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Show DANIEL WEBSTER'S CARRIAGE - Boston Business Man Who Owns Qreal w Scholar' Horn, Kssps th I Famous Coach, ; tloston. Walton Hall, a lloston business man, who now owna the farm t w here Daniel Webster lived at Marsh-Held, Marsh-Held, Muss., baa many relics of th .great scholar, among them being the couch In which Webster used to ride. ', Many person visit the place atinu- ' ally, and none leaves the place without with-out Initiating himself to the old coach, 1 which la not ao old, either, a far . aa appearance goea. Mr. Hall pur 1 chased the carriage and ha kept It In good repair. At th time Admiral Daniel Wsbstsr's Carriage. Sampson, Hcnntor Hoar and i-Oot. Iloutwcll visited tho pluce ho drove them through the town In It. Sixty vears ago presidents, distinguished men of Kurope, governors, senatora, hnve driven from lloston to Murshfteld behind thu cream-colored horses to vlhlt the great Amerlcun statesman. The same coach has carried equally distinguished men to the little plot In , 1 tho Murshlleld cemetery at the time or the memorial service held In his honor. In this same cemotery Oov. Joslab Wlnsiuw Is burled, also Peregrin White, born on the Mayflower, th first baby of New England. Hero, too. Is burled the famous singer, Adeline Phillips, who lived on thu next plac to the Webster estate. |