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Show I ARE ENOUGH FARMS Secretary Wilson Says Bo Long! Before Grain Imported. "Soil Robbery" Only Peril Olaregard of Crop Rotation Laid to Syndl eatea Wheat Won't Oo Be-f Be-f low Dollar Mark. Waahlugton Home dny th ateady I nr rente of population In the 1'nlled Htatea la bound to overtni the ability of the farmer to provide for Ita ua-(auanrv, ua-(auanrv, bul that day la remote. In th opinion of Hecrclnry Wllaon of tli agricultural ag-ricultural department. Nor will It be ucceaaary. he bellevea. In the near fu-1 fu-1 ture tu Imiiiirl grain for bread, not- I wlthatandlng predlcllona by rertiiln i turn. ICverythlng. enya Mr. Wllaon, ! dependa on the dlapoaltlon of the iAiiierliuu farmer to make the moat of the reaotircce of hla land and to Improve Im-prove hla methoila of agriculture In accordance with Iho need of th people The aecretury aleo pointed to flg urea of crop production, allowing j that the value of the American farm 1 output In one year aggregated IT.l'.'.O,- j OOii.oiiii That wna for the culetidur , I year 1 HON. but the eecrctary waa roil- ' fulfill that, hiivlug In mind the higher irliea of the prcaeiit, the total Hits year would tie aa large, or perhapa ' larger. Kipcrta In the agrlcullurul de- . partment were at work, hu aald. pre ' Y paring data for the preacnt year ntul .J the rcatilt would he ahown In hla an nunl report licit winter. ' Iji1 year not leaa than 6t).00U.nnft v . buahela of durum wheat waa grown hi (the t'nlted Htutea and I'r llalloway. who la milking a apeclnl utility of Ihu ponhllilMtlea of thla gtuln, aaya that nt 21 atatloiia In the weal Invent Igntore ' were nnfc rlulnltig the condltloiia bint X adapted to Ita growtti. Ihiruui la a Kl- 1 I berlan grain, peculiarly tit for aoll In . which there la a vmull amount of j - j " tnolrturo. The aRrlctilturul depart- L j nieut bua found that It will grow j',- ; well wckI of the one hiindreilth merld ' ' , lau In the northwent, which meaua ' , ; anywhere weal of the middle of the ''' r Dukotua, and In the aeiul-arld regloua - of enateru WuH hlnnlnn and Oregon. V It haa been already produced at a coat '" ' of 06 to 70 centa a biiehcl. wlilih ' would return a handsome profit with I , I wheal above a dollar, j Hut the di'partment doe not ap ' prove tuothoda puraued by certain J grower. "Hull robbery," ir. Onllo way calls these methods, (ireat nyn-dlcste nyn-dlcste are farming tract of 10.0UO ) ' ' I , j , -j , LJ ,Lj acrea In wheat, planting the crop again and again without regard to rotation. ro-tation. Hecrelary Wllaon aald he waa aend tng eiperla to Hlherla lo obtain Ih s I of native grnnaea which realat unfavorabln climatic condition. Home of these have been tented aucceaafully and soon there will he no eirune for Ih eihaustlim of the northwestern wheat furnie If ordinary prudence I obaerved, Mr. Wllenu asserts. "Will American wheut go below $1T" the secretary wna asked. "Probubly not." he replied, "but there la no telling what might follow such a disturbance In the Industrial and financial world aa we had In IDU7 and If e meet such a crlala again It le possible lucre will be Mccnt wheat." |