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Show UNCLE Si ANGRY NICARAGUA MUST ACCOUNT FOR EXECUTION OF TWO AMERICANS. Government Tlrea of High-Handed Mathodt of Small Central Amerb can Repoblica and Would Welcome Overthrow of President Zelaya. Washington. Announcement lhat thla government la tired of the hlgh-hnuded hlgh-hnuded action of amall Central American Ameri-can mpubllca. practically waa contained con-tained In a dlnpulfh aetit lain Thursday Thurs-day lo thn Iliui tl.-lila Hteimahlp company, com-pany, which aoughl the protection of tha state department from Interior nnre by luaurgenta now operating agaluat Proaldcnt Zelaya. An hour laler a peremptory note, couched In diplomatic language, but none Hie leae direct, waa delivered to Henor Kellpo Hodrlgtrcs. charge d'nr-falrna d'nr-falrna of Hm Nlcaraguan lega lon. demanding de-manding a full nnd complete explanation explana-tion uf tho execution of two Americana, Ameri-cana, Leonard (Iraca and Lcmy Cannon, Can-non, killed by order or Zelaya, when they wvro found In tho Inaurgent army. Tending a aallafnclory explanation of the occurrence. I'realdent Taft haa refused to recognize Isidore llnxera. new Nharagunn nilnlaler. Mr. Taft la thoroughly arnuaed by act Inns of lha Znlayan government and appur nntly Is delermltiud lo make thn lives of American cltliens much safer and much more roapeetod In Central America than they have been hitherto. |