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Show TROUBLE AHEAD FOR CHILE. Uncle Bam Veaed Over Delay In Settlement Set-tlement of an Old Claim, WarihtiiKton. Thn Alsop claim agalnat Chile for morn thnn a million dollnra. pending for thirty flvu yearn, haa mooHm-d a critical alage. Mr. Duwaon, American nilnlaler to Oillo, la now on hla way tn Washington, having left Mr. 1'lnrpiml In rhargo of tho legation. It la not Improbable, If tho Chilean government doea not con sent to a Html ectllcmcnt within the next fi'W days, or agrees to a protocol pro-tocol for Its reference to Tho HngiHt court, the American legation In Hanll-ago Hanll-ago will bo cloacd and Ita nretilvoa ptuccd In thn haiuta ot tha American consul for aafo keeping. Intimation to thla effect baa been given to Minister Cruae. representing Chllo In Wash-Ington. |