fall and winter gooods are now in , we have a full and complete line in every Dept. It will be a pleasure to have ourTclerks show you through, giving prices, etc.- We ask for a fair comparison, as we know it will pay you. , RemernberWe keep the best and jvsaop' mawiwr R'lj-- Si ni m vways have it. r X i'iIi lliflwslii al" nmr ISS3, said claims are alleged by plaintiff f a II. At 25 and 50peffflCash 1 'Phoned I Red." i -- otherwise within thirty ( daxs after and defend the above entitled aettoa: and fu citseof yotir failure so to do, Judy Notices. Legal ment will be rendered against yen accord-lug to the demand of the complaint whlrhi hn lieen flledwlth the Clerk of said Court ASSESSMENT NO. 3. Thl action to recover a JudgClimax Mining Company, ' princi- ment quieting brought title foTIie land ' plalutlfT pal place of business, Coalville City, descrtU'd lit the complaint as fnllowv. - Coalville, UtaK n 'PHONE 41 BLACK. . " W I On Hats, Coats, Underwear and Dresses David Rees, Alfred Blonquist SUMMONS. The Btateof Utah to the said dcfendtnD: , James Pinoreb. IL Too are hereby- - summoned to nwv Directora' 1 Sabserilied and sworn to before within twenty UKitdays after the sort k or thl summon upon ou if served within me this 23rd day of Nov., 1909. the County In w blch this action Is brought, C. R. Jones, Notary Public. - a lt it ini i Bit Btkttim ' v above-name- p. H. NEELEY considered sufficient evidence of the a mineral character of the grarta, nd selection thereof, being otherwise tth from objection, will be approved t4 tj., I State. E-R.Thotnpson, Register. , brought-t- o Summit County. Manufacturers of Flavoring Extracts, Toilet Articles, " and Caps ever ats Jos. Barber & Son Etc. Fur has the Finest Assortment of Awarded to and Individual deposits sub; 28, 844.69 ject to cheek-- , and Surgeon ? Savings Physician 115,442.72 deposits. Time certificates of deposit 2,462.81 Cashiers checks outstandOffice in Summit Block, Coalville l,448.o8 ing Total $383,973.85 4 m.' to 2 from p. Office Hours, State of Utah, of Summit) " All who can "should observe these County Frank Plngree, Cashier of the I, hours as near as possible. d bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is . true to the best of mv knowledge Law. and belief, Frank Finorie, Altorneys-a- t Cashier. Correct Attest: MRS M. E. RHOADES, Miliner, Gold Medal and Blue Ribbon , 13,-7- 7. OFRENCHr f Fair 1 f(t 1 ALFRED BLONQUlST,trE.Pf FRANK F1NOREC! , fT Summit County L50&BQ. and fixtures ut Due from National Banks reserve (not Abstracter. , K.. Svrlal N . R S T Due from approved relist. o far a they relate to 40,159.05 Copiah served agents wild tract by descriptive nilxll visions, hav Checks and other cash 182.42 been conspicuously posted in this office tot items Fractional paper cuirency Inspection by iuy person Interested and by srsSi 7.80 the public generally. During the period nickels and cents sssK-oSS'aJs5 ot publication of this notice, or any time .. . . . Specie. , thereafter and btfbre final approval fund with U. Redemption Loans Farm Real Estate, Insurance, and certification, under departments S. Treasurer (5 per cent 1.250.00 regulations of April 25, lwr. protests or con of circulation)... 0 fflce at Residence, Coalville. testa against the claim of the (state to anj Red No. t Total Phone $383,973.85 Utah. of the tracts or subdivision herelnbefort LIABILITIES. described on the ground that the same $ 25 000.00 more valuable for mineral than tor OB 4 Capital stovk paid In 6,000.00 cultural purposes will be received Surgeon Surplus fund. Physician Undivided profits, less exnoted for report to the Uoneral Land Ofilg 1,275.05 at Washington, 1). O Failure so to protvf penses and taxes paid... National Bank notes outor contest, within the time spetlfled, w lllip III. JAMES PINOREE, FalONrr; 8. BLACKMAN. VlCI Pat 1st Prize - ATTORNEY-AT-LA- -- Electric block signals-dustl- ess perfect Jrack. For literature and h-- Report of the condition ' u Z The Safe Road to Travel m , New steel passenger equipment Pacific name ns wit nesses iu the w ellfare of the childreu. Conault County Chirk or Kwpectivo Signer (Talmant Success Magazine, Room 103, SucWalter Calderwood. of Coalville, I'lah The social side' of the institute tor turtbar lu formation. I H. Salmon, cess Magazine Building, New York was J 8. Salmon. by no means forgotten. Frinotice to Creators. (mil Pauly, of Knight. Wyoming. City N. Y. day evening the visitors were the K I) K.Tbompson, Register. Estate o( Robert Birch, deceased. guests of the Park teachers at the a mill at vimii claims later and Creditor with present Vashlngton building ! to the umlerstgned at hi rcvld-lathe District Court o! the Third Judicial private daucing party.' Uville Precinct. Summit County. Utah, Hoj District In and for the County of Summit Mr.Yal-kot, of Through the kindness or before the 26th day of Morel, oh tail Slate of Utah. t, of the loll) William McM nMAhl- superintendent fame P t nssidy , Plaintiff v. Johann You Cant Be A Good Summit tiie Coalville peaagogues were Adinlnstrtor of the Estate of Kola 8ck and Per Perrsou. Is femlaut. SUMTimes. The Without s deceased . fanner MONS treated to ajilelightful trip through Dale of first Pub, Nov. IS. A. D loos. ft State of Utah to the said defendant: the mine. The superintendent provP H Neeley, Attorney. Coahtlle, ton are hereby .mummied to appear ed fully his ability as an entertainwith in twenty day after the service of tht iVottccto CrcMtor- ser, winning the hearts of all. The, nuaiuous upon you If served within the ouity In which this action brought, interesting trip and fine dinner to Estate of Sarah Spicer Hurtl'-r- ,1. after ervlce. claim with vouch- Akerwtse within thirty da which they were treated made our Creditors will fad nd nlmve difi the entitled action, and d at his residence In to the DR. C. F. WHERRITT teacheis just a little reluctant of ers ttcuse of your failure so to do. Judgment Kanin-.- , Summit Iouunty Utah on or afdid VUI so, however, be rendered against you according to leaving. They the filth day of Mari h A. 1 toll1. tke demand of the ter a hearty invitation to call . C. I.AMiiKrr. complaint, which wit Jons Dentist Administrator ofThe estate of Sarah JO days after the service of UiUauiumuti again. toil you will be Hied with the Clerk of Spicer Harder, deceased. f aid Court. There are plenty of good openings Bute offlrst Pub Nov 10,100 This action Is to recover a Judgin Summit County, but people dont P, H. Neeley, Atlorney, Ooulv tile, Utah. ment In favor ofbrought and KAMAS, - UTAH. plaintiff against defendants, adjudging ?that plalnliff-- 1 know them. A committee should the Uottcc to Creditors' Winer of the equitable title to the premise be appointed in each towu to see described In the complaint and that the deB Williams, dew need Store that the advantages are made known Estate of Honry Q ffice over Kin (JfwdUor wilt present claims with vouch- tain nts hold the legal title to laid " m. Xmas Timest The to 5 p. through in trust for the said plalntlfl. and that Hours: 9 a. m. at her reiUleor In ers to the pre-e- Best in the World Mile op |