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Show GATE PLANS FOR STOCK PENS a. a A jvwrl fVl pv- -I, B I t 4 . . r z P My ban la 30 feet wide, and across one end It la divided Into three pens, each tea foot square, write U. A. Clark, In American Agriculturist. The ale are ten feet long, and aro bung on common barn-door roller, and track, a will b seen by sketch. There If a stationary fence extending extend-ing from th wall half across each outside pen, D II, Fig. 1. lly shoving th gates to th right th loft-hand pen I opnd, and by pushing them to th left open the right-hand pen, while by parting the gate In the center cen-ter open Hie middle pen. Fig. 2 show the form of catch I use for the renter of the gates. If one bus a forge II ran be made very easily at Inline. C C In Fig. 2 are ahort projection projec-tion of wood beveled at the enda to pass between th bare of Hi opposite gates and hold them rigid when closed. Fig. t show th form of loop Hint may be made of old wagon tiro. II la occured lo the post thnt divide the pens, ao shown at a a, Fig. 1, and keeps the gate from (winging. |